Monday, December 26, 2016

PEACE AT LAST. By the magus of Denver.

   Finally after having removed many, also deeply with disregard "booted" out directly off my silat tv web side - Steve Gartin, and many of his followers and many others not really serving me, and my associated friends and devoted students any intended service as a silat community had always been their own self servers. Several of them had always interrupted, and had provoked insultingly slurs by bad mouthing me the most, and others who are my top rated practitioners. I knew them all, with the exception for some of those out the same idiotic circle for any justifiable practice of silat or kun tao. For sure their badly practiced leader, the corrupted liar and fake had misled all his followers by corrupting them through his stupid guru program; for them was easy to achieve any rank. Gartin him self was always behind a camera, and just like the late Bob Orlando; had done some practice at one time or another, were training under me -- as short endured practiced students. I respected Bob Orlando over Steve Gartin, and Chaster Clement with their falsified marketing schemes had taken from me the many things they never had ever earned to claim.  Guru Orlando regardless of any discomforting situation through misunderstanding between us, had always honored me and respected me. Steve Gartin and Chaster Clements were just the two ugly white men thinking to own my soul and system; but I had ended with them long time ago and found my rewarded studies of them quite interesting. They always find pleasure to rant me, and often had irritated me with their self illusion of disgraceful thinkers with the know it all addicted ill faded poppies. To much the pot smoking junkies for associates.  For the long years I had known these two unworthy a*******, found them the worse of idiots i ever had associated my self with.. Gartin always ranting off for never to be captured alive, after being released by the authorities may make those claims anytime to convince many of his followers. But for a check of realism was Gartin like a poppy dog when arrested. Claimed always that they were scared for him from judges to many others could be only a silat bully with Clements alike. My true feeling on these two stupid characters can easy be digested that never to worry about them, and face them straight on. There are others I had trained could easy clean their a**** in seconds. I would not restrain myself from doing my good deeds for being an attacker when any of these two a******* when sided in my backroom. Arthur Kidwell another a****** under the Gartin's smelly glamour may come and be a participant for me to accommodate this a******'s rank as a guru muda to end up by letting him feel the institution of my pleasure --that he is just a piece of s*** in need for more real training in silat or kun tao; instead of the cow town silat or kun tao he had learned to achieve from Gartin.   The man Gartin, a cheat and a fake and an badly practiced imitator of my system could only relate his experience from behind a camera.  Then there is a Ma Ha guru in the humanistic deformed under mental stress, (Aric Flour) given the rank as issued by this Gartin incorporated made it may pleasuring endeavor to write even more for my crusade of justice. A Ma Ha Guru as unskilled in kun tao and silat, and always shooting out his mouthy experience for his training and unable to fight him self out a grocery's paper bag could only show the unreal training received under Gartin. No wonder Gartin was able to gain many of those lazy people for practitioners of gaining easy a ranked title. ( It is a self inflicted wound for experience).  Non of Gartin's incorporated students in following could fight them self out of a real situation. Why to me will the American Kun Tao Silat always be the biggest laughter for my entertainment to succeed non of my expectation for being any good. The list with their names as great and excellent practitioners could only show that they were trained and taught by a blind leader considering himself a superior being with his floppy disk mouthy expression always trying to humiliate me with his YOUTUBE adventuresome disposition of his loosely lips expression.  Would be hard for Gartin by succeeding his false pretend for an intend --there are to many on my side and far exceeding his following in numbers. Gartin's best will bite the dust against my lowest trained student. This is the situation Steve Gartin had created for him self is for me just to expand my horizon for more of my writing in therapeutics. I enjoy sharing my true feeling with my friends and students to decline and dismiss all the claims of Steve Gartin and all his lies. Well for sure always is smoking bad weeds for his bad illusions. He still in his copying h*** and waiting for his outer space father to come to invade the world with troops out of outer space. Flying objects are coming with enormous speed to knock us out of our chairs when Gartin's outer space allies come to rule the world. Perhaps than could Gartin be the next governor of New Mexico. With his Cow Town kun tao or silat for an unimaginative true exposure by taking away his actual knowledge for having learned his real practice of a de Thouars art. Gartin just did asked  for me to be responsive, and I will continuously do so. This little worm for an ex student always try to be a superior a****** over me. Guess what he has a longer way to reach my level for just being myself. He has nothing to compare with but just his loosely lips to express his feeling of no contend.  A rant and ugly white ex student imagining himself a supreme well practiced kun tao or silat exponent was always merely a raw beginner needed to create his boom cow town kun tao for kempo, and silat for what ever he was able to digest his comfort.
Peace finally came to eased my spirit and soul. Why Gartin? Others just bored me to death for writing about them.  For my therapeutics is Gartin and Clement my best to endorsed.
Before Christmas will write another beefy stew column for sharing my enthusiasm in writing.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

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