Friday, December 9, 2016

ANOTHER RUBRIC. By the magus of Denver.

In finalizing of my testimonial expeditious writing with a full intend, had described the many sources I drew my conclusion from by writing the truth, like a poison ivy to those I wrote against. Years after years had taken their abusiveness in writing, and on other web sides by underrating and discriminating those of the many others who were cheaters, liars, exploiters and profiteers to racketeers munching of me, my name by butchering up my system. Most were the old ex students always like a flashy bad lightening strike were thinking able to humiliate or destroy my image or effortless teaching and my personality. They were all ganging up against me for whatever reason --kept forgetting that the better times for me, like a charm came upon the surface to slowly disfavor their stupid mistakes to question my intelligence. But also to commensurate my strong addiction for writing in defense of myself, I enhanced not to restrain my impulsiveness to counter their contradictions of failing their intended which craft thinking to bring fear on my spirited life. I was always a very spirited man, and fully energized with the keyboard or in physicality to disperse my energy in a right prospective. Why I write the so many things, for sure regarding myself, and also find a happy trail to disperse my blood in vengeance against those I am writing about --since they were all against me, why not put myself as the Prophet to culture their greater lacking my understanding. I am in tune with my keyboard, and in my place of harmony in comfort. They are going to bed, and I am fully awake. My psychological battle hardened plan. Some of the writing in this paragraph came from quotations from the battle hardened field commanders of our historical past. Just made the description to suit my persona as fully justified in my own words.
  Now to my intend like to degrade Jim Ingram first for corrupting his lies, and in following also like to address another issue to bite harder and strong on Steve Gartin, and Chas Clements who wrote a lot some years ago trying to bring humiliating my family, my wife and mostly making their biggest effort of shrinking me at their will in vengeance.  If Chaster Clements had really be gone to die by passing on is just to bad for my written intend. He never knew what I was thinking. But at any rate will be bursting out my usual written contend of attack and attack. Clements to Moscow was another lie of this man in question, was never to great for his silat that the Russians were dying for him  to have to come to that city for teaching. Many came from him were his fabrication of his own wild fantasized dream world. What to expect out of Clements in being always a large devotee of a follower from Gartin the instigator and exploiter and corrupted liar of a thumb sucker. Anybody associated with that Steve Gartin, and son is a big time looser. Besides, Clements  until times end was always the  supporter and greatest importer for Steve Gartin's Far distance Learning Program were unlawfully making use of me, and my well trained experts. They have exploited and for years after years had profited from me. and stull Gartin and his son and the American Kun tao silat are still are making profits out of my efforts. Steve Gartin a silat and kun tao prostitute is still hanging on to me for dear life in fear of loosing his money schemes. And yet, keep bad mouthing me on the YOU TUBE., He sure is a bad piece of nature's twist for a perfect living spicy in man. Steve Gartin is an a******, remain an dwarf of a practitioner and remain an exploiter, and profiteer and butcher of my good deeds in practice. I hate him for always with no restrain. Gartin's skin is thick and his ears fully pasted with filth and dirt. In what I am writing is excellent for my well in being, and something good to write about the many things I always had in store for Steve Douglas Gartin and his son and the flip flop Aric Flour who could never fight his way out a wet grocery paper bag.  This smothering burito guy for a follower always with a puffed up ego thinks of himself as the most deadly dangerous silat practitioner with a loud mouth. Than all of Gartin's followers looking like dull practitioners loudly screaming and showing off their worse in practice. I would be fully ashamed to show of or brag something never fully practiced, and to me looking more like a mixture of bad kempo and sloppy silat. Gartin always thinking to beat the real kun tao in my circle of practice with his badly induced of his boomerang misplaced cow town practice. Why Gartin to me, always a looser for a bad blind maestro. COME TO PAPA A******, AND I WILL SHOW YOU YOUR BILL CHANG'S  KUN TAO WITH MY INSTANT REPLAY. LET ME SHOW YOU THE REAL KUN TAO, YOU THE CROQUETTE OF A GARTIN. UP YOURS GARTIN, AND COME AND FIGHT ME. I AM 81 AND STILL FULL OF PISS AND VINEGAR. you a****** be looking like me at 81, and still moving like a youngster. My kun tao and silat is a proven fact and for real and yours is badly invented as the worse for kun tao and silat. After all were you, and Clements not at on time or another the silat bullies? Let me help you to outdo your stupid idea for being the dangerous practitioners for silat or kun tao. You talk like s*** and you train like s***/ You was always challenging law enforcement for fighting them; let me take their place and fight you to kick your ass as my ex and worthless student with you always behind the camera instead of learning in how to practice. So f*** you mr Gartin and your filthy beard. You are not Black Beard, but a dirty beard for an a******.
Anyway my touch of vengeance. You are really a piece of work and a bigger a****** Gartin.

    Why I like to spit out my without any attempt well polished blistering fury of blood in thirst also against my own younger (ex) brother Victor de Thouars. Victor de Thouars, Steve Gartin and Chaster Clements were always together like a sponge taking in the better seeds in deeds from others. The three men were always their own corrupted liars to cheat on reality. Do not think of my writing on them as an allegation for accusing them --it is the purity of truth that can never be denied.
   Steve always behind the camera, and fully loaded with nonsense to booster up his undernourished honesty, and just like Victor and Clements always giving blame to others; venturing though a  falsified blame they made up in stories to dis pair others trying to run away from their own realism for truth. They hate the truth and comfort their hidden practice by deceiving themselves through the many lies they assorted for their bad business adventures. After the years of having known about them, is my attested statement for my rubric hereby openly a declaration of my independence of openly expressing my feeling.  I can without any restrain show Gartin what he can do with his Bill Chang's know how in sloppy practice of kun tao and in silat. No wonder all of his students are alike the worse of sloppy and motionless turtles for their worse expertise of training. Having noticed in how they have butchered up my system to merchandise and in their badly untalented show extraction. Like that Gartin, and Clements they remain bad imitators and worse for their knowledge in silat and in kun tao. They are the living bad smelling croquettes as their very best liking to be an example of their own deliverance for a laziness of my butchered up system  as their expertise by their own expectation of them self. In real combat they are in for the biggest of surprises that they were led by a blind maestro like the worthless Steve Gartin -- a poppet for bad performance as the real functioning for the realism for  kun tao and silat. They are doing kempo injustice and worse for my art in practice.  What an a*******.
  Paul de Thouars was always Victor's Serak teacher by just going back in history. He had never served in the marines, only knew how to plaster his head in a marine's body with a photographic trick. He was never fighting the Vietnam war. His supposed to have been Mar Djoekie was just another of Victor's marble shooting buddies he grew up with, and were both ten years old when Victor left Mar Djoekie. For sure a ten years old kid fully trained in serak or Sera and a miracle teacher? Victor just wanted to be far above Paul for his addiction for being worse than envy over his own brother who taught him. He denied his teacher, and easy for him to deny any other friendship, providing Victor has any friends left to murmur his bad fruitless tree trunks. Steven Gartin, Chas Clements and Victor de Thouars for sure a dull trio together.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

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