Friday, December 9, 2016


  Not surprising at all for me in becoming a hardcore continuous writer against many, and in particular always my related issue toward Steve Gartin, and Chaster Clements. They had it coming to them, that I by my own indulgence of reprisal will never spare my rod to deal out punishment in my wordy description or even when necessary in a physical contest. In regardless who they are, and I will be continuous for writing my issues.   For a long time were Gatin and Clement always taking the initiative to down grade, and always had tried to slander  the reputation of the de Thouars brothers. Was the lesser of my caring against Victor. Not when it concern me.  They had the supremacy with their keyboards in writing against the de Thouars name. They were attacking my brothers, and mostly against Victor in how stupid he was, and anything that could be wrongly written of the most  insane allegations toward my (ex) younger brother.  Many toke their bait of aggression and joined the webpages they were managing in making comments against the de Thouars. Was never in my forget me not column.  They smeared mud to disgrace the de Thouars name with their false pretentious intent, and were by far the most of hypocritical idiots for men contradicting themselves. They were acting like selfish esteemed hypocrites, profiteers of the de Thouars, and always had used our de Thouars name to distinct their claim for having achieved  the very best of gurus under the de Thouars name. Perhaps in some ways may have been true by their own  assuming ( to make an ass out of them self) to delegate their unwashed thinking full of corrupted corrosion. Maybe under Victor who always had a closer ties in friendship with these two idiots for the worse in silat and kun tao. Steve Gartin, his son, and the American kun tao silat are still profiteering to make money off the de Thouars name; allowing them self to slander me by trying to drag me through their mud pile. Since the beginning was Steve Gartin always the most  untrustworthy of all my ex students, in relating to Gartin a hypocrite, a profiteer, a self proclaimed master, the worse of liars, and always a parasite to munch off the sweat and laboring effort of others. This put himself on the same scale as the Silat w**** from Holland, Walter van der Broeke completely not an indifference for him to be in my consideration as the silat prostitute out New Mexico.
  Steve Gartin, a silat prostitute, a hypocrite, a liar, a profiteer. a termite and a self serving idiot!  I am repaying him his favor back in what he and Chaster Clements wrote against me some years ago. They thought to shame me in what they were writing; but somehow  a change of time made me comprehensive in dealing with my past history. The truth will always serve the most of incredible consequences for Gartin to overcome. This a****** may face me anytime for me with no retrain to act upon.
  The only good thing I could say about Clements that he was a good writer, and when in my consideration in relation to Steve Gartin --was it always Roger Brockman, his ex student who wrote the best for Gartin. Guru Roger Brockman became afterwards a faithful, and devoted student under me with my appreciation. I rate him levels above Aric Flour who tailored badly in following Steve Gartin, his blind kun tao and silat master with no backbone. When he like to claim a backbone may find him a fish on dry land hopping for air. Steve Gartin remain an a****** to me, and will always be a jerk.
  History will always repeat it self for my aggression to disperse my feeling that consequences has to be served. I really feel very contained for my continuous writing my feeling,  by declaring Steve Gatin and Chaster Clements the parasites and profiteering idiots of the de Thouars name.  They are profiteers, they are jerks and they are a*******.
  By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

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