Sunday, December 4, 2016


   For years had known the Mustika Kweetang School, and also had known of the successor of the system, in Tanah Tinggi, in Jakarta. My uncles of de Vries, and Max Lentze were for certain more acquainted with the leading masters of the system, made Max Lentze also the best among the older generation of Dutch Indo players.
  Mustika Kweetang as a system, is also a Hokienese of Chinese origin,  it is a Southern Chinese kuen tao system and hardened with a total iron skin training very much lacking of the Mustika taught in Seattle or Tacoma of the Washington state. Any of the students taught the system under the same guru besar could never have made any of the training, in Jakarta. Why, when I was in Hawaii many years ago, had advised the very best of the American Mustika art to made their own discoveries and go to Jakarta, and find out the real deal. They were totally educated in how hard the kun tao training was with jurus, langkas, pantjars in very steep and low horse stances so accustomed in the training of Mustika. A real Mustika player is trained to very hardened his iron body for unleashing power and kicking the body is a total shield -very much like the old ci mande tulen. I had known several of the real Mustika experts, met them in Holland and some in East Java --why Mustika was never to unfamiliar for me --but kept my silence by watching those fraudulent players claiming to know Mustika.  They were my inner laughter for years, just didn't knew my real thinking. After their discoveries, they came to study under me since the time as they were parting from the guru besar in Washington, and still train under me the real kun tao and old school silat. The group in Hawaii under Dr Behati Mershant  are with me for over twenty years by now.  I will build with the aid of Dr Behati a training center special for old hand kun tao, and pentjac sialt Serak and old school silat of East and Central Java. The same group of people also discovered, discovered that my family was already been acknowledged in West, Central and in East Java. In fact I do have many great relationship with many of the gurus in East Java, and Central Java and with many in Malaysia. I am in touch and they are in touch, and also have frequent visits of outstanding East Javanese gurus and healers. I d have a greater relationship with the martial gurus of East and Central Java through my studies in the Tjangkring Silat, and the Pekalongan silat of Tuban. Why I never have to worry somebody in our Western Hemisphere trying to destroy my knowledge in kun tao or old school silat while still in diapers by comparing them selves with me. Even ex old students who wend leaving to other masters they never had really been training under and find them on JOUTUBE.  Always bad mouthing me give me only a justifiable cause to write more. They are still in their copying h*** unable to leave their family and jobs --while I keep marching on as freely as I express my feeling with no strings attached. Because of them, and many others who always had underestimated me  - I expanded largely and with a greater and better group of people is now Worldwide. I never had anything to lose, and gained more for the good of my family and system. Why I should I care of those not liking me. They are in their copying h***, and me, I am flourishing through expansion. Why I write a lot more to bend noses. The truth a poison ivy.
  Of all the Dutch-Indo-Chinese masters in our past is Edgar Lie Gai van der Groen still being acknowledged by the old silat  school in Jakarta, and still given the best of recognition as the most Senior under his silat teacher. The van der Groens are the only ones I keep near my heart. Some years ago, one of my students toke a trip to Indonesia and met and visited Paps or Lie Gai van der groen and wend also to the same school he had studied many years ago.  The two van der Groens are now long gone, and their names will always reside deep in my heart as my real friends of the Dutch East Indies. Why somehow I am still a family of the Imua Shantung kun tao of Oslo, Guadalajara and Colorado. I treasure the Imua over allthe other kun tao arts from Indonesia. Although no longer to consider myself as the Secretary of the Imua shantung kun tao, I feel wrongly justified that position since I don't practice or teach Imua shantung kun tao.  But kun tao silat de thouars, and the Imua Shantung kun tao goes in hand in hand together,  because of the emotional friendship in association between my self and the van der Groens, and many under them.  I am very much in touch with all the three groups of excellent practitioners. My best regard to Dr Armando Soto, and following. My best to my own Head instructor in Guadalajara, who know our two systems like a dictionary and for sure under guru Marcelo Rainero, here in Colorado.
  I will always return in no matter how many like to kick me of a lather --I shall return in no matter what as a great survivor of time. Like it or not, I am here to stay and you in your copying h*** to whine and dine your sad stories --and complain about me that you could only whine, while I drink wine to dine. Is not easy to put an old scrapper down, and when you kick my ass --just ask your self the painstaking in feeling I leave you behind for years of your remembering state of your mind set. I no longer have much to lose anymore but more pleasure to gain in any stain of battle no matter in winning or losing. I don't give a s***. I am young at heart and full of piss and vinegar. I fear no one as nothing as an old junkie man who is a crafty man in creating better crafty skills.
  So you a******* of whiners this conclude my mission to expose the nature of truth in me.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

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