Monday, September 25, 2017

Gartin & Bill Chang the donkey and a camel when it comes to Kuntao & the truth.

Looking back at some old tapes shot on 9 mm film, and particular with me demonstrating the opening of our system - which influence came strongly out a Northern Kwantung Kun tao set, as taught by sifu Willem Chen was long before Randell Goodwin, Steve Gartin and Bill Chang, (I sponsored) came to me. Gartin immediately made his claim to puny fame by bragging that him, and Theo Tjong Oen had helped me to develop our opening as an identification for our system's opening. Bill Chang resembles much the kid teenage president of North Korea, always opening his big mouth to scare even his sponsor --he thought he did. Lucky for me to made a study project out of Theu, Gartin and the two hundred others I needed to remove. Deep regretting that I had allowed Randell Goodwin, who I can easy characterize as a flight by night who flies of the handle to climb from branch to branch. Also even with my deeper resentment for letting Steve Douglas Gartin come , even for a short time student train under me, and the man I once trusted and did sponsored Bill Chang, who came to end up as a spoiled breathe with a weak legacy , in Bandung was nothing more but a Cimande do, and karate do practitioner had to put on Aikido uniforms to impress others. His jumping around is an easy piece of cake, that many of my trained experts knew how to jump around even further then this self proclaimed supposed to be kun tao master from Bandung. and also could even reach the sealing better. U Un Suraya now long gone, showed only his spoiled breathy Allah wishes to those he could convince, as Gartin tries always to brag his kun tao and silat experience by bad mouthing me on the YOU TUBE, and through other channels. But as my proof is like pudding in a pie, easy remove all of Gartin's claims, and in what he is trying to show with his newer tapes, with three pistols and a baby goat. It also shows Gartin a greater unflattering example of one of Willem Reeders students. For sure that Joe Judt, an instructor under Gartin look just as badly arranged as Gartin his teacher. So Steve Douglas Gartin you even tries harder to brag you silat and kun tao experience only end up with your bad showing for being an amateur placed an image of a bad cowboy unable to ride a bull or wild horse. You brag to much without able to show your real silat or kun tao training. You may had your ways in with all the other de Thouars brothers; but never with me, as the last of the Thouars, and the oldest in serak will always rebuke and find my hatred in you. You are a big nothing in my outstanding legacy; but a worse amateur trying to be even once a part time student under me. Wake up and be more constructive with your fabrication of lies liking to be counted as a true lineage holder under some other master of the no goods. My true feeling hereby expressed. Oom Willem de Thouars.