Wednesday, December 28, 2016

EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE. By the magus of Denver.

Was it necessary for me to write so many negative responses, landing on the souls and spirit and foot soles of those who were deserving to be on my receiver's end? To them was for sure a staggering repulse and annoying for having to read, time after time --my well constructed and aggressive, relentlessness  for expressing my true feeling in words. It was necessary to write the truth, the truth and nothing more but the truth, that somebody has to correct the mistakes by others who were misleading the purity of truth. It was my job to place my self in a position for embracing many enemies for purely the  comprehensive sanity of my therapeutic expansion to counter with my aggression the false claimed lies of the bad Serak exponents.  They overcompensated their misleading showmanship to a crude behaviorism of the real art. Mainly my core of objectiveness was through a large in accountability of information received.  Hereby thus summarizing my deep consideration in relation to Serak; in what became of the art serak, in the United States, Holland and even the shores of West Java. The corruption brought upon by the motivators, pioneers, now days the legends and the uncountable gurus who are now progressing to outdo the original intend for teaching the art --became strongly motivated out of purely a distinction of economical reasoning, and through the invention of fabricating stories. End up to summarize by suckering in the would be victims by misleading them of buying  bad pears for good apples.
  Individuals like Walter van der Broeke, a misleading Silat prostitue from Holland; was taken a fully acceptance with the Serak community in West Java, and through his ways upon he could easy rest was his kissing up his adventuresome idea to overtake the world of Serak by a lightening storm. His real martial background was absolutely a real  sheerness of adventuring  by destroying any good silat practice. He was a prostitute to Dolf de Vries, a prostitute to Paatje Flohr, and became the biggest of prostitutes by kissing up my late brother's behind the horizon's ass. His practice remain to be seen as the worse ever produced by any infant on a mother's lap. He got away with his smothering esteem of a lower grade man to be false and pretentious.  With tons of diplomas, and signed by my late brother was able to gain a large in following by even the better practiced exponents in silat. He gained his way to even convince many, who were my ex students where of the same in character of the Dutch whore -- whom I taught nothing and whom I had removed were hundreds. They fooled them self just for the wallpaper  never  could find my any of my acknowledgement. There are still boxes full of those paper trash, with the PDT Academy, myself,  I shuffled  away  somewhere in  a copy h*** in my trash container  and many also given to others. All those signed documents by Paul are no longer of any value, in our environment. Only valued by those of my termination in efforts.
  Out of frustration for losing a grip to reality for here in the United States, that suddenly the silat whore from Holland made a claim that Michael Roberto was only allowed to teach Serak, under him. For sure made that whore from Holland my best intend for a good article to write. He only may had  wished, he could be true to commend his stupid and  dumb insulting wishes for the real experts of knowing Serak. A whore remain a whore. He may come to Colorado at any time to show his stuff to many here will clean his dirty ass to show him our real Serak practice. Paul's whole system of Serak is a true irrelevancy for my orderly approval.
  And my reason, although somewhat late, to write my blog posting, and editorials for here on silat tv. was to write the truth. Anyone associated with Steve Gartin; the whole American kun tao silat; the PDT Academy: the VDT Academy; be friends with Roberto Torres; the Serak community in Indonesia; Jim Ingram; and many others in the Dutch Indo community and also the ones in Holland or any one in friendship with any friendly with my ex students and associates --will immediately find a dis contempt to remove all off  any of my web sides. This article will be my next blog post for my Face Book webpage.
  I thank with my deep appreciation my loyal friends as devoted followers in Colorado; Acten, and in Salem, in Mas; in Hawaii; in Guadalajara; in  Scandinavia; in other parts of Europe; in New Jersey; in Florida; in Maryville in Ten; in Baton Rouge, LS; in Conn; in Los Angeles, Calif; in Northern Calif; and they are also in many other states and countries. Of them were getting the best of my training, and will make my Serak art more spiced up for a realistic check. More are coming to request me for training Serak and kun tao under me.  My schedule for 2017 already start to fill up. It will keep me busy to keep me young at heart in becoming healthier in a steady flow.
  I thank  my loyal and strong devoted practitioners as the most of the best in excellence I had ever taught over the ones I expelled or removed.
For the ones removed, Goodbye, and for the ones on my side will always treasure and be caring for you with all my heart in spirit. Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

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