I left the Dutch Indo community for good, was my wiser decision to leave a gossiping colony, and shading away from many of those self proclaimed masters, who never wend on to educate them selves to learn about the history of their systems. Everything they knew was based on assuming, and bad jungle book stories came about on the surface as their spoken words. And, " wallah" a world of fantasy was a creation out the wisdom of blind masters leading the blind. For sure I also know several who are for real and knew their systems like spreading butter on a sandwich. There are several my friends, and just fewer over the most others as I knew them. They are my big bad wolf story tellers liking to make them self so important.
I actually have a discomfort for having to write about my own brothers, who created the chaos among their students -that many had left them, many wend on with their lives and some still around. And they were not the only ones of pertaining by claiming their history as back lashes to splash a rainy h*** in the ground. There were many others who are friends from each other, and just could not help to gossip about each other trying t make them self greater than they actually could despair their adventurous story telling. Trust me the very best of a critic is non better than a Dutch Indo, and the rest is history. That to me is like observing a bunch of old ladies in men - from my age category and to some even older. But let the truth prevail its adventure for knowing history and truth, and for me to keep my students informed.
Paul, Victor and others of the same styled ideologies for masters had always deceived their students for not knowing their own Serak history - they were assuming things and made up their own histories. It was told to them by uncle Ventje and uncle John de Vries only relating to Mas Djoet and Mas Djoet. They never wend further to research, while where as me, always was a student of history and trained under better condition for the information of making sense. I studied both arts, the Mas Djoet lineage and the Cheribon Serak, and studied under the direct lineage students of Pak Serak. Non had ever known me for my years of accumulation in studies from the very best in silat and in the old hand kun tao. Why I am always refreshed when teaching the many very different things. I will even be stronger in teaching my Serak systems -while the students of all my brothers are trying for dear life to make them self known as the only styled lineage holders for Serak. Victor always denying Paul his teacher - another of those Dutch Indo masters liking to be different and better than the one who taught him. My students always knew the difference between my brothers, and ME the underrated under dog. I am healthy, never in fear, still jumping and punching city dumpsters making dents in the iron frame work and still training, and feel good as young as I was at the beginning. I am also surrounded with the very best of practitioners -never had any problems with students - because when I don't like a student just boot him out, and had indeed for my good deeds terminated two hundred friends and students - all in one day. I have no problems in following like my brothers and others, and for what as students and instructors I have under me now - are priceless and loyal and devoted to my training. I am always eager to go on my trips in knowing I will be teaching the very best in people - I get energized and share more of my knowledge with only those of my chosen specials in people. Why I also had established Serak training centers, here in America and going globally.
In what Cliff Steward and Stephan Plinck have always told about me, just consider you self their source in what Paul and Victor told them about me. I never had shown them anything - only when they came was just showing them something for them to form an opinion of me -why is good to be an underdog at all times. In what they thought they knew about me were just a few piss drops of water in the bigger river stream. In Los Angeles showed them nothing, only when they are gone and far apart from my teaching's ground level. In private I show my followers under Mathew Cowan my most of confidentiality in training. In what Plinck and Steward know is nothing but a despair for a reality check that they remain Paul's unfinished students. Non under Paul or Victor are above my followers. They are the masters of NON.
Will close my this morning's editorial with another poem.
Emerald speak polish heaven. I wander, sweeping clouds away, forgetting years.
looking for the ancient Way. Resting against a tree, I listen to stream water,
black ox dozing among warm blossoms,
white crane asleep in towering pines.
A voice calls through river - tinted dusk,
but I've descendet into cool mist alone.
Good kung fu anyone? By Oom Willem de Thouars, the phantom of Serak.
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