Tuesday, April 4, 2017



  It is non more but something out of life virtue that charms itself around the nature of truth, in regard of the many things that was happening in my past life. Sometimes can hate from deep within be a lively charm to indulge a recollection for a memoir, and through hate a freedom of expression in writing and also to set one's soul free. I found that the truth had set me always free to express my deeper feeling. In a Westernized world is hate a bad thing, but never for me, a Dutch East Indian goes well together with the flow of my nature in spirit. Hate and love have the same quality; one endorses a non stoppable compassion and the other is an unrestricted passion to relieve the hidden pressure from within and also my most reasoning to find a pleasure for writing is like my therapeutic expansion by embracing my memory for going back in time. In going back in time is the cause for my indulgence of my therapeutic expansion, fully an endorsement to recollect two infidels for morons not to wash away my memoir. They left behind by me a longer history than anyone else that I ever could write about was for certain these two silat bullies - as i named them the Heckle and Jacky silat bullies who always were trying to enforce their own corrupted laws pretending they were the driving force behind silat; they mostly had learn from the de Thouars brothers in regard of the little silat they knew.  Inclusively also relating to kun tao they only knew from their kempo experience, also as the insanity for being as half practiced. But were able to claim kun tao and silat mostly through my efforts, and later my brothers, Paul and Victor. The two morons i am writing about could never be more for my own complacency to satisfy the energy of my finger touching on my keyboard are most certain Steve Douglas Gartin and Chester Clements were two individuals always pridefully standing behind their lies out a false kingdom.
  Victor de Thouars, my own brother was always on their side, and actually their dealings was more with Victor. They wend their extra mile for Victor, for whatever reason that my own brother had warned me that Clements could take my own daughter to court for accusing him from smoking cigarettes. {I just had terminated the long life contract these two vagabonds had me sign, a contract, I immediately had terminated and kept the two morons thinking that they still had a contract with me.}  For a fact Chaster Clements, and in my back yard was not smoking cigarettes but was smoking dope. He was still puffing something could easy be noticed that Gartin and Clements were always smoking, and actually always were smelling badly like a dope depot. I was ready to be in court and in defense of my own daughter. The two morons thought to own anything in what I had were even trying to own on the name family gathering, and anything else that could them make money. why the three Victor, Gartin and Clements were always together.   Clements even delivered supposed to be lawful papers by serving those on my own family gathering against my own daughter, and others who always had supported me. That was stupid that according to these two morons was protecting me; but for a reality check were actually protecting their main interest for their own money adventure and always were thing, I was weak and stupid. I am the master of my own domain, in martial arts or social life standing and threw out two hundred a******* like the two morons. My mistake was for letting them play their game of interest for them self, at a costly expense of my own. They thought I was weak, stupid, uneducated and that they could get away with bloody murder to make money of my skin.
  On chaster Clements was always a strong believer and follower after Steve Gartin. According of Clements that he had money invested in the de Thouars, and in business was all based on lies. His only investment Clements always had was his time on the internet and writing b*******. Also his advertisement was not costing him or Gartin anything. My time on my computer is for certain not an expense, and my many advertisement for my seminars was also for free and costing me nothing. I had great and excellent students who did the best job for all my advertisements, and their labor of love. They were better and more informed.  In fact was also doing a more constructive job than Gartin and Clements. I was more effective. So their investments they claimed they had was all at my expense They always had taken me for granted,  I already underwent a bad experience with Clements when he told that he was spending money for Bill Chang, when we both were in the lawyer's office. His mistake was telling it to me, and he was only coming for the ride with me. Chester Clements always came in for the ride with Steve Gartin and for Victor. His money spending was always a flat nickle worth to cost others a large sum of money. Why they were able to munch of me, and my family name until I wend in outburst to deny, decline or dis claim these two morons with the two hundred others for my dismissal of them. I just hate them even more for what they had done to me, and my family.
   Clements health deficiency was not my doing that only time was the cost of his suffering. I only could wish him well, and could never have any feeling for him or Steve Gartin. They were rotten a******* to me with their bullying attitudes. Time is now on my side, and also I am better informed. Steve Gartin is still making money off me, my system and old tapes. I will confront them at any time -physically - mentally or in any court room. It would be better  for Gartin to munch of Bill Chang his teacher, he enjoy liking to claim his master. He should forget ever to have trained under me, even if it was for a short duration and leave far behind any of my influences on his practice. My reason to hate Steve Gartin, Chester Clements, Gartin's son,  and the whole American kun tao silat and all their lies.    They will never be acknowledged by me, as they were terminated as unwanted. iI will always hate them.
   Look forward to see the members of my Sunday morning class, this Sunday morning for more harder practice in Serak and in kun tao. My personal art.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, themagus of Denver.

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