Monday, November 28, 2016

THE MASTERS WHO TAUGHT ME. By the magus of Denver.

 After all in what I wrote targeted at the worse of enemies, I needed to experience were my commentaries on them quite effective. The many I had removed, terminated and booted out were mostly species of human beings, who were my experimentation and I taught them very little. Steve Gartin, Chas Clements were just two out of the so many I felt good about them for having used them as my ping pong balls. The ones removed also were asking for my crude treatments of them. There were some others also trying to consider me their teacher, and trained with me, only for one seminar. For the ones I had removed were asking for it.
  The three Hakka kun tao teachers who taught me the old hand kun tao were very specific and concise in what they were teaching. The biggest of them all, a Shan Dong Manchurian taught me the art of striking and hitting. The old si lum  teacher, the second of the three taught me forms, and weapons and fighting. The third one, the smallest but strongly short build was training me the hardest with his steep low horse stances in internal practice.  The three masters were real masters of the old school kung fu, their training was very hard. They formed an association together, and for me lucky enough able to train under them as an outsider and a non Chinese.
   During my long extensive training, I trained for on the job training ( always a form of payment for labor) were from the most of practical gurus; from street vendors, my friends; restaurant owners, and mostly trained in East Javanese silat, I trained under a butcher. Even learned from two jungle timber workers, who were loading and unloading timber in river boats. My father was always relocated for his job description, and we moved from place to place. In East Java the Tjangkring silat, and when my family had to move to Central Java, was training not only kun tao but also Central Javanese silat from Arabian - Indonesian natives. They to me were one of the finest blade handlers. In a short time I enhanced the many practice of styles, which I coordinated in from what I knew of kun tao from the first three Hakka kun tao teachers who taught me.
  In West Java trained under two strong gurus of the Cheribon Serak. Also had studied under an uncle who lived in Bandung. Of my mentioning through my recollections begun to learn Serak first, in 1946, and in Thailand from my uncle, who also trained as a first introduction to Serak in our family to Paul and Maurice. Victor was still in diapers and a spoiled breathe, I had to baby sit. In Thailand in the same Dutch military camp met mister Hamilton, A
 Dutch English gentleman who gave me my first introduction to Western dirty boxing. His leadership in training me was quite remarkable for me to get a rude of wakening, in how to get hit and in how to deal out punishment. I was eleven years old when I started, and was very shy and unlike many others and even with my own brothers. I kept training, learning and kept to my self --paid off in my later years.
  To shorten my escapade for writing my martial experience had trained Serak, in Holland under uncle John de Vries who also taught Maurice and Paul. Victor was Paul student. And I martial educated myself by learning European fencing in Belgium French.
  Later in America started to teach and introduced kun tao and silat in 1965, in Denver Colorado. Had received further training, in Deli City under guru Egmund my further education to finish the study of the Cheribon Serak. My father in law, well trained and quite an expert in Western boxing, old school cimande and a family style kun tao taught me from 1964 until his passing, in July fourth in 1971 his styles of martial practice. He made me his lineage holder and successor in a hand written documentation. Why my background in martial science is stronger and more precise over others in the Dutch Indo community, and even over my brothers.
   My own brothers, like Paul and Victor were always down seizing my teacher, and father in law for not knowing anything --but my teacher was years older with more experience than any of us. Victor never met him, and Paul after meeting my father in law was considered by my teacher still a man in diapers. That was in the mid 1960's when Paul met guru Deerns. I never told Paul would otherwise had hurt his pride in feelings. In fact others in the Dutch Indo community were also in diapers to compare them with my teacher. Jim Ingram is also another one criticizing  my wife for not knowing anything, and also like my brother down seizing my teacher. My reason to be on the rampage for writing my continued non stopping editorials and commentaries against those assholes with lesser martial experience.   Jim Ingram could never consider himself for having a lineage --he does not have any and although like to claim Willem Loreo his teacher. Loreo never had even mentioned Ingram who also had passed away. They started my issues, and for sure with my responses on them.
  In the United states had done a lot of cross training with some of the finest and best of practitioners, and also kept learning of the best of Chinese internal masters. So I became a craftsman who created many crafty skills, and always being criticized or down seized by ex students and many others and even blood family. Do I really care, non for sure., Because the stupid croquettes had never known my real experience.
  I had paid my dues of vengeance, and count my blessing that I have now the finest in practice, and the very best of well trained instructors who are everywhere and in many places. Their numbers keep rising after being screen tested by me. I thank my loyal and devoted followers for their caring, and I am proud to be their teacher. My legacy is now stronger than ever with better people and better jobs of the higher orgy. They also educate me by supporting me with my negative responses to consequence the liars for their long outstanding series of fabricated lies.
  Criticize me all you want, my popularity as a well rounded teacher, coach and martial father keep steadily in the rise that individuals like Steve Gartin only know to make comments on the YOU TUBE. Any of my well trained instructors can precisely clean the floor with Gartin and associates. Even at my age will swipe the floor clean and use the dirty beard of Gartin to mop the floor. All his followers, and to include Gartin are still lik blind followers and worse in practice in their blind colony.
  I never had liked any of Paul's students with the exception for guru Oosterhof as Paul's best of all time. And always consider Horacio Rodriquez and Lucian as my martial extended family.
  To my group in following wishing all the best for the X mas holidays, and the new year,
With always my caring though, uncle Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

1 comment:

  1. Blah blah blah looser. Paatje is the greatest, followed by Walter, you know, thats why you are afraid. Nepfiguur, lulletje van niks, nep indo.
