Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A PUBLIC NOTIFICATION. By the magus of Denver.

A PUBLIC NOTIFICATION. By the magus of Denver.

  Years ago all throughout the 20th century was the newspaper more an effective tool for public use in statements regarding the break up of marriages, and also in business as a public notification  required by law.  Now in the 21st century are there many open faces with newspapers folding is the internet the best source to make everything public. As a martial arts leader, coach and father teacher has to provide a public notification to all members in my legacy is for them important to know.
  This means as fully charged any association with Steve Douglas Gartin, Chester Clements and primarily for my caring in value to keep the deck of my ships clean by strongly considering also to motivate myself to disband or any martial or social association with JIM INGRAM.  He is likewise the others I had mentioned by considering them my poison ivy or the crawling snakes in any of my grass fields.
  I made the wiser decision for having removed and out my deeper acknowledgement made mass termination of useless people to me were some two hundred ex students and ex martial associated friends.  They can never be recognized by me for not having fully trained in my system - only knew the outer skin layer as their martial value and not the tasty fruit of my fruit basket. Became so useless to me for knowing my system only partially. The ex martial associated friends were just using me for my name and were never my true friends. ANY MADE OF MY PROMISES WITH CERTIFICATION  IS HEREBY TOTALLY REMOVED THROUGH MY TESTING PROCEDURES NO MATTER IN A VERBAL CONTENT OR IN WRITING OR ON FILM. My public acknowledgement is hereby also as clearly stated.
  Dana Mattos, George Sanders and some of the others who in Hawaii and still associated with Jim Ingram will be removed immediately. Dana Mattos was always befriended with Jim Ingram since the beginning, and at times had wished could have leached out to me with a punch for his deeper feeling for Jim Ingram and his Amarindo silat, in Washington state.  Was directly noticed by me, and also had known during the separation between Dr Behati Mershant and Jim Ingram that Dana was more loyal and devoted to Jim Ingram. DR Behati and others who left the Ingrams had a motive of good reasoning for being cheated out the real practice of Mustika kwitang in Washington, left and went to research the true system in Jakarta, in Tannah Tinggi ,ad my advise in finding the truth. Most what Jim Ingram could show was bad imitation of the de Thouars and the ci mande out Bill Sander's tape and in what he had taken from others to delight his own false martial practice he was teaching in levels of achievement to his students. He may come and face me at any time, and I will set him straight without any of feeling in passions for my fellow man,- another Dutch Indo from Sulawesi from his origin.
  I was so happy to read about Luz Pena Cavaroz and his whole herd of students came running like children getting spanked to Ingram, in Washington seeking shelter after leaving me. They were actually booted out my legacy as they left me for the last time wanting to sign me an already made up paper in Spanish and they went  back to Reynosa where they came from. I never signed any papers to fulfill my commitment to my self for testing them. They failed any of my testing unable to know my forms - except only one or two the rest Luz Pena made up forms never came from me. He is still a kempo orientated practitioner of the Ojeda branch from Mexico City. (I also wish never to have any dealings with any of them). Many on silat tv were encouraging them for finding a home to rest. For me just a meaning for knowing more of my enemies as I state here. {I safe anything for later at the end -which is now with my right timing for my beginning on the keyboard for more writing}.
  Some individuals like Dr Conrad Bui for public relations to comfort Dr Andre Knutskraichen, and some others have no opposition for rejecting them. They may and do as they wishes to do so without my interfering them have my blessing. Because I knew their sincerity and honesty as my most loyal and devoted student-instructors will always receive my good nature in blessing. Is good for some for  an outstanding relationship even with my worse enemy never to benefit me but the good social psychological  future expansion. This also as stated goes out to guru Keith Moffet whom I had given my allowances to function as a direct instructor under the Ingrams here in Denver. They always had a good social relationship was less in my caring. But may continue his friendship with Ingram, and also out my martial or social environment.
   Dana Mattos will always be regarded by me as a self server, a friend of the American kun tao silat, and a kisser upper for Jim Ingram because of  his position in the Amarindo Silat.  He is also in my consideration my worse enemy never in my trust.
  In closing fuck Dana Mattos, for his his intent.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.


  HISTORY OF SERAK A  CONFUSING STORY. By the magus of Denver.
  The main source for Serak in Holland, was by any means Uncle John de Vries. He was long before anyone else out the Dutch East Indies came to reside on the Dutch country side, and to live in cities and towns and villages. My uncle was also one of the finest and in my opinion also the very best in quality who knew the Serak Bandung and Garut. To the best of my knowledge was  uncle John de Vries  the very best, and made Serak a spectacular art. Due to his martial association with two well respected Southern Chinese kun tao teachers who had influenced his Serak system made his practice also more an internal combative art. He was also responsible for  teaching Serak under the Mas Djoet lineage in Buitenzorg or Bogor. The native Indonesians who studied Serak from Uncle John relate to him as Mang de Pries. (Uncle Ventje was always in Betavia). Uncle John was a cousin from my mother, and so was uncle John's brother, uncle Ventje or Ness de Vries. There were two brothers de Vries, my grandfather John de Vries, and his brother who is the father of uncle John and Ventje. My mother had several other brothers that they too were deeply involved in silat or kun tao. Uncle Eddy de Vries was also a close associated family from my mother's side. I trained under him and shared with me his ci mande - Serak combative art. He had to use his art in the last part of the Ace war, in Northern Sumatra against the rebellious Ace warriors.
  Most particular that uncle John, the most reliable for the history on the Serak Bandung, could also relate to Pak Serak and his background in what was explained to him by Mas Djoet that Pak Serak due to his physical incapability of a club foot and lame arm had hard time teaching his art. And Mas Djoet alongside others who came to study under the founder and left and wend their own ways recreated the system Serak to fit their own body structure. Serak became many other Serak systems, and Pak Serak became many.
  For the ones, I was fortunate enough to learn the Pak Srak system for it's quality and originality consider myself the luckiest recipient that was able to learn their history, and their practice of the founder's system. Had also a total different history and practice. Of them teaching me, and inclusively also of Uncle John de Vries his art of Serak gave me over the years a total different point of view regarding the difference in practice and also a better comprehension of the founder and his created fighting art of a Central and West Javanese origin.
  From my long studies in the art Serak, and actual many variations of the art was also able to evaluate the background more precisely. That it really will not make any difference to me for the many people unfriendly to me for my relentless writing on the subject. I also knew when the magazine Tong Tong was first organized by Tjalie Robinson, an ex journalist for the only Dutch newspaper in Surabaya during the 1950's.  I also able to recall the news  articles on the Dutch attorney who fled Indonesia, and of Fritz  a big bully who fought people in the city by bullying people around. Because of his seize knew how to be living terror in the street. There were also different characters like him, who were talks and bullies.  Much of the history in Holland came from the de Vries, in Leiden in Holland. And the Dutch silat prostitute Walter van der Broeke made the comment about uncle Ventje who was mentioned as Mang de Pries, in Bogor. Was a big thumb s****** idiot for not knowing the real history that it was uncle John instead. The Tong Tong article on Serak was also made mentioning of Uncle John, who brought in uncle Ventje. Like the lies foretold was also the history of Serak, in Holland a vapor dust in the wind. The (sticthing) or organization to honor Pak Serak was like the vapor of dusty winds, and proclaimed through de Vries and other thumb s****** idiots who wrote and created the foundation. The Serak know how in Holland; in Indonesia and here in America may all relate itself  like the cow pasturing cakes in the deserts. Many suddenly after my mentioning began to write their history on Serak. Also before me, were many others writing their own history who was to me as my "Bad Jungle Book Story Book".  Like in Los Angeles some guys coming up to claim of teaching the old ci mande, (they never knew) and better of for them to advertise the ci mande baru. Like Herman Suwanda who was honest and a pioneer  of the ci mande baru. He also told me once in Hawaii where I met him for the first time that many of my people born and raced in Indonesia had studied silat from outside a street window to in a living room quarter. . Could not more agree with him, after meeting Jim Ingram and all the other big time gurus in Los Angeles.  They brag the most of grasping knowledge out a fantasy world be imitating others in their practice. Why I am happy for the knowledge i have, and was taught by true and real advanced and finished styled masters in old school silat, old hand kun tao and internal kung fu or Kuntao Sheila.
  I knew in what I know and never wanted to learn from Rudy ter linden,  Arthur Remrev Jim Ingram, my own brothers and the many others who were the pioneers here in America. I never wish to exchange my knowledge for any of them. Some of those jungle book story tellers made them self to a seventh dan in kempo after learning very little under Sigung Ed Parker, also knew to claim Hari Mau with their own kempo invention of the Sumatran art. Many were the likes a like in their nature of business. Why I never had any liking of those Dutch-Indonesian-Chinese as self proclaimed masters. I met them all, in the 1960', the 1970' and until I parted from many later on in time.
  After the passing of uncle John de Vries, as the greatest under Mas Doet that ever had lived and Maurice my oldest brother did all their Serak secrets wend with them in their graves. Likewise also with Paul, had taken his secrets to his lasting burial ground. May they live in peace, and for me to care less of those unfriendly to me may take a stroll with a flying carpet and take a deep s*** of a fly to the moon. Is always great to know your real enemies for less of my constrain.
I will be relentless for writing, and also gaining more enemies for me not to give a rat's ass for the liking. Life is always an adventure with the good and the bad.
 In closing will share the long langka enam of the Tjirebon serak, this Sunday morning in class.
With my best at heart for only liking the ones close to me and training under me. For others just not in their liking is always perfect and good for me. It is their feeling not in my caring I like to write about as constructively as I can.
The more I am hated the more I like it so that I don't have to kiss up or make up.
As usual my therapeutic communication with my devoted and loyal following.
Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

HOW I VIEW THE HIDDEN TRUTH. By the magus of Denver.

HOW I VIEW THE HIDDEN TRUTH. By the magus of Denver.

  So someone tries to fold in my truthful expression in a literally sense by interrupting while starting to write on this web side. Again I am back again, and will be continuous by expressing my deeper image in feeling - the more the interruption the more my taste of finding a more steady ground level for writing my true expressed feeling on my brand new keyboard. A (bitchy) man getting mad at me for writing my truthful feeling deserve my well constructed thought in writing - in exchange for his tried effort for me in exchange of my effortlessness to keep writing in how I feel. I know the source who bitterly try to stop my continuous willingness of exposure.
  It is actually a distinct pleasure for me able to write of several webpages on FACEBOOK, and here on SILAT TV.  In my this morning's beefed up editorial like to forward my comment by writing that the best  for me, was totally to part from the Dutch Indo community.  There are still several of my old Dutch Indo friends through my communication with them  are in Holland, and lesser here in America. I will always like the few from the fewer due to my past experience with many of them in their social community. I left Los Angeles and found my newer residence in the state of Colorado as a healthier state and was never out of a job in my newly founded place for living my good life. I also started my family, here in the state and raced my children. Life was always good to me, and from the start made many new friends.
   Everything wend so well at the beginning, until my two brothers Paul and Victor came to follow after me, and they too began taking up residency in Colorado. It was hell for me to experience for having to deal with their Dutch Indo arrogance that I could blame martial arts for our tragic deficient harmony in living as human beings. There was also constant infighting so prone to Dutch Indonesians, who grew up fighting. I left them as my blood family, and the many others and totally moved away from Los Angeles.
   Here in my home state through their association with other Dutch Indonesian martial practitioners from Los Angeles and the state of Washington was living for me, and my family a (hell) to pay. Since the start when I wend on my own, and left them started to teach in the state of Colorado by introducing kun tao and pentjac silat to the martial community in Colorado, was in 1965 when I began my teaching career and was also fully employed in the working class industry.
   Disharmony in disregard so severely prone to many of the Dutch Indonesians made me to make my choices in culture. I never liked many of them for being the worse of gossipers, for blaming others and never of finding a splinter to obstruct any vision in their own viewing by removing the splinter. . To them always bragging about them selves, and in the martial arts were many also never fully trained in any combative art. In fact that many invented their own systems and their studies came from imaginative gurus they never had ever met. But always had been in the range of their own business adventure to claim and blame others who could (amber) to upset them. Something for me to write about in many of my written articles and in my this morning's editorial.  To a point why I disregard or try to avoid any association with many of the Dutch Indonesians for my lesser interest to engage myself to find healthier conversations with any of them. I get along with many other races outside the Dutch Indo community. With any of my disciples always have the most constructive conversations in restaurant or parks or public places. We cover the many things to enjoy a healthy conversation instead of gossiping about others. With the Dutch Indonesians as martial gurus always a relating issue nothing to compare with but talking about them selves for being the greatest in who is who. This is my clarification of my point in viewing and should never be disregarded through interruptions.
   There are of the many I had trained were only two Dutch Indonesians under me, and still with me are two others that we think alike for the same bad social experience. Since the beginning from the start in 1965 had to remove two hundred ex students and ex associated friends who never were any good students and also were never my friends - they all were using me for my name to carry on for having known me.  And for the last twenty years gained the better and more adequate of comprehensive people who had enriched my life as a martial father and teacher or coach.  They are there to come only for the training in harder of more training are my best. They fill top positions in the industry world, and enjoy training under me. Many are the best of professionals to enrich my social and martial life and never like to exchange them with others outside my martial environment.
 My reason is hereby expressed in my deeper feeling.  Any man has the right to like or dislike, and likewise may even be disliked by many is an absolute fair exchange in social standing.
Salam to peace by Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

PAK SERAK WAS NEVER HONORED. By the magus of Denver.

PAK SERAK WAS NEVER HONORED. By the magus of Denver.

   It often had brought some dismay to the nature of my soul by considering how Pak Serak, the founder and creator of his own system was never strongly being mentioned by many practicing Serak. Even in Indonesia was Pak Serak hardly being mentioned that the original system of Serak became in divisions very apart from each other.  The reason I mention divisions can easy be explained by those who were better informed on Serak's history. Many who came to study under Pak Serak, in the later part of the 19th century, were leaving Pak Serak and had gone their own way - also revising for them selves from the little they knew had  reconstructed their art of Serak to make it suitable for them to shield their newer formatted system they were designing. A greater example known to the de Thouars was Mas Djoet and Marun were the main functioning teachers to uncle John and uncle Ventje de Vries. The history told through them was that Mas Djoet, primarily had to redesign the system of Pak Serak to make it suitable for him to teach.  Why many were leaving the founder for the same reason, and became their own founders with the same story telling in backgrounds that Pak Serak could not teach his own created system. Serak became then a very segregated system in various platforms, and even quite the opposite in structure from each other. Pak Serak became many who claim their own successors, and the real founder himself faded in history and left to rust. It had taken me many long years, when I really out of disgust began to assemble my thoughts in writing by daring to share the history of Serak and also start teaching the old Cheribon or Tjirebon Serak.  Since I knew Serak, in the de Thouars since the beginning as good, as excellent and as better informed than any of my brothers who had nothing to go on and only could explain the history in what was told to them by our uncles and family at home. Students of the de Thouars (majorly) for a deeper understanding came through the sources of Paul, and Victor and wend deeper to fabricate bigger stories as their own written history. The greatest example was the Nunez character to write about the Serak from the Badui people. How wrongly written by disregarding the true history and background of Pak Serak. The three tribes of the Badui were never involved with any martial arts. Some who learn some siilat outside their cultural environment studied some silat from outside the Badui tribes. Later on, in the later part of the 20th century were some Serak exponents who came to live with the outer circle of the tribesmen and shared Serak with members of the tribe. Our uncles and family trained and studied Serak and silat and kun tao in the 20th century .(Our American civil war, the Napoleonic wars, and other battles fought at the time were of the 19th century and also considered the modern war eras. Nelson against Napoleon's navy at the Nile, in Egypt was battling each other, in the 19th century. So most of the Serak taught in America, Europe and even Indonesia was the beginning of the 21 st century only separated with the course of our modern era to express its time period.
  Let observe our history and the founder himself for being hampered with a physical disability through birth, and also consider many others of the the battle hardened field commanders of all time, that several were suffering the same physical recession in physical incapability. they had to train harder, and striven harder than others with better physical capabilities. Overcame their setbacks and were stronger in battle and made our military history.
  Students who stayed to learn from the founder himself were also better informed, and also more concise in practice and also more fluid and more precise in movement and in moving in. From my memories of Pak Atjo and Mas Sardjono, who were in 1948, and in Bandung well in their 60's taught me the very first set was the langka enam as a long set. It toke me three months to learn. The langka enam or langka number six was practiced and taught as a straight line foot placement's longer set. The langka enam in the Serak Cheribon is the most important langka that was designed by pak Serak for the understanding that the straight line can be constructive for the creation of various angles as a format in practice. All the pantjars, seliwas and djurus are well organized as a complete system in the long formatted set as a long form. There are also many basic combination sets as formatted practice. Out of a long straight line or center line's practice can easy be detected of being comprehensive the nature for the straight line in finding circular movements and also uncountable angular movements.   Serak has also a large combination in set with weaponry from blades to staffs. It is a basic a old hand kun tao orientated system. Is by any means not external but more designed as an internal art because of the founder's physical handicap.
  According to the direct disciples of Pak Serak that he had trained himself by moving faster and could. be in quicker than most other teachers even in kun tao with his lame arm and club foot.  He was strong in business, and was the hardest in training his people, and lived in a village in the forest. He was faced with difficult times between other natives and under the condition of an colonized environment. From all my studies in Serak by my own preference made my choice to have chosen the Serak Cheribon over all the other Srak systems, even though we share some similar qualities together in physical positioning.  We differ from other Serak systems is in our quick motion in movements with faster reaction and more with an  adoption to situations. Why also our Golden spider juru is a longer set apart from the other systems. All my family I teach, are not just regular students they are family members training under me.
  In closing: " Drifting clouds in a shrouded sun lost in rays. Is nowhere in sight,
                     but a touch in a ray to grief. In a grief and in a joy, is the sun at distance shore.
                      To see is believing - but not in feeling is the shrouded sun in the ray to glister.
                      Seeking the ray to viper, is the feeling of a whispering wind that blows.
                     Everything passes in nature's twist"
 By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver,

DON'T THEY EVER GET MY DRIFT? By the magus of Denver.

       DON'T THEY EVER GET MY DRIFT?  By the magus of Denver. 
 It is funny how several members of the American kun tao silat were requiring my student- instructors, in Florida and in other places to answer them in related issues when it concern me. For sure stupid people are hard of an understanding nature. And, yes, yes, I gave hundreds of diplomas to ass hollies not deserving any of my acknowledgement on paper - individuals like Aric Flour, and Steve Gartin and for sure the many others who always were the paper chasing idiots dying to receive my recognition. It should not be wondered about that I threw out, and removed two hundred a******* out my environment. They were all replaced with more intelligent, and better situated people in the working class industry. They treat me like a father and grandfather, and we are a family. We do things as one family without those undeserved stupid ranking like in the American kuntao silat. Bla- bla Black Beards.
  Better situated people also know by heart adat and hormat which is largely lacking by Steve Douglas Gartin, Chester Clements and all their big mouthy expressionistic followers who brag their lives away with bigger claims as never hurt or seen before with any other martial organization except those who are following Steve Douglas.  Gartin,  The whole American kuntao silat are looking very much as the three stooges on a chopping blog when claiming their expert practice in silat or kun tao. And just as idiotic as Steve Gartin their leader. They may come and fight me any time, will happily oblige myself to deal out harsher punishment as they ever could do me in.. They all need to piss a little straighter in order to make a good  common sense, before shooting of their mouthy expression by requiring my trained experts with silly stupid questions to answer them. Don't those idiots know that I am in communication with many of my loyal and devoted followers always informing me? Why I just needed to post another of my comments on those sloppy and worthless characters for kun tao or silat practitioners.  If I sound insulting to them, at least I use my true feeling for my worthiness in writing  - they on the other hand are sneaky and use their insults upon me by acting inappropriate. Why i call them out that they are a******* to me. So f*** you AMKTS and your leader.
  They should know I never charge a fee for my workshops, and many who come to attend any of my seminars (by invitation only) reward me with their highest esteem. They reward me better and far more over any of those who were previously under me. Those were the a******* I had happily removed and booted out. And yes, yes, and yes non of you in your American kuntao silat had ever deserved my acknowledgement I gave you just in fun -you always try to "dig" me over , and I just doing  the same thing back to you, only by far with a larger in quantity, and save my best quality in sharing only with the ones of my elite under me. I had thrown you out worse than any street dogs, because a street dog will receive my best compassion for understanding. And you my swift kick in the ass with my German para trooper boot.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Dener.

AMERICAN KUNTAO SILAT @YAHOOGROUPS, my most fun to memorize.. By the magus of Denver.

          AMERICAN KUNTAO SILAT @YAHOOGROUPS,  my most fun to memorize..  By the magus of Denver.
   Relentlessly needed to bring back a time when Steve Douglas Gartin and Chester Clements had provoked and instigated many assaults on the de Thouars brothers - involving many I knew of them, and also knew to have booted out many of those a******* off my list. In particular all the letters who was published in behalf of  Steve Douglas Gartin, the biggest a****** MUNCHING of the de Thouars, and his sloppy and stupid follower, a bewildered spicy insect in the human race where they really dehumanizing them selves with their assaults. Many were involved since they began their disorderly conduct by attacking us, in the de Thouars. That even Dana Mattos and his <ATTAKDOG>, had involved himself to rant on us the brothers de Thouars. They all felt strong and powerful and so well organized together that they kept going - in knowing not to get any responses from any of us. Paul had never liked to involved himself to counter attack these overrated martial insects, and Victor always a useless brother to be on our side for being responsive. I am a collector of facts, and assembled all the letters to counter twist the  bullshit stories of Gartin and Clements, and all the others on their side. Except for some friendly to de Thouars family, in Portland, knew to defend us against the b******* in saga of  these two overrated and over compensated uncleaned a******* in a diapered silhouette of a  Steve Douglas Gartin and Chester Clements. I write in how I feel to be on the constant attack on these two insulting overcompensated morons. They wrote letters fort and back to each other on the Kuntaosilat ( Message Re:Letters) and posting their bitter insults against us - in not forgetting their "boots" stories were totally false and very predictable of two deceitful ex students and half way practiced a******* of the de Thouars brothers. Especially in my system of Chester Clements learning and practicing out of a chair with his kempo slapping for kun tao or silat. And Gartin always behind the camera to enrich his pyramid building money enterprising system thinking of dealing to spice up their bad ratings on us, the de Thouars brothers and me, the most. One of my students made me aware of the Americankuntaosilat MESSAGES and BLOGS side of the YAHOOGROUPS. In fact most of my devoted and loyal  followers are all computer geeks in their expertise for business, and were collecting many of the data in letter writing and also in the chat chambers of the YAHOO. Without ever making any efforts to collect data information could easy collect to assemble the chapters from my best and finest devoted practitioners they were forwarding to me. Also why I easy knew that the Thunder Rock is still trying  making money off my skin  through their advertised marketing.  And also put the stupid remarks from Clements and Gartin as their wasted energy trying to convince the world that the de Thouars brothers were the guilty ones to instigate their stupid reprisals against the de Thouars family, and my best to reason for hating these two a*******. I had all their written issues under my funny stories columns for my special fun collection of the 2006's. And also saved many more others.  Gladly dispersed in a philosophical term and in my minded expression had visioned myself for having booted out similar a******* like the two characters with my  German Paratrooper boot up their a****.  I was delighted to have merciless terminated termites for ex students and ex friends out my martial environment. I never have feared Dana Mattos from Hawaii despite his larger in physicality had known him to be disloyal to his teacher, in Hawaii and I could expect nothing worse out of the man in Hawaii. I knew how he was, in Kona.  I have many enemies like him, Gartin, Clements, Joe Judt and the many others who were following them. Why I hate them (all) always blaming us for their short comings. In someways were they stupid intelligent.
  Most of my loyal followers have spend more money as these two a******* ever could be compensating them selves with their false claims of me owning them money. Most are doing it for a learning  experience, and their labor of devotion as a family. I can hardly compare the money Steve Douglas Gartin, and Chester Clements were spending on me, (hardly) to all the others still under me who had taken me to the most expensive restaurants and gave me the best in comforts. In return I shared more of my martial experience with them over all the others I had kicked out with my German Paratrooper Boot. They had their "boots" stories and I have my German Paratrooper boot stories. For them I wear a boot to swift kick an a******. Then they knew how to blame me in what it was costing them and their families their set backs in history. It was their own fault and stupid mistakes through their false imagination that they were never any of the great practitioners I ever had trained were just claiming their b******* stories for being my best. The stupid a******* kept forgetting that they were getting free lessons from me, and free luncheons and drinks on the many parties in my home I was hosting.. All they did for me was on their own risk was never required for them to comply, to deliver or  to hold them selves on to  any of their own false spiteful ideas. After all was also for them as a learning experience (why they were never learning only taking) as any loyal and devoted student would do was the learning experience to progress.   Any of the seminars arranged by Gartin was keeping me a flat wallet, and was never rewarding to comfort my family. The most I got out of him was a Mac Donald or an El Chipo dining facility. The many others were spending a lot and a lot more without any complains. They were gladly making it a bigger spending feast. They really gave e their hearts and respect me as an older man and teacher.
The last time Gartin treated me was by Danny's  and a rusty old stinky shrimp basket. Had always in mind in how to make more money of my skin. He wanted to make the brothers, and me famous, was totally incorrect that before these two insects had met us - we already were known to the world. In World and Military History came our family out a warriors clan since the eleventh century French. Gartin and Clements had taken from us,had used us to serve their purpose and for me just to never acknowledge or willing recognize them  - I therefor,  will always as a reminder to my self will in despite hate these two a******* for lying, cheating and always hiding behind their false imagination. i shall always hate them. And happy to have kicked out, and terminated two hundred a******* for ex students and ex friends. F*** those a*******.
  Dr Behati will be staying for one day at my house, next Wednesday and will go to Atlanta, and will give him laughter for the assault of Clements and Gartin against us the de Thouars brothers and the remarks of Dana for letting him read their discussions on the YAHOO postings.  
  In closing just finish exercising my therapeutic finger touching training on my keyboard by disclaiming Steve Douglas Gartin and Chester Clements for having trained under me -they are not acknowledged.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of  Denver.


  How overjoyed could I only express my deeper feeling of hate as a compensation for my repelling respond to write about the two scumbags - Clements and Gartin for always having bad mouthed me, and with "flashy flash" in wordy description were continuously so busy discrediting me - on the YOUTUBE with their garbage mouthy expression fully loaded with lies after lies that came out their garbage dumpster.   It wend well for a time for them, in particular that low down for an esteem character of a severe beaten stupid a******, who thought he could blow of smoke to dismay me in the silhouette of a slimy talker like Steve Douglas Gartin. He was able to monopolize the kun tao silat that mostly was established as a martial art in the United States by me, and could  only rant on the YOUTUBE with his short deceitful lies. It was also long before I met to acquaint myself with these two characters for liars when I used the name kun tao silat or kuntao silat.  It is now harder for Gartin, and leaving Clements be due to his physical deficiency for wishing to see no one. Chas had also once accused me for his physical disability, claiming I knew the black magic.  For Gartin became the end for his assorted lies for his own inflicted damaging end- always for blaming me, and others and using the YOUTUBE as a tool to make him self a known character. Many of my martial associates are surrounding Gartin now with their presence on the same web page, the YOUTUBE, for their own expedition of martial expansion and keep me also informed. They are now everywhere is hard for Gartin to claim anything not worth any of my mentioning but try even harder his big move to continuously attacking me. At the same time holding on for dear life trying still of making money off my name. He is just like a silat prostitute like Walter vn der Broeke in Holland always trying to claim their over compensated knowledge without the real practice of silat.  I am so happy that I have now at least four web pages to write from and defensively able to set any record straight. Both Walter van der Broeke and Steve Gartin are looking like dull self esteem a******* for poekoelan or silat players. Gartin uses God to hide behind, and at the same time claim to be the real kun tao master over me. He was never a finished practitioner under me, only had made connections with some of my students in Scandinavia to also blow of smoke in their faces for liking to be acknowledged for being my best student. Any of his claims is my greater disposition for trashing him out. He never was a great or excellent student and could only fight a tick tack and do round with protective equipment. He became short in breathe after a couple of rounds was quick out of his stamina.,I have many training under me are a lot stronger than Gartin even during his best in years.  Any of my trained practitioners, and also my adopted Serak son, Santiago Doblos can kick Gartin's behind with a wink of an eye. He may come and fight me, in my backroom here in Thornton. He claimed now the caring successor of Bill Chang or U Un Suraya another piece of work for a man claiming to be a kun tao master was nothing more but a spoiled breath for actually a karate do kun tao do and ci mande karate do exponent.  In what he knew was mostly external and never internal would otherwise be a more healthier thinker to run a cleaner ship.  Any of Bill Chang's students here in my era may come and combat me at any time. Even in my 80's I am still stronger and more concise with my internal hitting system and also longer in kun tao.  Gartin only know to brag something he never knew to exist. He has the biggest mouth over all of my ex students or still of the ones training under me through his slumbering disposed position in the kuntao silat world of the better trained practitioners under me.
  The only one thing Steve Gartin  is able to claim is his mastery of b******* over his followers, who follow him like his poppy dogs.  Non under this Gartin character could fight them self out a grocery's shopping bag. They become their own scream dumb belts for fighters, and I knew most of them as big talkers and no prestige and are just like Steve Gartin. He would be honest and sincere to profit more from that Bill Chang character I once had sponsored. Why not promote his tapes instead of me, and my system. For sure with Bill Chang an unknown character in our martial world could never make any money of him. Why he hangs on for dear life on to me, and my system he hardly could ever practice correctly. He looks even pale in movements by comparing him with my lowest trained practitioners who easy could kick Gartin's ass. I trained them to counter Gartin immediately and to fight with  longer rounds for kicks and  with or without equipment. The more Steve Gartin know in how to fantasize his world, the more I find my pleasure by exposing him and his intended false advertised marketing tricks.
   Well did my duty for sharing my past experience by writing about Gartin the uncured liar.
By Oom Willem de thouars, the magus of Denver.  

MY REPULSE. By the magus of Denver.

MY REPULSE. By the magus of Denver.

  It really does not matter to me, in how friends and the world look upon me for the many writing I did. Really also had made any difference to the consciousness of my soul with my aggravated insults to others, who always had undermined my intelligence through my strong responses. Quite often was I put in a position to be strong in nature and aggressive responsive against my accusers, and even my own brothers. My brothers were dishonoring my honorable parents for their constant infighting to even hateful debates. The whole world already had known about the brothers de Thouars - was a laughter to many in the martial communities of the world. Especially here in America. But people not standing in my shoes may make up all sorts of accuses that is alright for brothers to fight is still a shame for brothers to act for being envious of each other and all for one stupid martial art. Like so many others like my two brothers were striving to put them self in a position in making them selves famous. They are famous alright at the cost of honor and respecting their parents. Their parents were not like them, because they had to experience the worse of times in order to feed them and cloth them. I knew most of those self made grand pupa's in the Dutch indo community who always knew to brag, and always knew to claim in how great they are. Non of us really is.
  My brothers, and like my self and so where many others in the Dutch indo community were just men in diapers trying to make them selves famous through false claims, and why I totally had parted from the whole Dutch Indo community for their constant (lies) in telling bad jungle book stories to their students, and friends. I car less about the others outside my blood family, and also not take in consideration the opinion or feeling of others.  What i am writing about in this morning's editorial that it always had angered me how prematurely my two brothers were always acting regarding the art Serak. They were constant at each other deeper skins, and always in bitter fights would bring a deeper shame to my parents who gave us our name of de Thouars. Even out Dutch white family in Holland were never like how we were as Dutch Indoes. They cared about their family name. The generation after our parents were greedy, self esteem and very un forgiving.
  There were some other Dutch Indo families I knew how also were different to each other, and were more loving and caring. My two brothers had always underestimated me by their students that I knew nothing, and they became my accusers for being on the constant attack. Especially when it comes to the art Serak of the Mas Djoet's lineage was only one style of Serak. There was in the 19th century several other students of Pak Serak who had left the founder, and wend on their own and like Mas Djoet or Marun invented their own self styled system of Serak.  Mas Djoet's art of Serak was predominantly the Mas Djoet way of Serak for designing his vision for teaching Serak better, in his vision of imagination.  He taught his art to several other Dutch Indonesians, and other native Indonesians.  My uncles John and Ventje studied the art Serak under Mas Djoet.  Marun and Mas Djoet also had their falling outs. . But for the ones who stayed and kept learning from the founder Pak Serak got the most original system of Pak Serak. There was no infighting or disagreements among each other and was more a caring harmony between the practitioners.  I trained under three of Pak Serak's disciples and always refused to learn from Paul or Victor. Because I was learning Serak under uncle John de Vries before Maurice and Paul came to study under our uncle. Even in going back to 1946 was I also introduced for the first time to Serak bu  uncle Ventje de Vries. But wend over to study under coach Hamilton rather in Western dirty boxing was more a training i needed  most instead of learning djurus and langkas. Maurice and Paul came months later. Victor was always a student under Paul, and denied his own teacher who taught him. Got me often in outrage of him not giving any recognition to his teacher. He fell far under our adat and hormat customs in our culture we grow up with. I never liked my own younger brother as I never had liked Paul for being self esteemed in greediness. . After all the previous articles Victor  wrote as an attest about Paul his teacher forgot soon after he began to climb the bandwagon to seek his Serak fame.  Greedy in lust like all the other ma ah gurus, pendekars and guru besars out the Dutch Indo community made me totally part from them all.
  The ones who had left Pak Serak were also underrating their teacher by thinking that he could not teach his system because he had a club foot and a disabled lame arm. They were stupid and wrong. Pak Serak in combat was a lot faster and quicker to react than any of those who had left him. Why I also knew two different systems of Serak, and concentrate only on the quality of Pak Serak art of Serak. I would have kept my silence when people in other countries or from far away places were slandering me by constant accusing me. But here in America, and especially in Los Angeles, and in other states could not allow my self not to be strongly responsive to be of a challenging nature by immediately responsive, physically or on my keyboard as a therapeutic exercise. It became my lust for writing my self esteem against those accusing me for not knowing anything. I care less in how others feel to imagine - I just write in how I feel. Also because they are close to my home.
  Look forward to see  the members of my Sunday morning class for more harder training. My personal art is of Carl August Samuel Deerns in old ci mande and hakka kuntao. Most I only share some djurus out ci mande was never the whole system in knowing for never liking to train the real art.
Please don't over eat before training. With my caring thoughts Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

HISTORY CAN NEVER BE DENIED. By the magus of Denver.

HISTORY CAN NEVER BE DENIED. By the magus of Denver.

  My reason is to stay on and keep writing. This morning, after I just finish training my daily routine that I decided to share with my devoted readers and loyal followers my back lash of martial history of my past. I am positively sure will find much of a resentment by many, and the guru besar from the Seattle area who lost some of his best students, who had gone further to train under me. I will not mention his name, never any word for me in how to describe my worthiness of his name. I had never liked this guru besar always able to claim the many martial combative arts he never had ever studied, and knew in how to lie his way in and knew to lie his way out. Most of his best practice he could ever be shown came through the de Thouars brothers, and he had his ci mande since the beginning by watching Bill Sander's tape, something I never would ever do learning from a man who had lesser studies as I have. Everything this guru besar did, was being noticed by the real silat players. I knew he was always a cunning man. Sure he fought, and so did we all.
  In what I lost in students, like for instance Roberto Torres, who also like to claim the many other things, this guru besar had gained, I inherited in exchange his better trained students in Hawaii. Many under Dr Behati Merchant in Kona, and in Hilo came later after the separation between Dr behati and this grand pupa for a master, became students under me. It was the best for me to exchange a worthless student for a better and more intelligent recipient like Dr Behati Mershant and the ones under him.
  The first thing I told and encourage Dr Behati and others in Hawaii was to go to Indonesia and learn about the real Mustika Kwitang. They did and found out that the guru besar was never a student under Willem Loreo. (Through my research also had known this since the beginning after meeting this guru besar). My uncles knew him, my family knew him and we all knew that Willem Loreo was more in the practice of old style ci mande and also had some studies in the Mustika from Tannah Tinggi. A place where my uncles and Willem Reeders were combating others. This guru besar knew to talk a lot of s*** and totally keep forgetting that we in the de Thouars, and of the de Vries from my mother's side had known Willem Loreo. I enjoyed listening to the b******* stories of this guru Besar out Tacoma then. Most of his knowledge he could show boat his expertise to impress others not known to them may even impress them; but it came mostly from the de Thouars brothers he could not imitate as easy as he did with the Bill sander's tape.
   The break up between the guru besar and Dr Behati Mershant was not my doing, and also his break up with me was due to his supremo in arrogance and constructive unproductive lies he was always telling. After what him, and others were saying about my teacher, Carl August Samuel Deerns was it my rightful actions to comment aggressively against my own brothers, and all those in the Dutch Indo community for not knowing true history and not knowing my teacher. They do to much the hula dancing silat like a bad ketoprak. Why my constant challenges against them for setting my records straight. When I saw the Mustika from Seattle or Tacoma, I noticed immediately was much of a badly imitated de Thouars practice. No matter of any lie being told; the truth is still the real master of serving a lie's consequence.
  My main object with the many skills of years in practice and learning blend well wit the Serak I knew. It all blends well together and is it my duty to share the arts with all my loyal and devoted followers. Main reason to establish my Serak training centers is to honor pak Serak, and Carl Deerns and all other teachers. The seeds are for future generations to come.
  In Closing: "I venture no more than a low whisper. afraid I'LL wake the people of heaven"
See you in class this Sunday morning for more informative training, in my Serak training center.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

PEACE WAS ALWAYS WITHIN. By the magus of Denver.

PEACE WAS ALWAYS WITHIN. By the magus of Denver.

     It really had never mattered to me the opinion of others, especially students of my own blood family and their families at home. I don't like a directive to point fingers at somebody, and especially not the son of my own brother. My history between Paul, Victor and myself, already wrote many articles against them for my specific (identical) reasoning. The disunity was caused also by the students under Paul, who made it their business to be spokesmen for Paul. Paul was never a leader to be a director as I would have been in his place. They always wanted to trade mark Serak, which no one could ever be the soul owner of this combative system from West-Central Java. My older brother's son who really was always to lazy to really learn the art from his father is now claiming his successor. It never mattered to me, since I was never involved with any of my brothers students that we were most of the time adversaries from each other. And I also was never involved with my brothers families, were also never family for me. It give me a chill alone to even think to have any association with any of their families for their disunity alone. (Always the stupid fighting).  In my own family, we had our problems as humanistic inclined but we solve our disagreements like normal people would be doing. In particular with Paul's family at home was always the infighting ever since Paul got married to Carmen. Paul had physically seduced and had to throw out Carmen's brothers. Was not my comfort zone, and I also had never liked any of Carmen Zamora's family and brothers, only one William who died of an uncured tumor. I always had liked him. Soon as Paul and Victor was getting involved with my household the fighting among family escalated to worsen any situation of normal living conditions. The screaming between Victor and Paul , and in my house was like tempered steel, and for me unable to resolve anything. The hardest was for my wife Joyce, who worked the night shift for United. It was for my family a constant suffering with blood family.  With them always had angered me, and i, for years always had tried to maintain peace between families. Paul's passing had also never brought us together; we were never one family. I came to his funeral was only of him being my older brother, and cared less about his students or family. Paul died out of frustration, when hours before his passing told me by phone that he was fighting a lost battle having to argue with Carmen, his wife and Marcelino his son. I still have the  recording saved. I was more compassionate for Paul of knowing the whole situation. Also also needing to put this under as part of our family's history, and badly or sorrowful needed to express my true feeling in writing.
  What was an insult to me the most when Paul's wife always tried to explain that when she was going to be married to Paul, that her family and her  were not sure in dealing with Paul coming from a total different part of the world with  different customs in culture. They thought of our kind of people  that the men has many wives, and felt of Paul in being the same. In our Western World many involvements of broken marriages and men and wife unfaithful to each other. For sure are there also good marriages. Many men have an uncured decease to have many other lady friends beside their marriage  for looking at the whole picture of a social life's standard.  I had many lady friends before my marriage, and still have many other lady friends outside my marriage. Is mostly on a friendly bases with their husbands on their side. Why I needed to part from all of Paul's students and of some i know who leave a history behind. Sometimes I feel compassionate with the poor wives. Beside why should I get in trouble for seeking any relationship with females outside my marriage, While there are many massage parlors in many places and around he world. Some men are stupid for getting their honey to close to home, while there is so many fish in the seas and oceans. I am writing the truth here, and refuse to keep my distance in silence.
  In my family circle of martial arts are things totally different when it comes to marriage are sound, strong and very normal. My students in following are well trained in my system, and are far above those I parted from. There is no disunity or separated issues between the leading instructors and their students and associated friends. We may have some disagreements here or there but always find to resolve any matter of things. My motto always be in -SHUT THE F*** UP AND TRAIN, and leave your social or home problems behind.
  I feel I am the luckiest teacher in the world having no problems, and always reside in peace from within in knowing that each instructor always leave me be and at rest in peace They all live a well structured, and well organized life in standing, and always come in only for the training. Why they are the best and with a sound mind. Regardless of all my negativity in writing always live in peace, in knowing the student- instructors under me, and my martial associated friends are sound, loyal and devoted to my training in practice.
  In closing with a poem: On the trail home, twilight comes, And yet,
                                     the beauty of things still doesn't rest.
                                     Gibbons call early along the cold river
                                     the moon among pine shadows already risen
                                     and boundless, how boundless - moonlight
                                     and the sorrow in gibbon's pure cry,
                                     unbearable as I toss my walking - stick aside
                                      and leave the mountains for this lone boat.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.



  By reminiscing my past came to order of my intend also my related issues I have still against many, and also be constructive in my writing to bring upon the surface a truthful past. The truth is never a pleasant experience to endure the nature of truth, as many did with my brothers, and I. Going back in the early part of the 1960's, when Paul began to teach for the first time, was still a beginning - instructor and had finished the basic's of Serak under uncle John de Vries in Holland.   He was not a thorough studied student, and was given a handwritten certificate that he was allowed to teach the Serak fundamentals. Many didn't knew, and the rest was just history related and a safe memory. Why my this morning's main topic is also for an  indication marked as - MY SERAK MEMOIR ALWAYS SERVE ME, MY PURPOSE.  Now years later, and in 2017 is it my intend to set our records straight. Why I never had liked the Dutch Indo community, in Los Angeles was also my main reason to write about many of those who were like my brother and were bragging and claiming their martial histories that never was an occurring fact  for honesty. I never try to be on the negative side of any fence, but the truth a needy tool for comprehension should serve my purpose for writing. I learned much from the generation before me of Dutch Indonesian true experts who were always being swept under neath a carpet by the many others like my own brothers, and those grand pupa(s) in the Dutch Indo community from Los Angeles all out of fear to lose their identity  liking to sparkle fame. I am glad always was a student of history, and  was training, learning studying and had cross hands with many and also trained under the best of Chinese internal kung fu masters, in America. That was my growing up stage. I honor, and respect all my teachers from Indonesia and from Europe and from here in the United States.
   I could easy name many who are far above those grand pupa(s) of the Dutch Indo community, in knowledge and far beyond the horizon with their experience. When I see them getting idolized by others and them selves make me burst to laughter looking at my age generation of masters, who are now the guru besars, the pendekars ( pentejo), ma ha gurus, professors and you name it very much to equal what could be find in a grocery store like fore instance Sardines, spaghetti, and potted meats assorted food products as package can goods. How I see them all with their skills and titles, always underestimating me, and also my father in law who is levels above those underrating us. Please try to stop me from writing my intended feeling, and come and spank my ass will pay you back double my interest. Why is my place in history for writing, and spill out my beans.
  By just talking to my older generation of masters out the Dutch East Indies, I learned a lot of the times that had gone by before I was born. Individuals like my teacher Carl August Samuel Deerns, Bavink, von Bargen, van Huetzel, Rechter, Edgar van der Groen, van Ooien, de Groot, de Groen, and many more I could mention were levels above all of us, in my generation of a******* claiming titles they gave them selves.  When I see them in magazines or articles in how great they are -I puke. I care less about my self, is all in hands of my best in devotion as my most loyal followers. God bless them for always liking to train harder. I don't give a s*** about my self, and just will expedite my feeling in writing. Trust me will be continuous.
  In what I had learned from my teacher master Carl August Samuel Deerns shall always be my living treasure. He taught me first to know myself better before learning something more .I received physical torture in exchange for lesson learned. Carl was a magnificent and experienced trainer teacher for sharing his old ci mande and Palembang or Hakka kun tao with me. Through his teaching I learned so much more of my past martial experience. The ci mande he taught me was body conditioning why I could comprehend to overcome physical pain and was nourished in a step by step training lesson also in how to endure pain in getting hit with broom handles or sticks.
  My father in law was unlike most others. He was a heavy set and muscular man weighing over two hundred pounds, and was just 5'9"" tall. Beside being trained in the Hakka kuntao he studied from his family out Formosa, also trained old ci mande under Raden Patman. And for years was a heavy weight class western boxer. He fought for kicks as his sport in country clubs and dance halls in Bandung and in old Jacarta.  Tananha Tinggi or Kemajoran was also his stamping grounds when he was a young man, and eager to engage himself in a healthy street fight.  He fought a lot, and also hard to hurt him physically. And Jim Ingram, my own brothers and others were bad mouthing my teacher for not knowing anything? In a real fight when Car Deerns was still alive made Paul at his best, Victor at his best, Jim Ingram at his best and all the others looking like p**** willows. They lack his experience and for me to set the record straight. I could take the hits from Paul (when a life), and also Ingram like is nothing - I give  my jaw anytime, and will respectfully disperse the energy of my counter in many folds.
  My teacher and father in law could drive a six inch long nail, and quarter inch tick with a quick short punch half way in a wooden beam without hurting his fist with supreme timing. And according those a******* for guru besars in the Dutch Indo community he knows nothing?  They should give me a longer break trying to prevent me writing about them -them and their puffed up ego for being their greatest. Up your a****.
  Well just expressed my feeling through my therapy on my keyboard. Will dedicate to share more of history and martial practice with my devoted followers.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017



  It is non more but something out of life virtue that charms itself around the nature of truth, in regard of the many things that was happening in my past life. Sometimes can hate from deep within be a lively charm to indulge a recollection for a memoir, and through hate a freedom of expression in writing and also to set one's soul free. I found that the truth had set me always free to express my deeper feeling. In a Westernized world is hate a bad thing, but never for me, a Dutch East Indian goes well together with the flow of my nature in spirit. Hate and love have the same quality; one endorses a non stoppable compassion and the other is an unrestricted passion to relieve the hidden pressure from within and also my most reasoning to find a pleasure for writing is like my therapeutic expansion by embracing my memory for going back in time. In going back in time is the cause for my indulgence of my therapeutic expansion, fully an endorsement to recollect two infidels for morons not to wash away my memoir. They left behind by me a longer history than anyone else that I ever could write about was for certain these two silat bullies - as i named them the Heckle and Jacky silat bullies who always were trying to enforce their own corrupted laws pretending they were the driving force behind silat; they mostly had learn from the de Thouars brothers in regard of the little silat they knew.  Inclusively also relating to kun tao they only knew from their kempo experience, also as the insanity for being as half practiced. But were able to claim kun tao and silat mostly through my efforts, and later my brothers, Paul and Victor. The two morons i am writing about could never be more for my own complacency to satisfy the energy of my finger touching on my keyboard are most certain Steve Douglas Gartin and Chester Clements were two individuals always pridefully standing behind their lies out a false kingdom.
  Victor de Thouars, my own brother was always on their side, and actually their dealings was more with Victor. They wend their extra mile for Victor, for whatever reason that my own brother had warned me that Clements could take my own daughter to court for accusing him from smoking cigarettes. {I just had terminated the long life contract these two vagabonds had me sign, a contract, I immediately had terminated and kept the two morons thinking that they still had a contract with me.}  For a fact Chaster Clements, and in my back yard was not smoking cigarettes but was smoking dope. He was still puffing something could easy be noticed that Gartin and Clements were always smoking, and actually always were smelling badly like a dope depot. I was ready to be in court and in defense of my own daughter. The two morons thought to own anything in what I had were even trying to own on the name family gathering, and anything else that could them make money. why the three Victor, Gartin and Clements were always together.   Clements even delivered supposed to be lawful papers by serving those on my own family gathering against my own daughter, and others who always had supported me. That was stupid that according to these two morons was protecting me; but for a reality check were actually protecting their main interest for their own money adventure and always were thing, I was weak and stupid. I am the master of my own domain, in martial arts or social life standing and threw out two hundred a******* like the two morons. My mistake was for letting them play their game of interest for them self, at a costly expense of my own. They thought I was weak, stupid, uneducated and that they could get away with bloody murder to make money of my skin.
  On chaster Clements was always a strong believer and follower after Steve Gartin. According of Clements that he had money invested in the de Thouars, and in business was all based on lies. His only investment Clements always had was his time on the internet and writing b*******. Also his advertisement was not costing him or Gartin anything. My time on my computer is for certain not an expense, and my many advertisement for my seminars was also for free and costing me nothing. I had great and excellent students who did the best job for all my advertisements, and their labor of love. They were better and more informed.  In fact was also doing a more constructive job than Gartin and Clements. I was more effective. So their investments they claimed they had was all at my expense They always had taken me for granted,  I already underwent a bad experience with Clements when he told that he was spending money for Bill Chang, when we both were in the lawyer's office. His mistake was telling it to me, and he was only coming for the ride with me. Chester Clements always came in for the ride with Steve Gartin and for Victor. His money spending was always a flat nickle worth to cost others a large sum of money. Why they were able to munch of me, and my family name until I wend in outburst to deny, decline or dis claim these two morons with the two hundred others for my dismissal of them. I just hate them even more for what they had done to me, and my family.
   Clements health deficiency was not my doing that only time was the cost of his suffering. I only could wish him well, and could never have any feeling for him or Steve Gartin. They were rotten a******* to me with their bullying attitudes. Time is now on my side, and also I am better informed. Steve Gartin is still making money off me, my system and old tapes. I will confront them at any time -physically - mentally or in any court room. It would be better  for Gartin to munch of Bill Chang his teacher, he enjoy liking to claim his master. He should forget ever to have trained under me, even if it was for a short duration and leave far behind any of my influences on his practice. My reason to hate Steve Gartin, Chester Clements, Gartin's son,  and the whole American kun tao silat and all their lies.    They will never be acknowledged by me, as they were terminated as unwanted. iI will always hate them.
   Look forward to see the members of my Sunday morning class, this Sunday morning for more harder practice in Serak and in kun tao. My personal art.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, themagus of Denver.



  It is my first post to further write on; A STUPID WHITE TRASHY STUDENT, and many others like him in following his path to failure - had position them selves in the same boat. This I meant should never be taken as a discriminatory slur of insults against white people - while I am myself, am half white, part Corsican and part Indonesian native born in Indonesia. My bloodline since the 11th century, was from French, out Thouars. I made the remark that the ex stupid student could never be more for my mentioning than Steve Douglas Gartin,and somewhat for me also to mention the likes of Chester Clements  in refusing to meet people due to his physical disposition. On my life, and for the construction of my thinking, is it my right to express my feeling as cordially as i could place myself behind the keyboard. Beside the very many other White students training under me, are totally a different breed of people. They are also better educated, and fill positions to rather stay aside from all the stupid silat wars -between myself , and those I am writing about. It would be to costly for them to involve them selves - but they would engage them selves in any physical battle when necessary. The backgrounds of those devoted, and most loyal students who are still training under me, "fit the colors of the rainbow". Why as a worldly teacher could never have any prejudism against anyone.
   Prior before, was necessary for me to throw out and dismantle  my friendship with some two hundred ex students and ex associated martial friends, who were never my true friends. Individuals like Steve Gartin was the first on my list be booted out like a scumbag. The rest was so easy for me to do by removing them out my martial environment and social life's standing. To bad was unable for me to fulfill the pleasure of my feeling, for using an old German paratrooper boot to swift kick their a****. But was doing it in a nice way by just removing them all in ONE day.
  Steve Gartin and all his lies underestimated my inteliigence for tollerance, when he was promoting himself as the successor of a man, I once sponsored a supposed to be world famous kun tao master from Bandung. Was really not as famous as I made him with my acknowledgement. In order for him to gain his green card was it necessary for me to write my recognition of acknowledgement to the Immigration department. That I had known him, became with a flamboyancy quite arrogant wanting to challenge anybody. I had known some strong cowboys who could handle this supposed to be kun tao master from Bandung, with a grace of submission that he could never equal a rodeo bull. He was all mouthy with action to brag his unfamed fame with flying colors. My mistake for  trusting people to much and old ex students and the stupid Steve Gartin, a useless man b**** who only had trained under me   for just a short time.
  In order to make him self known to the world immediately was taken up a position that he became the successor of Bill Chang, the Kun tao karate do master from Bandung. I was so happy what Gartin was trying to claim for being my equal, {never unhappy for Gartin to show up and actually figth me in my backroom. When it come to my art - I am the master of my system and he was just a worthless piece of s*** for an old ex student) and many other of his fantasy in ideas came through his lie factory. Any of my old ex students were believing the lies out Gartin lie factory, and were following the path to unglory of Gartin by warshipping the kun tao master from Bandung; who was far below me in knowledge, experience and in knowing the old hand kun tao. Why Chang was always suffering beligerend headaches became uncontrollable at times, as I did with Gartin at the beginning on his arm.
  Than here again, Gartin on the rampage for still selling old tapes from me, and some of the newer ones to make money of my wasted old laboring efforts. He rather advertises me, and some of my art over the master he claimed him a successor. Because with Bill Chang could never make any money as he could by using me, my name and martial practice.Bill Chang only known in Bandung, and in West Java. I made Bill Chang known in America and that is for a fact.  There are some here in Colorado are standing in line to fight Gartin for what he had done for leaving a bad history behind.
   When Steve Gartin, and his whole organization were that great - how come they look sloppy doing their supposed to be kun tao or silat. I still could with eased run circles around their a****, and to include that stink ass of a Gartin. Once my enemy always my enemy. Why I love to put my constrcutive thinking to good use by writing about those a******* for ex students, and {please) also to allow myself to write about Paul's ex students for me to hate them all. Non of Paul's students could compare them selves in knowledge, history and in practice against any of my well trained practitioners. For a fact even Paul at his best at the height of his career could not come close to me in martial practice for being so boxed in. Was always underestimating my knowledge. In fact wish never to see the Serak coming from Paul de Thouars, in the Dutch Indo community. Why I established Serak training centers to honor only Pak Serak and no one else on the planet. 
  In closing another of my editorials for me to expand upon.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.



  For being always my own man, in working, practice and living my social man in standing - could never find any comfort to be hypocritical to anyone, and my reason why many are still with me to keep training. Others of the (Title chasing willows) only liking to brag, and per human condition always stepping me in the back - were kindly disposed of out my martial environment. The Serak community in Holland, here throughout the United States of America, and  unto  to West Java were always the clap-clap and club-club sarong wearing chasing breed of people, claiming to be the strict owners of Serak. They to me, without me insulting them for writing my true in nature - find it always interesting for me to write on many. For my part is quite alright; because were playing a game of disorderly conduct together - that most are always kissing up to each other for telling how good they are - in a reality check they sucks. I care less my own practice, already being noticed and getting many support in the martial communities of the world. They already knew the history of Serak; the clowns for masters  putting on sarongs and black hats or pietjies (made in Pakistan) and doing their hula dancing, instead of showing the real Serak as a boxed in combative system. They may come and fight me directly, I have nothing to lose but only fun to gain. I am 81 years old where am I going to go? My time is short, and who knows what can only seek pleasure in combat for combating  a liking to be maestro of the hula dancing Serak and his curriculum teaching how it is done. In real combat is a misplaced position to counter a fast coming counter. A curriculum  is only dandy for academics or for engineers to configure out their theory in practice and create designs for machines. In combat will never work.
  Sorry for my unpleasant exposure of letting out steam. Also please understand I am sharing my this morning's editorial with only my groups of individuals in my legacy, since this web page the KUN TAO SILAT DE THOUARS - remain a closed web side and only for my followers. Outsiders sneaking in coming to read were never welcome; but just in case you do read my commentaries is own your own risk not to feel insulted by me. I am a straight shooter id you.
  I always had liked Dr Andre Knutskraichen over the other Dutch Indo masters, and also know that Dr Andre is everybody's friend and less to concern me. I am not with the Dutch Indo community, and also wish never to have any inner action with any of them.  Precisely my intent of my own behaviorism for picking out a subject to write - it is my therapy to strengthen my fingers. The Serak of Dr Andre is good, and like any of the Serak practice by my brothers and their students - have no problem with that since they are practicing their Serak. Dr Andre had his Serak instructions first directly from Paul, and later in time had some training under Maurice in Holland. Nothing secretive to me - I already knew all their Serak. In what they know, I never wish liking to know. I trained Serak since 1946, and even slightly before Maurice and Paul came from Java to be reunited with our family in Thailand. I know Serak all my life, and caring less the denial from my own blood family and students, that I know nothing - make my point even stronger to focus my teaching on my real Serak - the Pak Serak system of mentjac silat Serak.  I had studied Serak under the direct student - instructors of Pak Serak, and also trained under uncle John de Vries without the hula dancing Serak of present world Serak. . Watch me will bring more energy, spice and flavor to boost up the true Serak. Why should I learn from secondaries to get educated in the Serak of others, and to include my own brothers and their understanding of Serak?
 Mas Djoet Serak shaded away from the true Serak of Pak Serak.  And who is Jim Ingram really - we were never good friends with any friendly relation between us, I just found my grace for hating this self made up silat guru besar claiming the many things he never had studied. Him to may come to Colorado and fight me in my backroom - and  this time around will do everything very fast to kingdom come.  I am still full of piss and vinegar, and in combat still very spit and polished to go a distance - I train everyday for any of the  occasions - just in case someone come. Any student of Jim Ingram will ger my fist in fury on his face. So come to papa.
  I will teach Serak in my training Centers for the real Serak. Than that Joe Judt charactr claiming  of being a master in Ie shing yie, and mastered so many other systems boost up my laughter - what a bragger. And Steve Gartin the real kun tao silat expert for me means -ha ha ha ha ha which social Serak club did he came from?  Come to papa with all you could claim ready to kick your a****.
{ Guru Keith Moffet and Dr conrad Bui are still my very finest and great and excellent student-instructors in my system. They just don't like to involve them selves with our Serak wars - brought upon by others always underrating and underestimating me. What do they expect out of me, to keep my distance in silence. Hell no, I am ready for combat or a battle of psychological reasoning. I am good for either.
  Anyway I am not trying to fulfill the winnings for a popularity of a social Serak contest like Paul, Victor and the rest after them - I am just my own self a straight shooting Serak player me.
Will be gone for a while due to my busy schedules, and sure would make some a******* happy. But i will be back with more refreshing stories to write.
By oom Willem de Thouars, th magus of Denver. .

A PHASE OF PROGRESION IN SERAK, UNDER ME. By the true phantom of Serak.

A PHASE OF PROGRESION IN SERAK, UNDER ME. By the true phantom of Serak.

   After all the unneccesary infighting of others, mainly the students under my older brother Paul, and many under my younger brother  Vicor and others in Holland    - is it also my energized morivation for ending the fury in climax of my issues wih all of them - to remove any other obstacle standing in my way. Those I had mention, and to include even my own brothers, and others of the bloodfamily who have tried the hardest to convince the world -that they are the only ones able to teach the art Serak. And that the PDTAcademy or the VDT Academy or the only ones  by going further also even to under Walter van der Broeke, ( a rotten apple to spoil good fruits),  and the de Vries family, in Holland are the only ones authorized and allowed for teaching PENTJAC SILAT SERAK OR POEKOELAN PENTJAC SILAT Serak as authorized by the de Vries and Paul de Thouars.
  This measure of authorization by all men in diapers, and leaders who were never leaders left the world a chaotic planet for thinking that way. After all we share our planet together, and I measure my own values of knowing the art Serak from uncles, and the immidiate trained instructors of the founder -Pak Serak who were  the long line  disciples of the system's father. While many others, and to include the best known gurus of Serak, in the personas of Mas Djoet and Marun to the three de Thouars brothers - Maurice, Paul and Victor - had gone only further to expedite their long life stories that only could relate to  these two gurus who taught the two uncles John and Ventje de Vries and in turn taught mainly Paul and Maurice - the art that was actually more the Mas Djoet Serak explicit from what they knew in how to teach. The history of serak, as I too was informed by family, and the two uncles began to escalate to only Mas Djoet and had not gone  any further beyond the horizon of the system.  There were other  Dutch Indonesians  who trained together with Joihn and Ventje de Vries was also a certain Schrijn and several others who trained together with the two uncles. The Serak history, in Holland and in America and else where on the planet wend not further from where it began to envolved - from the start with Mas Djoet and to end with Mas Djoet. Historical found my greatest resentment that for years, since Serak was taught by Maurice, Paul and Victor wend not any further in lack of a resource in research. Non of those leaders who had introduced Serak here in America, and in Holland had gone deeper in studies.
  All the ghost stories being told that Mas Djoet had to revised and actaully reformed the art, he learned from the founder to a better format to educate people better  in serak - became actually a Mas Djoet orientated system out the original combative art of Serak. According to the legendary stories that many left the founder -included also Mas Djoet- that Pak Serak was unable to teach because of his club foot and lame arm. through birth. Looking at history so did Alexander the Great born in 356 BC was born with a birth's defect, and was fearsome conquering the world and leading men in battle. So was Julius Caesar, a brilliant Roman general and pro consul elected in 59 BC was feared in battle and led his Roman legions to Victory. And one other excample King Tuthnosis III of Egypt brought Egypt to its highest peak, and won many battles had also a birth's defect.  ( 1479-1425 BC)
 According to the three teachers who were directly trained under Pak serak -that he was fluent in movements and could move in faster than any one else they ever had seen before. Pak Serak, and his club foot lived in years of difficulties - was under colonial rule -had to survive physically and mentally and fought off native attackers, and lived in the forest. With his club foot and lame arm could move faster and was also a supreme counter action fighter to swiftly move in, out and was very mobile with close encounters as fastly he could cover his distances.  Pal Serak was an internal and external martial warrior. and highly praised as a teacher by the students who was loyal to the creator of the system Serak. The art itself  find many highly orientated influences of tracing its influences back to the Wutan monastery of Tibet. It can esy be shown in the golden spider form or juru as more complex and longer in extension over the Serak of the two uncles de Vries.
  From what I knew in studies the history of Serak, and it system find also many of my resentful disagreement with even my own brothers, and all their students for not practicing the Serak art of Pak Serak - but instead are more deeper orientated in the practice of Mas Djoet, and his art of the same system and actually denyng the existence pf Pak Serak and followers under him. Their denial is my mistrust.
  Why collectively speaking in my writing is it more appropriate for me, and my loyal and devoted followers to stay further apart from all the other Serak systems -in America -in Holland and even in West Java. Also more constructive for me to have estab;ished Serak training centers  for the quality of the art of Pak Serak. We need to stay apart, and regardless of some similiarity in our system's practice are we also quite a far distance apart.
  Our Serak, the Willem de Thouars Makao Hakka kun tao Serak remains its own practice and entity from all others.  By Oom Willem de Thouars, the true phantom of Serak.

SERAK'S INTEND IS TO LIVE IN PEACE. By the magus of Denver.

SERAK'S INTEND IS TO LIVE IN PEACE. By the magus of Denver.

   My main intend is to share my feeling with my most distinguished martial followers, and well trained disciple - instructors - are my true lineage holders and true finished practitioners. To assume that I have not one finished student is all a pack of lies from old ex students, and others who like to make a claim on the art Serak. Unfortunate and really not to my dismay that I had to remove, and "booted" out some two hundred ex students and ex martial associated friends. Their names not even recorded by me has no significance in meaning to me - we are finished, and I, and my loyal devoted followers are moving forward to a higher ground level. Why as a main topic to start my this morning's article is also my way of thinking - in how I see the art of Pencak silat Srak as a total peaceful art - and should be looked upon in a more constructive  way in  relationship to living an art of the living. Why my main topic I wrote it  as -SERAK'S INTEND TO LIVE IN PEACE - and please do not interfere by correcting me - as my first post to start intended article to write.. After all I am writing my point in viewing in how to construct my editorial for my sharing. It is also the beginning of the first post, mind you not in an insulting way.
  I actually paint better than I write, often was forced to write to defend my own stamping ground - in being aggressive and never let down. As long as I am being understood is all I care for; for a reality check are there many well acknowledged and quite well educated people, my students who had no problem understanding me. For sure one can always find a stick to hit a dog.
  My main object for writing is the art Serak, and how I feel and consider myself the luckiest teacher who have no problems with my legacy in followers are also everywhere and anywhere.  Many teachers in Serak, and also in various another martial systems always try to dominate their students. My brothers made that mistake, and many others from what I knew were making the same mistakes after mistakes that they live forever and their students are enslaved by their thinking. There was never a Board of Directors like in the PDT Academy for instance only by my example trying to make the art they are practicing a secretive martial practice. In what was created by their teachers is the worse of down fall leading to a tragedy.
  I had been practicing and training Serak for as long, as I could remember for at least over 60 years. And despite trying to harmonize by sharing the art together in the family, was always a hysterical drama  brought in a disastrous disharmony by my own brothers; mainly Paul and Victor always trying to dominate the art for owning the art. No one really knew my practice or accumulated years of training my many various forms in martial practice - that I kept the silence, and they kept pushing me aside by underrating my knowledge for claiming to know something. Insecurity in men can have some bad affect with students and family. It never had mattered to me, because I knew in what I knew - they never did, and I also knew their background and also knew all their training with their greater flaws to impact Serak in the later years. All out of a set position.
  The biggest problem regarding the art Serak - that over the years are many self devised forms of Serak in the system Serak. At one time or another, in going back in time were quite a few training under the founder pak Serak, was during the 19th century, and others Like Mas Djoet who left Pak Serak - wend on their own and made up their own Serak. They found training further under pak Serak was inadequate because of his club foot and lame arm, and not a club arm.  They learned only enough to go their own ways to prosper. But the ones who stayed began teaching the Pak Serak system,- some in the 19 century but mostly was in the 20th century when they actually introduced the art to just a chosen few.  I was very fortunate  to started to learn the real Serak from the two native teachers, in Bandung in 1948, and later found another guru of the same system, in Deli City in Northern California. The three I studied under were all training partners (students) under Pak Serak - they knew each other - and I concluded my training under the German- Dutch native teacher here in America. All three teachers are now long gone -but their spirit will always remain to be treasured on the palm of my hands. From what I had received the training under uncle John de Vries. in the 1950's will always be treasured by me, and also feel freely to comment that I knew the Serak Bandung of the Mas Djoet lineage - and will always prefer to train the Pak Serak art of Serak. But I honor uncle John as the best disciple under Mas Djoet. I still also do practice his combination djurus.
  No body ever hurt of them - I am glad and happy and can only be a remarkable showing the difference between me, and all my two brothers and all their students in how I had learned my serak. nothing meant as an insult. Their practice is all good, I only favor my own knowledge in Serak.
  The main reason why the difference between others, my own brothers and my own self - that I always had run my legacy as a family orientated system - while others try to possess and own the souls of students under their dictatorship. God bless them - I sleep better.
  There is no problem or any argumentative behaviorism among my group of finished and well trained practitioners - even when I needed to remove all in one day some two hundred others of the worthless and big bragging ex students out my family circles and  sorry was unable to use an old German Para trooper's boot to do it with. But in America with all our law in regulations did it in a nice way - instead of swift kicking their a**** did it by just nicely removing them.  Keeps me better to sleep.
  My Serak training centers to honor and respect the founder Pak Serak, and only honoring him is steadily and vastly growing stronger with more and better folks are my martial family.  I can only honor one master - and impossible for me to cow town to others in the Serak community of the world.
  Live like a family where rank has no place of business in the true tradition of Serak.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.