Monday, September 5, 2016

WHY MY MISTRUST, By the magus of Denver.

                                                         MY MISTRUST.
  People should have stood in my place in order to really be of an understanding nature of me. Why at many times I am also very negative about people in my remarks, my own endorsement for writing my commentaries against many is for a sound reason. Many came, and many were very abusive by slandering my de Thouars name. toke advantage of my good nature in heart, and were actually really exploiting my system without even trying to pay respect to me, my family had known me for many years and had just study under me for some three years. Sure I leashed out against them, and I began to write my issue in beefy stew stories to write on them and also had named them many times.
  These people had no honor, respect to others and their effortless labor, and had taken advantage of many of the situations that gave them an open door to make false business off me, my family and trained instructors for their far distance learning program. They claimed Bill Chang their real teacher, and actually the man in charge was a flawless liking to be finished kempo practitioner, and could show only a karate background also as half studied. He really had butchered up the little he knew of my system, and ended up of me booting him out as garbage that was disorderly exposed on the deck of my ship. I removed this untrustworthy ex student and two hundred others with no regretful feeling in of despair . It just gave me pleasure to  remove those I could consider my throw away garbage for the floating dumpster of Long Island. The man whose name already became  meaningless to me as dumped in the quarter section of a street corner on Wall Street where I use to unleash my urine bladder in the same street corner I dumped him.   What can there be expected of a lower grade brown belt as worthless to me can only exploit my system for the worse in showing.  That was my raw deal of experiencing many of my ex students. They were all pieces of work seeking fame.
  Next also my obvious reason to write was the group in Reynosa, Mexico and was really not disappointed for sensing them for many years. Their leader a dressed up untrue master in many a sense came to me and followed me like a poppy dog, and came to some of my events and had me in for just lesser of the viewer in seminars. Was the most unrewarding payer to me, had paid me only with pocket change and paid sums of money to  advertise himself as my most entrusted student. Expected me to make him a successor over the others who were better trained and also far above him with intelligence and in practice. For sure did just the right thing and made him a false promise on tape for my  psychological testing procedure and failed my expectation, The last time he came to one of my last family gatherings with a senator and some others of his students expected me to announce him as my successor in front of all people, including my family, and for sure not to embarrass him threw a curve ball full of excuses for my sound reasoning. Before this man left also was trying to have me signed a diploma in Spanish making him my successor. For sure I refused.
  Now to his practice that some of my martial associated friends of my age generation and from the former Dutch East Indies our old hand kun tao came from had been watching the tapes from Reynosa and the kun tao of Spain. They both came out the same family resources and only could be noticed by any of us who really are in the old hand kun tao that they try to impress them selves, and only can be noticed as practitioners expediting kempo hand patterns and tae kwon do kicks.  And for sure many of their skills were also an imitation out many other martial tapes that can be bought in the open market. The all wear uniforms so full of sparkle with the many patches that the patches became more meaningful over any of the actual practice. The headmaster of the kun tao Reynosa and bad silat look just like an outstanding general to comment his followers.
  His wife after just a few seminars she learned from one of my own martial associated friends, made herself a master of tai chi. It just astonished me for ever had to deal with ex students like the ones in Reynosa. Tai chi in order to be good in the art need to be trained and studied in a life time of studies.
  These are just a few of the examples I was dealing with as a teacher who expected and thought many of those with greater expectation of my longing was happy for them to have disappointed me for my learning experience.
   Why I always happy to come to my Mexican family under Dr Rainero in Guadalajara, I know always that they are not skimpy when practicing my system. They know all my 40 forms as I had instructed them to follow in many years. There is a big difference between Guadalajara and Reynosa. I came to the city of Gaudalajara already for many years, and also had tested most of the students and instructors. The followers of my system in Guadalajara are fully informed, well studied and well practiced. My kun tao and silat Serak Headquarter is in the best of care under Dr Mario Rainero and instructors. Combat has very little to do with the real practice of my system in what count is comprehensive understanding of my teaching. Although all my followers from Guadalajara to America and around the globe know how to fight is really not important. The onslaught of people killing people is an everyday in occurring with the human race, and not necessary in the martial arts. Martial arts can only make better people in people to live a healthier life.
  In closing I am very happy and lucky to count my blessing for the followers under me NOW, and they had taken the place of the ones I needed to remove for my obvious reason by example I needed to mention of my ex students and the group in Reynosa, in Mexico.  In what became of me for my reactive responses against those individuals thinking I was a p**** and weak in resources.
  With my care and love, please be safe and happy eating time in socializing.
By the mangus of Denver, and the founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars.

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