Thursday, September 15, 2016


                                STEVE GARTIN NEVER A PROBLEM.
Regardless any one else viewing in regard of me, my commentaries on those of the most in my dislike by discharging them everlastingly. I like in what the Greek philosopher wrote of the ones fiigthing you fought the hardest battle. In my case the ones like Steve Gartin and Chas Clements are there in forgotten land, and are trying to be counted as martial leaders in kun tao and silat.  Especially Steve Gartin has nowhere else to go but stuck to his little corner of the world, in Rosswell, where him and his alienated friends are residing blowing off smoke columns and through vision could only see Gartin's illusion for his Mega expansion for trying to be the most known for his American version of Kun tao and silat. All Gartin is what he could count on was most in what I taught him. The whole world knows it, and all who are still training under me. Gartin was a teacher who fooled him self through his addiction of Gartin's illusion. He keep forgetting, I am above water and he is below.. I write about him mostly out of sheer pleasure that he is far below me, in skills, in practice and in knowledge. No matter how he tries, people who are remarkably intelligence knew his character and his crookedness. Several already had to experience Steve Gartin, and also his losing Court Battles. He always wanted to be his own appointed lawyer for his own defense, but was a big time loser. Uncle Ventje did studied law, the Dutch law and the Colonial law at the university of old Batavia and was able to be successful as a magistrate at the justice department in Batavia, formerly the Dutch East Indies. Gartin and his steep and deep boring writing his issues must had bored the respectable judges who resided over him, just reading Gartin's mambo jumbo claims of some were true but most was based on fabricated lies. The judges where never backwards by overseeing each case were always better informed over an on informed liking to be his own self defense attorney. You may fool your self but never a judge residing.
  He claimed never to be captured alive was nothing more but a poppy dog's claim that after all the arresting officers had no hard time making an arrest of Gartin and his big claim liking to be a dangerous man as once on FBI's most wanted list. (Not a dangerous man was captured for tax evasion). But Gartin loves the lime light to be in by dramatizing himself. Clements bragged about the bad deeds he left behind with the law, and Gartin liking to brag how dangerous he was and never being scared for any lawyer, also was appointed a lawyer for each of his cases. He lost all his cases and there are still individuals in Colorado who like to cream Gartin by overriding his false claim. Gartin to me was never a big problem gave me only an entrance to his soul for writing my beefed up stories on him. I never feared this ex student and all he liked to claim; because Steve Gartin is a crook, a deceitful man, very dishonest in business and the worse of any one man I ever had trained. I signed the contract was to test Gartin for who he really was to me, and Clements always following Gartin.  Gartin and Luz Pena Cavaroz has the most in common as one for domination in ownership.
  Gartin is on his last string of trying to be my equal, could never be. My reputation in the US, and around the globe follow me with better deeds. Anyone who are with me, may leave me anytime when trying to associate them self with Steve Gartin who tries to find an entrance way to gain their trust. Most under me already knew of Steve Gartin for his disloyalty to a teacher, and to the specific me. Most of his knowledge came from me, and for sure this par time ex student with the lesser studies tries to be over me by claiming him as Bill Chang's successor and keep forgetting the students of the man from Bandung, in Indonesia.  Bill Chang fought his hardest battle before passing , and was a true unfortunate finding his fate for Theo Tjong Oen. It was regretful since I knew his background, knew his mastery of skills and also knew his desperation of times. It was regretful for him; but Steve Gartin another piece of work who like to use the names of teachers, and had exploited my system for over 25 years, and actually made money of me, and my trained instructors. I could also hold easy the Paladin Press in accountability for making tapes of me, and my instructors for Gartin's Far distance Learning Program was never allowed by me. Also even mentioning me or my trained instructors to be part of Gartin's false programming for his guru program. I tested Steve Douglas Gartin by allowing him of taping me saying many things --was all a testing procedure for the trustworthiness of Gartin for a student --now an ex student. He had showed his true color to me that a Zebra never loses his stripes. So how can anyone trust him, a teacher, and a fake, only the ones with the likes of him.
  So I leave things as is, with a futuristic plan to write more of my beefy stew stories that no one will escape my rod of vengeance.
A m I an a******, the answer is yes, because many made me an a****** for me liking to comment. And so is just my writing I needed to do for me to memorize about those most in my dislike. After all consider those just like my martial history for me to remember, and for me to share not only the good experience but also the bad experience with only my loyal readers and my most distinguished devoted practitioners. My Denver martial history.
By the magus of Denver, and the founding father of KUN TAO SILAT SERAK DE THOUARS.

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