Thursday, September 8, 2016


  Needlessly to say in the vocabulary for my wordy description by explaining myself, and sharing my real feeling with only my true and real loyal followers for students. In my following after years of discovering them, and them me, I learn and struggle to gear my direction in the right prospective of my thinking. After all I am the founding father of my own system, and also need to be constructive and highly orientated with my thinking in doing the right thing for my self, and never to care of others or other masters.
  For years kept an open door policy, had students from martial colleagues, associated friends and even several students from my own brothers were coming to train under me. It was very hard to train those people; because they had bad habits I could not changed. For years they came and had gone or never came back -- they thought to know my system, and they were not. Especially with old ex students thought they were  coming into a social re leave center, that I could make a choice for an example to mention Steve Gartin, Chas clements and the rest follow in the same category of individuals were some two hundred others I had terminated and booted out. They never known my real thinking what put me aside from all other masters.
  While the going was extremely well for most who came to train under me, I did intense studies in learning history of the greatest field commanders the world ever had known. I could never be like anyone of them but kept learning a trade of their successes and failures. After 50 years of intense studies, and no one knew anything about me, I became a loner and self reserved martial practitioner and kept also learning mostly internal combative arts from the best of Chinese masters. While the many left and I kept going my training and history studies continuously was progressing. So I didn't care in who came or in who was leaving.
  I had many resources to draw any conclusion from who were my sound heroes of the past in history. For instance the best to study was Alexander the Great or Alexander of Macedon -356 BCE - 323 BCE -he dispelled fear for his own freedom of fear. Julius Caesar one of the greatest sharp thinkers as a Roman politician, general and emperor, 106 BCE- 44 BCE his key battle was in Gaul. Acupa, a Roman general and admiral 63 BCE - 12 BCE. Hannibal 247 BCE- 182 BCE. Scipio Africanus 236 BCE- 183 BCE -whose worth incalculable. Chengis Khan who unified the 18 Mongol tribes together. 11th century to end 1227 CE --his key battle Beijing 1215, Samarkand 1220.
  My two sound heroes of the modern military commanders were for certain Napoleon Bonaparte, still a field battery genius of all times --when in doubt attack. August 15 -May 5, 1821.
General George S Patton Jr, fought all Nazi generals in Africa, Italy , France and Normandy and saved the Bulge to keep possession of Antwerp. Most Europeans were not even aware of this great American military genius who actually prevented the Nazi troops to capture Antwerp. He was born November 11 in 1885 -- died November 21, 1945. He by his own deliverance provoked combat in order to sustain any stain of battle. He came from a wealthy family, like Napoleon did. I also learn in how to express my feeling by studying their writing found Dwight D Eisenhower the most  administrative writer. So I learn how to compose sentences by tailoring after them. No shame.
  Why I never feared any one under any combat circumstances. I also fully aware that no one of any of us will live forever. By studying those battle hardened field commanders of our past became also a well calculated martial leader. Why I made constructive choices and training under me became very diverse in practice. I don't see just one system but look at the wider picture in how to be better.
  Why I am also most happy over all other teachers with my choice in successors over the ones in my past. I thank all my loyal and devoted practitioners of hard core in following of my system for their loyalty and devotion to me, my family and system. All who train under me are my successors are many. My headquarter for Colorado remain to be located in Northglenn, Colorado is a home kwoon or dojo and for years. The host is guru Marcelo Rainero and Renee Rainero, a man an wife team.
Look forward to see several at my fort coming Serak symposium to honor uncle John de Vries and the founder Pak Serak. And for my Colorado group look forward of seeing you in our Sunday morning class.

  Although Ramesses II 1303 BCE- 1213 BCE had reigned Egypt for nearly 66 years, and was the most successful ruler in Egypt had also a disability since birth. Later was discovered that he was suffering from a club foot, and was stricken with ankylosing spondilitis (AS) a chronic inflamatory disease. He fought many battles in Egypt as well in Syria, and led the battle in Kadesh, in 1275 BCE successfully. He was unlike most other rulers in Egypt.
  Pak Serak had a similar related chronic disease, and was a successful teacher of the system he had created. Ramesses was a larger bodied man in physic, and stronger but the two men suffered the same PHYSICAL disability.  

Salam in peace to all the magus of Denver, and founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars.

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