Thursday, September 15, 2016


  For sure can never be ever a promotion for Steve Gartin or Walter van der Broeke or Bill Chang when I write about them, is really sharing some martial history with my most loyal followers were really surprised that Bill Chang knew less about kun tao and was mostly doing karate with hand patterns out of ci mande and silat as his system for blocking. When I sponsored him had to write some great stories on the man who was never worth my effort. He might had been known in Bandung, less in Jakarta, and like broken iron fatigued could never be remembered as  an equal great kun tao exponent like Oei Kim Boeng in Bogor, and others of the true masters in Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya or Maccasar, in Sulawesi. Before i was sponsoring him, at the request of his family in Los Angeles, I questioned my silat associates in Java. From them I had learned that Bill Chang's father had served in the K.N.I.L as a colonial military, and also knew that he was Dutch educated in business. Although successful in business in Indonesia was a failure in America. I was informed and had to make up stories for me able to write favoring Chang for our American Immigration for him to get his desired green card. As a sponsor became a nightmare to me for having gotten Bill Chang to the state of Colorado. He always bragged about how dangerous his kun tao was, and at the same time was very controversial by claiming that silat was more dangerous then kun tao.  I knew immediately that he was not the kun tao expert as was thought of him. He was actually to lazy for long enduring studies in kun tao. It was easier to learn for him more the practice of the iron skin in cimande, the matter of blocking in silat and his training in the lower Hokien kun tao kicks he was very good in.  He does has skills but not magnificently as was claimed. He also made up his own tai chi forms and looked more like an imitation of aikido and bagua combined together. I sensed right a way that he was so accustomed for using the slap boxing style out of cimande, was for certain not in old style kun tao. ( I do practice old school cimande).  People were always confused by the assessment of kuntao or kuen tao or koon touw for actually karate do.
  Several who once were my par time students became overwhelmed with the stories told of Bill Chang and him always liking to fight, in a land blinded by bad jungle book stories where one man could easy be king. Bill Chang found a new territory for his martial expansion, and due to my greater effort brought a taste of fame as on fame to me to his food platter. There were many of my cowboy friends I held them aside from the ones I was training who easily could have beaten Bill Chang to powder dust without any martial skills, and the man from Bandung with many fighting skills. His ego was really the biggest for his own self defeat where he found his own fate. He always thought that no one could beat him, and wrongly thought for a reality check. Why he always was acting a spoiled breath, very demanding and discourteous especially to me, his sponsor. I am glad they had taken him off my hand so that he could move on playing his game for being the great kun tao exponent not thinking that a field of communication was just minutes away to find a reality check.
  When I, in silence had happily removed Steve Gartin, Chas Clements and many others out my legacy had exchanged them with my old cowboy friends and of some, and many others came in their place and became the very best of followers of training under me, and are still devoted to my training. While Gartin and followers always were stuck by thinking of those I had removed still with me had actually fooled them selves by thinking. My fun for a reprisal of their bad conductive actions for ex students was easy my best exchange in the best of people with better jobs and more precised and better comprehension of understanding me for being my true students as followers. The big exchange did me well and very good for my explicit answer was happy to have gotten rid of pain in the a**** and for good and really like to write about them.
  Individuals like Steve Gartin, Chas Clements and others I had trained as par time students were immediately taken away with the b******* of Bill Chang, and went over to learn the Chang's kun tao as a fatigued bad kun tao could wiser be rated as kemposih styled or in karate do. The true karate art is better formed as a proven fact for longer years in history over the imitation of them. Many not even under me were watching Steve Gartin and all his false pretentious claim on YOU TUBE was the worse of imitation of me, and bad in practicing of half kempo or non organic flavored in spice. He looked precisely like Walter van der Broeke after sniffing powder dust and doing his Bukti Negara. Steve Gartin could only show bad performances for an old ex student under me, and knowing of me for many years and ncould never be a friend as mu equal. After he claimed to be the successor of Bill Chang could see how to become on flourished a sickening older poppy as on graced for his bad imitation of my system. He has always much of my basic and elementary influences out my system for him to brag as his own invention for the newer kun tao or silat. What brought shame to the feeling of my true loyal followers in students. Steve Gartin and his whole American kun tao silat could never compare as equals with them who still train and practice my system and carry on my name. There is a big difference for the ones who really train my art or  the ones like Gartin only knowing my system as a few drops of water in a bigger bucket full of water.  
  His guardian angel Arthur Kidwell another piece of work under Gartin as rated by Gartin as a guru muda should be over Gartin as rated by me as a low brown belt. Is what Gartin really knew of my practice was never able to finish my training for being the laciest old ex student I ever had trained.  And never in my forget me not book of records that Aric Flour made a ma ha guru under Gartin means he is not martial orientated but a holy religious philosopher. That is what Ma Ha Guru means a religious teacher philosopher construct his thinking on religious believe. They are not doing fighting arts.
  Why I am not blaming but bring buckets full of tears for my laughter of Victor as the greatest example considering himself a ma ha guru and led others into believing the highest rank for a martial teacher. I am in true communication with real ma ha gurus of religious believe always find their outstanding laughter with martial artists liking to claim for being a Ma Ha Guru. My reward always a sound good laughter for the teachers who associate them selves with such high ranking. Can name quite a few of them, and they are my biggest laughter to cause me my stomach cramps.
Always in sincerity by the magus of Denver, and the founding father of KUNTAO SILAT SERAK DE THOUARS.

1 comment:

  1. Walter is the best. Sinds Paul dood is
    Met vriendelijke groet,
    George Blom
