Perhaps I am a spoiled individual for more studies in the martial arts
than any of my own brothers, and most common as a dominating factor had
been underrated, under estimated and looked down upon by mainly Paul
and Victor --as they were always claiming to tell their students. A
reason we are still apart from each other until Maurice and Paul were
passing on. It is sad, and yet, also for me a larger reason to express
my feeling in a mindset that does not permit any unity to rise above the
horizon. And also by the Dutch Indo community in Los Angels and in
Holland is not a hurting for me, bu a rejoice for unlimited expansion.
Which I did.
Victor to me will always be a student of Paul, since the beginning
in Holland, and Paul then was just a beginner starting student under
uncle John. Paul taught Victor, and occasionally also trained together
Kees Boering and my younger brother. Victor will always be treated to
any other of Paul's students --why also never in any of my caring to
mention him above Paul or Maurice.
For the many more of studies I had undergone learning old school
silat and Serak and Palembang kun tao had often to restrain my self for
my opinion when around any of my brothers would actually be
embarrassing to them for having to listen to the truth. Watch them move,
and watch me move my distance in a diversity of flavors.
Why I also decided to arrange a small family gathering only for my
associated martial friends, and most loyal followers who I still train
and also still give instructions to in the Bandung Serak, and the
Cheribon Serak is especially designated to pay tribute by honoring Uncle
John de Vries who taught me the most in structure and format and also
several of his combination djurus and langkas for the Serak of his Mas
Djoet lineage, and became in a due process above Mas Djoet after uncle
John studied the Southern kun tao from two formidable kun tao teachers
in Bogor, in West Java. Also especially bring to my memory is glorifying
and the most to honor Pak Serak for his Cheribon Serak. Pak Serak died
in the early part of the 1900's. The teachers who taught me the Cheribon
Serak were also in their 60's in the late 1940's, and guru Egmund was
already in his 80's in the 1970's. Like myself was then still full of
piss and vinegar. I also honor at the same time Pak Atjo, guru Sardjono
from Bandung where I met them, and later in the Bay era of San Francisco
met guru Egmund.
Is going to be hold in my Headquarter in Northglenn, Colorado or
possibly also in my own back yard. My Headquarter is located in
Northglenn, and home address 141 East 105th ave
Northglenn, Co 80233.
For direction or information contact guru Marcelo Rainero at 303-668-411
Schedules for the two days start on Saturday from 10 AM -- 1.PM. One hour lunch.
3 PM - 5 PM.
Schedule for Sunday is same from 10 AM - 1 PM. One hour lunch
3 PM - 5 PM
There are plenty of motels and hotels in Thornton or Northglenn can be traced through the internet.
Go to motels or hotels and find plenty of telephone numbers and addresses.
We will have a special slametan or feast gathering at no cost for the attending practitioners in my home.
Look forward of seeing you all, and of you for our this Sunday morning class.
By Pak Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver and the founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars.
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