It really had never mattered to me in who is practicing what, and
also not my caring in who is the best in styles or personality. I always
had tried to do better in my own practice without having to look at
others. As individuals in the human race we all think different, and
also have very different personalities. Why would be impossible to
consider us as the same people all around.
My reason to write the most on Steve Gartin, and Bill Chang and to
an extend also even on Rodney Fernandez is my defensive position for my
undertaking to set my record straight, and like to explain to my readers
and loyal followers why I needed to write as many commentaries is
strictly in defense of my self, and a duty to my teachers who taught me.
And explicitly not forgetting also many of the old ex students I needed
to remove, dis acknowledge and also revoke any of the ranking I had
issued. Non of them deserve my recognition of them they had never had
any appreciation or gratitude for my effortless time of teaching.
Instead of trying to comprehensive understanding me were also always
the worse to criticizing me by underrating and largely underestimating
my intelligence and teaching for their unlimited boundaries of their
disgrace regarding my skills. Non of them had ever any deep
comprehension for understanding a cultured teacher with the mind set of a
Rodney Fernandez for instance was not long enough with me to even
obtain a rank, he was just a short time student, and just for a few
months. Thought of my system that everything came out of a one punch
lead. Assuming that did everybody else were thinking the same way
resulting for me always in being criticized timelessly and far beyond
any horizon. It had never occurred to me of bothering me, and time
evolving I started to read many of the bad articles in false conductive
writing from Steve Gartin and Chas Clements, and many of the members of
the American kun tao silat. Also for me in being conclusive Bill Chang, a
man from Bandung I had first sponsored.
For sure I needed to held back many of my wisdom and craft in
skills of them, that most i had cancelled out or removed were just short
time students under me, and several somewhat longer. There were even
great and excellent practitioners I needed to terminate were to much
their own self servers, and not good for me and my system. Why I just
had to take away their ranks, and disband any further association with
them. I am glad non of them with me anymore.
Some individuals like Steve Gartin, and Chas Clements will always
be on the worse end of my reprisal in writing. They were some of the
most useless people to me with all their claim in knowledge. They both
were dis honoring me, were very disrespectful to me, and my family and
had exploited my system to make money of my system under false pretend.
Their article writing on me in previous articles were also my greatest
attested example to write against them with a task in fury. It will
never cease to exist. Gartin is still advertising, make still bad
imitation of me while claiming the lineage of Bill Chang, and his
system. It is hard for him to promote Bill Chang's system has not much
to offer. I could recommend better skilled karate, tae kwon do or even
true kun tao masters in the place.
Bill Chang always a very arrogant man for his display was never a
famous kun tao master. I only wrote several letters to the US
immigration that he was a famous man, while lacking the real
understanding of kun tao in forms. He was known in Bandung, and also in
Indonesia but not in our Western Hemisphere until I made him known, and
introduced him to the martial community in Denver. The rest is all
history on him. His martial skills is more silat or cimande orientated
then old hand kun tao. But for what is worth the mentioning that Bill
Chang for sure has many excellent martial skills, and mostly highly
influenced with the iron skin training of cimande and karate.. His
measurement of his blocking system in parrying and deflecting were all
related to the practice in silat and cimande. Also his reasoning why kun
tao is a lesser art then silat.
The man was deeply on rooted and was to light on his feet could
never be any good in push hands. He always had badly murmured my skills
and told bad jungle book stories about me that I could not fight, was no
match for him and my skills were far below him. He had to explain
history to me and was trying to correct my martial structures. For sure
was all Bill Cahng's Thumb s****** ideas for fantasizing his lies. A man
who was sponsored by me insulting me without understanding
intelligently others in our martial community. His combative actions
against me was his worse failure to embarrassed him self. Deeply inside
of him he knew. but never was honest enough to be truthful. Kun Lun
Pai did not came from Bill Chang as he claimed, and Steve Gartin only
knew to follow up a lie, and was there long before any of us, NOW, were
even born. The Kun Lun Mountains was just a direct resource in finding
some answers regarding the Kun Lun temple boxing arts of Tibet.
My system of old hand kun tao came first out the Shandong valley of
Manchuria to Kwantung to Canton and ending up in Tibet and in the Kun
Lun Mountains. Came later through migration of several of the boxing
experts to land in Palembang, in Sumatra, a highly cultivated civil
cultural center of the Chinese emperor who had established a city for
the creation of languages, cloth waving (batik), pottery, religion,
business trade, and cooking and military expansion hundreds of years
ago. The largest Chinese community was always in Palembang, in Sumatra.
Several of the families of my Hakka kun tao teachers were first settled
in Portuguese Macao. Many of the Chinese internal boxers came to Macao
for business reasoning to shy away from poverty in China. They found
their wealth and established t'ai chi, i shing yie and pakua sacred
martial schools. Expanded later to Hong Kong, a British crown colony and
settled later in Palembang. Why I also named my system after as the
Willem de Thouars Makao kun tao Serak silat was to carry the spirit of
my teachers who taught me on the palm of my hands. Pak Serak's Chinese
family came from Portuguese Macao, and settled in Cheribon.
It could have all been different when Bill Chang was more
respectful, and honest outside his bad jungle book stories on me, and
Steve Gartin and Chas Clements and the many others I swift kicked out my
contingency were more of an understanding nature of myself as a teacher
and respectfully were adhering to my teaching instead of insulting my
system they were always exploiting to serve their own purpose of greed.
They had never finished my training, and can there never or ever be any
make up and kiss op between all of them and myself. I am glad to have
gotten rid of royal pain in the a**** to write my editorials but
I highly praise my present followers who are loyal, devoted and
constantly in practice and in training my system were also for many
years with me. They are getting also the very best of me, and will teach
them everything I know. I thank them for their sincere loyalty and
devotion to me, my system and family.
In conclusion for this editorial always my highly esteem
appreciation for their effortless training and their loyalty. There are
more of them over all of those I needed to kick out my martial
environment have no longer a place in my heart and spirit. Why I am
always writing a lot on them will never be a cease to exist.
For sure can never be ever a promotion for Steve Gartin or Walter van der
Broeke or Bill Chang when I write about them, is really sharing some
martial history with my most loyal followers were really surprised that
Bill Chang knew less about kun tao and was mostly doing karate with hand
patterns out of ci mande and silat as his system for blocking. When I
sponsored him had to write some great stories on the man who was never
worth my effort. He might had been known in Bandung, less in Jakarta,
and like broken iron fatigued could never be remembered as an equal
great kun tao exponent like Oei Kim Boeng in Bogor, and others of the
true masters in Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya or Maccasar, in Sulawesi.
Before i was sponsoring him, at the request of his family in Los
Angeles, I questioned my silat associates in Java. From them I had
learned that Bill Chang's father had served in the K.N.I.L as a colonial
military, and also knew that he was Dutch educated in business.
Although successful in business in Indonesia was a failure in America. I
was informed and had to make up stories for me able to write favoring
Chang for our American Immigration for him to get his desired green
card. As a sponsor became a nightmare to me for having gotten Bill Chang
to the state of Colorado. He always bragged about how dangerous his kun
tao was, and at the same time was very controversial by claiming that
silat was more dangerous then kun tao. I knew immediately that he was
not the kun tao expert as was thought of him. He was actually to lazy
for long enduring studies in kun tao. It was easier to learn for him
more the practice of the iron skin in cimande, the matter of blocking in
silat and his training in the lower Hokien kun tao kicks he was very
good in. He does has skills but not magnificently as was claimed. He
also made up his own tai chi forms and looked more like an imitation of
aikido and bagua combined together. I sensed right a way that he was so
accustomed for using the slap boxing style out of cimande, was for
certain not in old style kun tao. ( I do practice old school cimande).
People were always confused by the assessment of kuntao or kuen tao or
koon touw for actually karate do.
Several who once were my par time students became overwhelmed with
the stories told of Bill Chang and him always liking to fight, in a land
blinded by bad jungle book stories where one man could easy be king.
Bill Chang found a new territory for his martial expansion, and due to
my greater effort brought a taste of fame as on fame to me to his food
platter. There were many of my cowboy friends I held them aside from the
ones I was training who easily could have beaten Bill Chang to powder
dust without any martial skills, and the man from Bandung with many
fighting skills. His ego was really the biggest for his own self defeat
where he found his own fate. He always thought that no one could beat
him, and wrongly thought for a reality check. Why he always was acting a
spoiled breath, very demanding and discourteous especially to me, his
sponsor. I am glad they had taken him off my hand so that he could move
on playing his game for being the great kun tao exponent not thinking
that a field of communication was just minutes away to find a reality
When I, in silence had happily removed Steve Gartin, Chas Clements
and many others out my legacy had exchanged them with my old cowboy
friends and of some, and many others came in their place and became the
very best of followers of training under me, and are still devoted to my
training. While Gartin and followers always were stuck by thinking of
those I had removed still with me had actually fooled them selves by
thinking. My fun for a reprisal of their bad conductive actions for ex
students was easy my best exchange in the best of people with better
jobs and more precised and better comprehension of understanding me for
being my true students as followers. The big exchange did me well and
very good for my explicit answer was happy to have gotten rid of pain in
the a**** and for good and really like to write about them.
Individuals like Steve Gartin, Chas Clements and others I had
trained as par time students were immediately taken away with the
b******* of Bill Chang, and went over to learn the Chang's kun tao as a
fatigued bad kun tao could wiser be rated as kemposih styled or in
karate do. The true karate art is better formed as a proven fact for
longer years in history over the imitation of them. Many not even under
me were watching Steve Gartin and all his false pretentious claim on YOU
TUBE was the worse of imitation of me, and bad in practicing of half
kempo or non organic flavored in spice. He looked precisely like Walter van der
Broeke after sniffing powder dust and doing his Bukti Negara. Steve
Gartin could only show bad performances for an old ex student under me,
and knowing of me for many years and ncould never be a friend as mu
equal. After he claimed to be the successor of Bill Chang could see how
to become on flourished a sickening older poppy as on graced for his bad
imitation of my system. He has always much of my basic and elementary
influences out my system for him to brag as his own invention for the
newer kun tao or silat. What brought shame to the feeling of my true
loyal followers in students. Steve Gartin and his whole American kun tao
silat could never compare as equals with them who still train and
practice my system and carry on my name. There is a big difference for
the ones who really train my art or the ones like Gartin only knowing
my system as a few drops of water in a bigger bucket full of water.
His guardian angel Arthur Kidwell another piece of work under
Gartin as rated by Gartin as a guru muda should be over Gartin as rated
by me as a low brown belt. Is what Gartin really knew of my practice was
never able to finish my training for being the laciest old ex student I
ever had trained. And never in my forget me not book of records that
Aric Flour made a ma ha guru under Gartin means he is not martial
orientated but a holy religious philosopher. That is what Ma Ha Guru
means a religious teacher philosopher construct his thinking on
religious believe. They are not doing fighting arts.
Why I am not blaming but bring buckets full of tears for my
laughter of Victor as the greatest example considering himself a ma ha
guru and led others into believing the highest rank for a martial
teacher. I am in true communication with real ma ha gurus of religious
believe always find their outstanding laughter with martial artists
liking to claim for being a Ma Ha Guru. My reward always a sound good
laughter for the teachers who associate them selves with such high
ranking. Can name quite a few of them, and they are my biggest laughter
to cause me my stomach cramps.
Regardless any one else viewing in regard of me, my commentaries on
those of the most in my dislike by discharging them everlastingly. I
like in what the Greek philosopher wrote of the ones fiigthing you
fought the hardest battle. In my case the ones like Steve Gartin and
Chas Clements are there in forgotten land, and are trying to be counted
as martial leaders in kun tao and silat. Especially Steve Gartin has
nowhere else to go but stuck to his little corner of the world, in
Rosswell, where him and his alienated friends are residing blowing off
smoke columns and through vision could only see Gartin's illusion for
his Mega expansion for trying to be the most known for his American
version of Kun tao and silat. All Gartin is what he could count on was
most in what I taught him. The whole world knows it, and all who are
still training under me. Gartin was a teacher who fooled him self
through his addiction of Gartin's illusion. He keep forgetting, I am
above water and he is below.. I write about him mostly out of sheer
pleasure that he is far below me, in skills, in practice and in
knowledge. No matter how he tries, people who are remarkably
intelligence knew his character and his crookedness. Several already had
to experience Steve Gartin, and also his losing Court Battles. He
always wanted to be his own appointed lawyer for his own defense, but
was a big time loser. Uncle Ventje did studied law, the Dutch law and
the Colonial law at the university of old Batavia and was able to be
successful as a magistrate at the justice department in Batavia,
formerly the Dutch East Indies. Gartin and his steep and deep boring
writing his issues must had bored the respectable judges who resided
over him, just reading Gartin's mambo jumbo claims of some were true but
most was based on fabricated lies. The judges where never backwards by
overseeing each case were always better informed over an on informed
liking to be his own self defense attorney. You may fool your self but
never a judge residing.
He claimed never to be captured alive was nothing more but a poppy
dog's claim that after all the arresting officers had no hard time
making an arrest of Gartin and his big claim liking to be a dangerous
man as once on FBI's most wanted list. (Not a dangerous man was captured
for tax evasion). But Gartin loves the lime light to be in by
dramatizing himself. Clements bragged about the bad deeds he left behind
with the law, and Gartin liking to brag how dangerous he was and never
being scared for any lawyer, also was appointed a lawyer for each of his
cases. He lost all his cases and there are still individuals in
Colorado who like to cream Gartin by overriding his false claim. Gartin
to me was never a big problem gave me only an entrance to his soul for
writing my beefed up stories on him. I never feared this ex student and
all he liked to claim; because Steve Gartin is a crook, a deceitful man,
very dishonest in business and the worse of any one man I ever had
trained. I signed the contract was to test Gartin for who he really was
to me, and Clements always following Gartin. Gartin and Luz Pena
Cavaroz has the most in common as one for domination in ownership.
Gartin is on his last string of trying to be my equal, could never
be. My reputation in the US, and around the globe follow me with better
deeds. Anyone who are with me, may leave me anytime when trying to
associate them self with Steve Gartin who tries to find an entrance way
to gain their trust. Most under me already knew of Steve Gartin for his
disloyalty to a teacher, and to the specific me. Most of his knowledge
came from me, and for sure this par time ex student with the lesser
studies tries to be over me by claiming him as Bill Chang's successor
and keep forgetting the students of the man from Bandung, in Indonesia.
Bill Chang fought his hardest battle before passing , and was a true
unfortunate finding his fate for Theo Tjong Oen. It was regretful since I
knew his background, knew his mastery of skills and also knew his
desperation of times. It was regretful for him; but Steve Gartin another
piece of work who like to use the names of teachers, and had exploited
my system for over 25 years, and actually made money of me, and my
trained instructors. I could also hold easy the Paladin Press in
accountability for making tapes of me, and my instructors for Gartin's
Far distance Learning Program was never allowed by me. Also even
mentioning me or my trained instructors to be part of Gartin's false
programming for his guru program. I tested Steve Douglas Gartin by
allowing him of taping me saying many things --was all a testing
procedure for the trustworthiness of Gartin for a student --now an ex
student. He had showed his true color to me that a Zebra never loses his
stripes. So how can anyone trust him, a teacher, and a fake, only the
ones with the likes of him.
So I leave things as is, with a futuristic plan to write more of my
beefy stew stories that no one will escape my rod of vengeance.
A m I an a******, the answer is yes, because many made me an a******
for me liking to comment. And so is just my writing I needed to do for
me to memorize about those most in my dislike. After all consider those
just like my martial history for me to remember, and for me to share not
only the good experience but also the bad experience with only my loyal
readers and my most distinguished devoted practitioners. My Denver
martial history.
By the magus of Denver, and the founding father of KUN TAO SILAT SERAK DE THOUARS.
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