Friday, September 23, 2016

TRAIN TO PRACTICE. By the magus of Denver.

My conceptional believe is when training is to understand a deeper practice of any essence in martial expression. It is the spirit and soul from within make things healthier in the art of living. Living a good life is an art all by it self in getting older.  My place was always to only teach, and to progress in what was taught to me by my teachers --I had several of the most reliable men I trained under. They taught me many things that in life is never a shortage in humanistic stupidity that makes up mankind. Why we make mistakes to better our selves for the tomorrows that sometimes can never be visible on the wider picture.
  I write a lot, and write articles, and for here on Silat tv and on Face Book with my blog posting. The truth so hard to understand or even hard to imagine is my psychological weapon for me to write as freely as I can be free to express myself. My writing is geared to set my records straight in my God given right. I never deny anything that I too made many mistakes; were actually no mistakes but a learning experience as I had with followers who had used me, exploited my system and claimed the many things they could never over compensate any value.
  The reason I dare to name them is plain out of a strategic point of few in facing my task of fulfillment as a teacher in grace and in honor for being misunderstood by many I needed to remove, and clarify their names fully in length. Is my preventive measurement to serve a warning to my followers under me to watch out for them. Everyone has choices, and when there is one member in my extended family core who become friends with individuals like Steve Gartin; Chas Clements; Mikle Roberto; Jo Judt; Westley Tasker; Roberto Torres; Randel Goodwin; George Morin; Bear Roberts; Stevan Plinck; Joseph Bronson; Curtis Goodwin; Luz Pena Cavaroz; Rodney Fernandez; Steve Corley; and there are others out of the over two hundred others I had removed. Anyone befriended with any of these individuals may consider himself also removed out my circling environment of martial brotherhood. They had never belonged to my legacy, and were terminated and out of my trust. I wish them well.
  The last weekend with Mike and May Williams and at their school was a jewel for aunt Joyce and myself to experience. I love the school environment especially geared to honor all South East Asian cultures in martial practice. There is not one silat or kun tao school like the Williams. Everybody train and practice to make harmony a happy sound of jubilant bells. Many came, and some trained under me for a long time. With the Williams always a happy time, and I didn't mind to share even more of my knowledge. And the kids were most awesome. I also did a workshop near the city of Hamilton, in MAS, was all friendly and pleasant. The Head instructor and students were always part of our larger family environment.
  All my arranged schedules in Acten, and Salem in MAS, Maryville, in TEN, In Miami, Florida; in Baton Rough, in LS; in Guadalajara; in L.A, Calif; at Masters, in Truckee; for sure Scandinavia; and many other places and for sure here in my home state of Colorado always a pleasure for me to conduct and teach.  I never had any bad times.
  Now I am preparing for the fort coming event for my special designated Serak symposium, and at my headquarter to honor the founder of the system, Pak Serak and the teacher of the de Thouars brothers, uncle John de Vries. Many are coming to fill space in my back yard, and in my headquarter. Everyone, from students to instructors are training together as one family.  The Serak symposium is specially coordinated only for the followers under me, and is by invitation only. I will never allow it to honor any of my brothers, myself or others who had trained under uncle John. We all were just the students under uncle John and should never involving any of the students under my  brothers who had taken me to lightly. I was in Serak before any of them, and even had longer trained in the Serak over any of my brothers. My position is hereby clearly stated.
  Look forward to see my Sunday morning group at my headquarter in Northglenn --this Sunday morning for more and harder training of the internal aspect in Serak, old school silat and in old hand kun tao.
  In care and in prosperity to better health by the magus of Denver, and founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars.

THE SWALLOW OF DIFFICULTIES. By the magus of Denver.

THE SWALLOW OF DIFFICULTIES. By the magus of Denver.

Times of difficulties, and times to inhale any difficulty in life is overcoming those difficulties. My assessment. As a teacher who taught many, and also had terminated many found it easier to just listen to each complain so well expressed in the soul and spirit of human beings. It is on all fronts. What make a teacher's job often very hard to accumulate any of the charges for being a lousy teacher. I learned over the years just by inhaling the nonsense of self motivation in a negative sense by those who only care about them selves without thinking of others. Everyone like to be right, and everyone is also wrong by assuming. When one assumed to much make automatically an ass out of himself.

  The difference between my following in Mexico, and of some in the United States that students in Mexico never bring their s*** to any of my training sessions; while in our country instructors overload themselves with personal problems and bring about circumstances to the table of contend. In order to keep peace and harmony force myself to bring comfort to their thinking.  Well it is America with an overload of circumstances that personal problems stagnate into social problems of one man liking to be better than another. Instead of training to get better it put me on a set back for my continuous tried efforts. There really was never any progress because of the mind set of individuals not being open minded enough to fully understand that my job is only to teach and to progress my teachers system.

  I decided to bring several of my instructors together for my special arranged Serak symposium; where they can meet and possibly bring some harmony together where anyone have to train together, and no one can be over the others and regardless in who they are. Some may not like my idea that everyone is equal and with accumulated skills together. There not going to be ma ha gurus, or pendekars or penditas or one more knowledgeable in serak over others. Serak was always taught as part of a CURRICULUM in my teaching procedures. STUDENTS AND INSTRUCTORS TRAINING TOGETHER AS ONE FAMILY. And Dr Conrad Bui has to delegate the teachers, and between him and myself we will have a special meeting considering the teaching schedules. It going to be a tough one, most are accomplished trainers and instructors. But we will have a great time in my headquarter in Northglenn.

  The Serak symposium is special delegated  to honor Pak Serak, the founding father of the system, and uncle John who taught all de Thouars brothers the Serak Bandung. The symposium will never relate of honoring any of the de Thouars brothers, who were the students of uncle John de Vries. After all the de Thouars brothers were never together as one family. I was firmly accused by the brothers and students of the Thouars of not knowing any Serak, Will be outstandingly showing by me on the Serak symposium of different quality, and I will teach Serak Bandung and Serak Cheribon to its fullest. Since most already had been trained by me in various ways.

  My praise goes strongly out to Mike and May Williams and Santiago Doblos. With the Williams is a real South East Asian martial center as no where else on the planet. The whole school is fully decorated to honor all martial cultures. Although I  teach the Williams and students my system, I am just part of the center. The two man and wife trainer instructors are doing a great job teaching kung fu and silat and escrima, and from time time a kung fu school performed lion dance at the center. Mike is also well coordinated in the wing tzun system. He is a fine teacher, and also one of my best.

  Also my special praise to guru Santiago Doblos who dedicate himself to the sound practice of Sumatran silat, Ci mande and for most the de Thouars practice of pentjac silat Serak. Further more hereby also write down my full appreciation for all my other instructors and their following for their continuous support and devotion to just practice and training.

  It really had never mattered to damage my reputation as a teacher and leader by those always being strongly motivated of making critic for any of my efforts also most strongly my motivation for promoting Serak through my knowledge of years in experience over them. In fact the numbers for joining me, and learning my system found a larger scale in numbers of growing. For sure I screen them first before allowing them to join.  I am glad to have removed hundreds of those against me by replacing them with better, and more intelligent people of greater good standing. On my side are the ones with better jobs and always employed --they are not in need of teaching for making it their living.

  To all under me, thanking you for your years of loyalty and devotion. Hope to see some of you at my special Serak symposium. Many are coming, and we all will have a great time training together and making the art Serak looking like a shining pearl. WE ALL ARE IN TOGETHER TO HONOR PAK SERAK, AND UNCLE JOHN DE VRIES.

  Hope to see my Colorado group for our Sunday morning class. Happy training Serak journey and old hand kun tao.

  Salam in peace, the Denver magus and founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


 It really had never mattered to me in who is practicing what, and also not my caring in who is the best in styles or personality. I always had tried to do better in my own practice without having to look at others. As individuals in the human race we all think different, and also have very different personalities. Why would be impossible to consider us as the same people all around.
  My reason to write the most on Steve Gartin, and Bill Chang and to an extend also even on Rodney Fernandez is my defensive position for my undertaking to set my record straight, and like to explain to my readers and loyal followers why I needed to write as many commentaries is strictly in defense of my self, and a duty to my teachers who taught me. And explicitly not forgetting also many of the old ex students I needed to remove, dis acknowledge and also revoke any of the ranking I had issued. Non of them deserve my recognition of them they had never had any appreciation or gratitude for my effortless time of teaching.  Instead of trying to comprehensive understanding me were also always the worse to criticizing me by underrating and largely underestimating my intelligence and teaching for their unlimited boundaries of their disgrace regarding my skills. Non of them had ever any deep comprehension for understanding a cultured teacher with the mind set of a Westerner.
  Rodney Fernandez for instance was not long enough with me to even obtain a rank, he was just a short time student, and just for a few months. Thought of my system that everything came out of a one punch lead. Assuming that did everybody else were thinking the same way resulting for me always in being criticized timelessly and far beyond any horizon. It had never occurred to me of bothering me, and time evolving I started to read many of the bad articles in false conductive writing from Steve Gartin and Chas Clements, and many of the members of the American kun tao silat. Also for me in being conclusive Bill Chang, a man from Bandung I had first sponsored.
  For sure I needed to held back many of my wisdom and craft in skills of them, that most i had cancelled out or removed were just short time students under me, and several somewhat longer. There were even great and excellent practitioners I needed to terminate were to much their own self servers, and not good for me and my system. Why I just had to take away their ranks, and disband any further association with them. I am glad non of them with me anymore.
  Some individuals like Steve Gartin, and Chas Clements will always be on the worse end of my reprisal in writing. They were some of the most useless people to me with all their claim in knowledge. They both were dis honoring me, were very disrespectful to me, and my family and had exploited my system to make money of my system under false pretend. Their article writing on me in previous articles were also my greatest attested example to write against them with a task in fury. It will never cease to exist. Gartin is still advertising, make still bad imitation of me while claiming the lineage of Bill Chang, and his system. It is hard for him to promote Bill Chang's system has not much to offer. I could recommend better skilled karate, tae kwon do or even true kun tao masters in the place.
  Bill Chang always a very arrogant man for his display was never a famous kun tao master. I only wrote several letters to the US immigration that he was a famous man, while lacking the real understanding of kun tao in forms. He was known in Bandung, and also in Indonesia but not in our Western Hemisphere until I made him known, and introduced him to the martial community in Denver. The rest is all history on him. His martial skills is more silat or cimande orientated then old hand kun tao. But for what is worth the mentioning that Bill Chang for sure has many excellent martial skills, and mostly highly influenced with the iron skin training of cimande and karate.. His measurement of his blocking system in parrying and deflecting were all related to the practice in silat and cimande. Also his reasoning why kun tao is a lesser art then silat.
  The man was deeply on rooted and was to light on his feet could never be any good in push hands. He always had badly murmured my skills and told bad jungle book stories about me that I could not fight, was no match for him and my skills were far below him. He had to explain history to me and was trying to correct my martial structures. For sure was all Bill Cahng's Thumb s****** ideas for fantasizing his lies. A man who was sponsored by me insulting me without understanding intelligently others in our martial community. His combative actions against me was his worse failure to embarrassed him self.  Deeply inside of him he knew. but never was honest enough to be truthful.  Kun Lun Pai did not came from Bill Chang as he claimed, and Steve Gartin only knew to follow up a lie, and  was there long before any of us, NOW, were even born. The Kun Lun Mountains was just a direct resource in finding some answers  regarding the Kun Lun temple boxing arts of Tibet.
  My system of old hand kun tao came first out the Shandong valley of Manchuria to Kwantung to Canton and ending up in Tibet and in the Kun Lun Mountains. Came later through migration of several of the boxing experts to land in Palembang, in Sumatra, a highly cultivated civil cultural center of the Chinese emperor who had established a city for the creation of languages, cloth waving (batik), pottery, religion, business trade, and cooking and military expansion hundreds of years ago.  The largest Chinese community was always in Palembang, in Sumatra. Several of the families of my Hakka kun tao teachers were first settled in Portuguese Macao. Many of the Chinese internal boxers came to Macao for business reasoning to shy away from poverty in China. They found their wealth and established t'ai chi, i shing yie and pakua sacred martial schools. Expanded later to Hong Kong, a British crown colony and settled later in Palembang. Why I also named my system after as the Willem de Thouars Makao kun tao Serak silat was to carry the spirit of my teachers who taught me on the palm of my hands.  Pak Serak's Chinese family came from Portuguese Macao, and settled in Cheribon.
  It could have all been different when Bill Chang was more respectful, and honest outside his bad jungle book stories on me, and Steve Gartin and Chas Clements and the many others I swift kicked out my contingency were more of an understanding nature of myself as a teacher and respectfully were adhering to my teaching instead of insulting my system they were always exploiting to serve their own purpose of greed. They had never finished my training, and can there never or ever be any make up and kiss op between all of them and myself.  I am glad to have gotten rid of royal pain in the a**** to write my editorials but constructively.
  I highly  praise my present followers who are loyal, devoted and constantly in practice and in training my system were also for many years with me. They are getting also the very best of me, and will teach them everything I know. I thank them for their sincere loyalty and devotion to me, my system and family.
  In conclusion for this editorial always my highly esteem appreciation for their effortless training and their loyalty. There are more of them over all of those I needed to kick out my martial environment have no longer a place in my heart and spirit. Why I am always writing a lot on them will never be a cease to exist.

  For sure can never be ever a promotion for Steve Gartin or Walter van der Broeke or Bill Chang when I write about them, is really sharing some martial history with my most loyal followers were really surprised that Bill Chang knew less about kun tao and was mostly doing karate with hand patterns out of ci mande and silat as his system for blocking. When I sponsored him had to write some great stories on the man who was never worth my effort. He might had been known in Bandung, less in Jakarta, and like broken iron fatigued could never be remembered as  an equal great kun tao exponent like Oei Kim Boeng in Bogor, and others of the true masters in Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya or Maccasar, in Sulawesi. Before i was sponsoring him, at the request of his family in Los Angeles, I questioned my silat associates in Java. From them I had learned that Bill Chang's father had served in the K.N.I.L as a colonial military, and also knew that he was Dutch educated in business. Although successful in business in Indonesia was a failure in America. I was informed and had to make up stories for me able to write favoring Chang for our American Immigration for him to get his desired green card. As a sponsor became a nightmare to me for having gotten Bill Chang to the state of Colorado. He always bragged about how dangerous his kun tao was, and at the same time was very controversial by claiming that silat was more dangerous then kun tao.  I knew immediately that he was not the kun tao expert as was thought of him. He was actually to lazy for long enduring studies in kun tao. It was easier to learn for him more the practice of the iron skin in cimande, the matter of blocking in silat and his training in the lower Hokien kun tao kicks he was very good in.  He does has skills but not magnificently as was claimed. He also made up his own tai chi forms and looked more like an imitation of aikido and bagua combined together. I sensed right a way that he was so accustomed for using the slap boxing style out of cimande, was for certain not in old style kun tao. ( I do practice old school cimande).  People were always confused by the assessment of kuntao or kuen tao or koon touw for actually karate do.
  Several who once were my par time students became overwhelmed with the stories told of Bill Chang and him always liking to fight, in a land blinded by bad jungle book stories where one man could easy be king. Bill Chang found a new territory for his martial expansion, and due to my greater effort brought a taste of fame as on fame to me to his food platter. There were many of my cowboy friends I held them aside from the ones I was training who easily could have beaten Bill Chang to powder dust without any martial skills, and the man from Bandung with many fighting skills. His ego was really the biggest for his own self defeat where he found his own fate. He always thought that no one could beat him, and wrongly thought for a reality check. Why he always was acting a spoiled breath, very demanding and discourteous especially to me, his sponsor. I am glad they had taken him off my hand so that he could move on playing his game for being the great kun tao exponent not thinking that a field of communication was just minutes away to find a reality check.
  When I, in silence had happily removed Steve Gartin, Chas Clements and many others out my legacy had exchanged them with my old cowboy friends and of some, and many others came in their place and became the very best of followers of training under me, and are still devoted to my training. While Gartin and followers always were stuck by thinking of those I had removed still with me had actually fooled them selves by thinking. My fun for a reprisal of their bad conductive actions for ex students was easy my best exchange in the best of people with better jobs and more precised and better comprehension of understanding me for being my true students as followers. The big exchange did me well and very good for my explicit answer was happy to have gotten rid of pain in the a**** and for good and really like to write about them.
  Individuals like Steve Gartin, Chas Clements and others I had trained as par time students were immediately taken away with the b******* of Bill Chang, and went over to learn the Chang's kun tao as a fatigued bad kun tao could wiser be rated as kemposih styled or in karate do. The true karate art is better formed as a proven fact for longer years in history over the imitation of them. Many not even under me were watching Steve Gartin and all his false pretentious claim on YOU TUBE was the worse of imitation of me, and bad in practicing of half kempo or non organic flavored in spice. He looked precisely like Walter van der Broeke after sniffing powder dust and doing his Bukti Negara. Steve Gartin could only show bad performances for an old ex student under me, and knowing of me for many years and ncould never be a friend as mu equal. After he claimed to be the successor of Bill Chang could see how to become on flourished a sickening older poppy as on graced for his bad imitation of my system. He has always much of my basic and elementary influences out my system for him to brag as his own invention for the newer kun tao or silat. What brought shame to the feeling of my true loyal followers in students. Steve Gartin and his whole American kun tao silat could never compare as equals with them who still train and practice my system and carry on my name. There is a big difference for the ones who really train my art or  the ones like Gartin only knowing my system as a few drops of water in a bigger bucket full of water.  
  His guardian angel Arthur Kidwell another piece of work under Gartin as rated by Gartin as a guru muda should be over Gartin as rated by me as a low brown belt. Is what Gartin really knew of my practice was never able to finish my training for being the laciest old ex student I ever had trained.  And never in my forget me not book of records that Aric Flour made a ma ha guru under Gartin means he is not martial orientated but a holy religious philosopher. That is what Ma Ha Guru means a religious teacher philosopher construct his thinking on religious believe. They are not doing fighting arts.
  Why I am not blaming but bring buckets full of tears for my laughter of Victor as the greatest example considering himself a ma ha guru and led others into believing the highest rank for a martial teacher. I am in true communication with real ma ha gurus of religious believe always find their outstanding laughter with martial artists liking to claim for being a Ma Ha Guru. My reward always a sound good laughter for the teachers who associate them selves with such high ranking. Can name quite a few of them, and they are my biggest laughter to cause me my stomach cramps. 

Regardless any one else viewing in regard of me, my commentaries on those of the most in my dislike by discharging them everlastingly. I like in what the Greek philosopher wrote of the ones fiigthing you fought the hardest battle. In my case the ones like Steve Gartin and Chas Clements are there in forgotten land, and are trying to be counted as martial leaders in kun tao and silat.  Especially Steve Gartin has nowhere else to go but stuck to his little corner of the world, in Rosswell, where him and his alienated friends are residing blowing off smoke columns and through vision could only see Gartin's illusion for his Mega expansion for trying to be the most known for his American version of Kun tao and silat. All Gartin is what he could count on was most in what I taught him. The whole world knows it, and all who are still training under me. Gartin was a teacher who fooled him self through his addiction of Gartin's illusion. He keep forgetting, I am above water and he is below.. I write about him mostly out of sheer pleasure that he is far below me, in skills, in practice and in knowledge. No matter how he tries, people who are remarkably intelligence knew his character and his crookedness. Several already had to experience Steve Gartin, and also his losing Court Battles. He always wanted to be his own appointed lawyer for his own defense, but was a big time loser. Uncle Ventje did studied law, the Dutch law and the Colonial law at the university of old Batavia and was able to be successful as a magistrate at the justice department in Batavia, formerly the Dutch East Indies. Gartin and his steep and deep boring writing his issues must had bored the respectable judges who resided over him, just reading Gartin's mambo jumbo claims of some were true but most was based on fabricated lies. The judges where never backwards by overseeing each case were always better informed over an on informed liking to be his own self defense attorney. You may fool your self but never a judge residing.
  He claimed never to be captured alive was nothing more but a poppy dog's claim that after all the arresting officers had no hard time making an arrest of Gartin and his big claim liking to be a dangerous man as once on FBI's most wanted list. (Not a dangerous man was captured for tax evasion). But Gartin loves the lime light to be in by dramatizing himself. Clements bragged about the bad deeds he left behind with the law, and Gartin liking to brag how dangerous he was and never being scared for any lawyer, also was appointed a lawyer for each of his cases. He lost all his cases and there are still individuals in Colorado who like to cream Gartin by overriding his false claim. Gartin to me was never a big problem gave me only an entrance to his soul for writing my beefed up stories on him. I never feared this ex student and all he liked to claim; because Steve Gartin is a crook, a deceitful man, very dishonest in business and the worse of any one man I ever had trained. I signed the contract was to test Gartin for who he really was to me, and Clements always following Gartin.  Gartin and Luz Pena Cavaroz has the most in common as one for domination in ownership.
  Gartin is on his last string of trying to be my equal, could never be. My reputation in the US, and around the globe follow me with better deeds. Anyone who are with me, may leave me anytime when trying to associate them self with Steve Gartin who tries to find an entrance way to gain their trust. Most under me already knew of Steve Gartin for his disloyalty to a teacher, and to the specific me. Most of his knowledge came from me, and for sure this par time ex student with the lesser studies tries to be over me by claiming him as Bill Chang's successor and keep forgetting the students of the man from Bandung, in Indonesia.  Bill Chang fought his hardest battle before passing , and was a true unfortunate finding his fate for Theo Tjong Oen. It was regretful since I knew his background, knew his mastery of skills and also knew his desperation of times. It was regretful for him; but Steve Gartin another piece of work who like to use the names of teachers, and had exploited my system for over 25 years, and actually made money of me, and my trained instructors. I could also hold easy the Paladin Press in accountability for making tapes of me, and my instructors for Gartin's Far distance Learning Program was never allowed by me. Also even mentioning me or my trained instructors to be part of Gartin's false programming for his guru program. I tested Steve Douglas Gartin by allowing him of taping me saying many things --was all a testing procedure for the trustworthiness of Gartin for a student --now an ex student. He had showed his true color to me that a Zebra never loses his stripes. So how can anyone trust him, a teacher, and a fake, only the ones with the likes of him.
  So I leave things as is, with a futuristic plan to write more of my beefy stew stories that no one will escape my rod of vengeance.
A m I an a******, the answer is yes, because many made me an a****** for me liking to comment. And so is just my writing I needed to do for me to memorize about those most in my dislike. After all consider those just like my martial history for me to remember, and for me to share not only the good experience but also the bad experience with only my loyal readers and my most distinguished devoted practitioners. My Denver martial history.
By the magus of Denver, and the founding father of KUN TAO SILAT SERAK DE THOUARS.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


                                STEVE GARTIN NEVER A PROBLEM.
Regardless any one else viewing in regard of me, my commentaries on those of the most in my dislike by discharging them everlastingly. I like in what the Greek philosopher wrote of the ones fiigthing you fought the hardest battle. In my case the ones like Steve Gartin and Chas Clements are there in forgotten land, and are trying to be counted as martial leaders in kun tao and silat.  Especially Steve Gartin has nowhere else to go but stuck to his little corner of the world, in Rosswell, where him and his alienated friends are residing blowing off smoke columns and through vision could only see Gartin's illusion for his Mega expansion for trying to be the most known for his American version of Kun tao and silat. All Gartin is what he could count on was most in what I taught him. The whole world knows it, and all who are still training under me. Gartin was a teacher who fooled him self through his addiction of Gartin's illusion. He keep forgetting, I am above water and he is below.. I write about him mostly out of sheer pleasure that he is far below me, in skills, in practice and in knowledge. No matter how he tries, people who are remarkably intelligence knew his character and his crookedness. Several already had to experience Steve Gartin, and also his losing Court Battles. He always wanted to be his own appointed lawyer for his own defense, but was a big time loser. Uncle Ventje did studied law, the Dutch law and the Colonial law at the university of old Batavia and was able to be successful as a magistrate at the justice department in Batavia, formerly the Dutch East Indies. Gartin and his steep and deep boring writing his issues must had bored the respectable judges who resided over him, just reading Gartin's mambo jumbo claims of some were true but most was based on fabricated lies. The judges where never backwards by overseeing each case were always better informed over an on informed liking to be his own self defense attorney. You may fool your self but never a judge residing.
  He claimed never to be captured alive was nothing more but a poppy dog's claim that after all the arresting officers had no hard time making an arrest of Gartin and his big claim liking to be a dangerous man as once on FBI's most wanted list. (Not a dangerous man was captured for tax evasion). But Gartin loves the lime light to be in by dramatizing himself. Clements bragged about the bad deeds he left behind with the law, and Gartin liking to brag how dangerous he was and never being scared for any lawyer, also was appointed a lawyer for each of his cases. He lost all his cases and there are still individuals in Colorado who like to cream Gartin by overriding his false claim. Gartin to me was never a big problem gave me only an entrance to his soul for writing my beefed up stories on him. I never feared this ex student and all he liked to claim; because Steve Gartin is a crook, a deceitful man, very dishonest in business and the worse of any one man I ever had trained. I signed the contract was to test Gartin for who he really was to me, and Clements always following Gartin.  Gartin and Luz Pena Cavaroz has the most in common as one for domination in ownership.
  Gartin is on his last string of trying to be my equal, could never be. My reputation in the US, and around the globe follow me with better deeds. Anyone who are with me, may leave me anytime when trying to associate them self with Steve Gartin who tries to find an entrance way to gain their trust. Most under me already knew of Steve Gartin for his disloyalty to a teacher, and to the specific me. Most of his knowledge came from me, and for sure this par time ex student with the lesser studies tries to be over me by claiming him as Bill Chang's successor and keep forgetting the students of the man from Bandung, in Indonesia.  Bill Chang fought his hardest battle before passing , and was a true unfortunate finding his fate for Theo Tjong Oen. It was regretful since I knew his background, knew his mastery of skills and also knew his desperation of times. It was regretful for him; but Steve Gartin another piece of work who like to use the names of teachers, and had exploited my system for over 25 years, and actually made money of me, and my trained instructors. I could also hold easy the Paladin Press in accountability for making tapes of me, and my instructors for Gartin's Far distance Learning Program was never allowed by me. Also even mentioning me or my trained instructors to be part of Gartin's false programming for his guru program. I tested Steve Douglas Gartin by allowing him of taping me saying many things --was all a testing procedure for the trustworthiness of Gartin for a student --now an ex student. He had showed his true color to me that a Zebra never loses his stripes. So how can anyone trust him, a teacher, and a fake, only the ones with the likes of him.
  So I leave things as is, with a futuristic plan to write more of my beefy stew stories that no one will escape my rod of vengeance.
A m I an a******, the answer is yes, because many made me an a****** for me liking to comment. And so is just my writing I needed to do for me to memorize about those most in my dislike. After all consider those just like my martial history for me to remember, and for me to share not only the good experience but also the bad experience with only my loyal readers and my most distinguished devoted practitioners. My Denver martial history.
By the magus of Denver, and the founding father of KUN TAO SILAT SERAK DE THOUARS.


  For sure can never be ever a promotion for Steve Gartin or Walter van der Broeke or Bill Chang when I write about them, is really sharing some martial history with my most loyal followers were really surprised that Bill Chang knew less about kun tao and was mostly doing karate with hand patterns out of ci mande and silat as his system for blocking. When I sponsored him had to write some great stories on the man who was never worth my effort. He might had been known in Bandung, less in Jakarta, and like broken iron fatigued could never be remembered as  an equal great kun tao exponent like Oei Kim Boeng in Bogor, and others of the true masters in Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya or Maccasar, in Sulawesi. Before i was sponsoring him, at the request of his family in Los Angeles, I questioned my silat associates in Java. From them I had learned that Bill Chang's father had served in the K.N.I.L as a colonial military, and also knew that he was Dutch educated in business. Although successful in business in Indonesia was a failure in America. I was informed and had to make up stories for me able to write favoring Chang for our American Immigration for him to get his desired green card. As a sponsor became a nightmare to me for having gotten Bill Chang to the state of Colorado. He always bragged about how dangerous his kun tao was, and at the same time was very controversial by claiming that silat was more dangerous then kun tao.  I knew immediately that he was not the kun tao expert as was thought of him. He was actually to lazy for long enduring studies in kun tao. It was easier to learn for him more the practice of the iron skin in cimande, the matter of blocking in silat and his training in the lower Hokien kun tao kicks he was very good in.  He does has skills but not magnificently as was claimed. He also made up his own tai chi forms and looked more like an imitation of aikido and bagua combined together. I sensed right a way that he was so accustomed for using the slap boxing style out of cimande, was for certain not in old style kun tao. ( I do practice old school cimande).  People were always confused by the assessment of kuntao or kuen tao or koon touw for actually karate do.
  Several who once were my par time students became overwhelmed with the stories told of Bill Chang and him always liking to fight, in a land blinded by bad jungle book stories where one man could easy be king. Bill Chang found a new territory for his martial expansion, and due to my greater effort brought a taste of fame as on fame to me to his food platter. There were many of my cowboy friends I held them aside from the ones I was training who easily could have beaten Bill Chang to powder dust without any martial skills, and the man from Bandung with many fighting skills. His ego was really the biggest for his own self defeat where he found his own fate. He always thought that no one could beat him, and wrongly thought for a reality check. Why he always was acting a spoiled breath, very demanding and discourteous especially to me, his sponsor. I am glad they had taken him off my hand so that he could move on playing his game for being the great kun tao exponent not thinking that a field of communication was just minutes away to find a reality check.
  When I, in silence had happily removed Steve Gartin, Chas Clements and many others out my legacy had exchanged them with my old cowboy friends and of some, and many others came in their place and became the very best of followers of training under me, and are still devoted to my training. While Gartin and followers always were stuck by thinking of those I had removed still with me had actually fooled them selves by thinking. My fun for a reprisal of their bad conductive actions for ex students was easy my best exchange in the best of people with better jobs and more precised and better comprehension of understanding me for being my true students as followers. The big exchange did me well and very good for my explicit answer was happy to have gotten rid of pain in the a**** and for good and really like to write about them.
  Individuals like Steve Gartin, Chas Clements and others I had trained as par time students were immediately taken away with the b******* of Bill Chang, and went over to learn the Chang's kun tao as a fatigued bad kun tao could wiser be rated as kemposih styled or in karate do. The true karate art is better formed as a proven fact for longer years in history over the imitation of them. Many not even under me were watching Steve Gartin and all his false pretentious claim on YOU TUBE was the worse of imitation of me, and bad in practicing of half kempo or non organic flavored in spice. He looked precisely like Walter van der Broeke after sniffing powder dust and doing his Bukti Negara. Steve Gartin could only show bad performances for an old ex student under me, and knowing of me for many years and ncould never be a friend as mu equal. After he claimed to be the successor of Bill Chang could see how to become on flourished a sickening older poppy as on graced for his bad imitation of my system. He has always much of my basic and elementary influences out my system for him to brag as his own invention for the newer kun tao or silat. What brought shame to the feeling of my true loyal followers in students. Steve Gartin and his whole American kun tao silat could never compare as equals with them who still train and practice my system and carry on my name. There is a big difference for the ones who really train my art or  the ones like Gartin only knowing my system as a few drops of water in a bigger bucket full of water.  
  His guardian angel Arthur Kidwell another piece of work under Gartin as rated by Gartin as a guru muda should be over Gartin as rated by me as a low brown belt. Is what Gartin really knew of my practice was never able to finish my training for being the laciest old ex student I ever had trained.  And never in my forget me not book of records that Aric Flour made a ma ha guru under Gartin means he is not martial orientated but a holy religious philosopher. That is what Ma Ha Guru means a religious teacher philosopher construct his thinking on religious believe. They are not doing fighting arts.
  Why I am not blaming but bring buckets full of tears for my laughter of Victor as the greatest example considering himself a ma ha guru and led others into believing the highest rank for a martial teacher. I am in true communication with real ma ha gurus of religious believe always find their outstanding laughter with martial artists liking to claim for being a Ma Ha Guru. My reward always a sound good laughter for the teachers who associate them selves with such high ranking. Can name quite a few of them, and they are my biggest laughter to cause me my stomach cramps.
Always in sincerity by the magus of Denver, and the founding father of KUNTAO SILAT SERAK DE THOUARS.


   It really had never mattered to me in who is practicing what, and also not my caring in who is the best in styles or personality. I always had tried to do better in my own practice without having to look at others. As individuals in the human race we all think different, and also have very different personalities. Why would be impossible to consider us as the same people all around.
  My reason to write the most on Steve Gartin, and Bill Chang and to an extend also even on Rodney Fernandez is my defensive position for my undertaking to set my record straight, and like to explain to my readers and loyal followers why I needed to write as many commentaries is strictly in defense of my self, and a duty to my teachers who taught me. And explicitly not forgetting also many of the old ex students I needed to remove, dis acknowledge and also revoke any of the ranking I had issued. Non of them deserve my recognition of them they had never had any appreciation or gratitude for my effortless time of teaching.  Instead of trying to comprehensive understanding me were also always the worse to criticizing me by underrating and largely underestimating my intelligence and teaching for their unlimited boundaries of their disgrace regarding my skills. Non of them had ever any deep comprehension for understanding a cultured teacher with the mind set of a Westerner.
  Rodney Fernandez for instance was not long enough with me to even obtain a rank, he was just a short time student, and just for a few months. Thought of my system that everything came out of a one punch lead. Assuming that did everybody else were thinking the same way resulting for me always in being criticized timelessly and far beyond any horizon. It had never occurred to me of bothering me, and time evolving I started to read many of the bad articles in false conductive writing from Steve Gartin and Chas Clements, and many of the members of the American kun tao silat. Also for me in being conclusive Bill Chang, a man from Bandung I had first sponsored.
  For sure I needed to held back many of my wisdom and craft in skills of them, that most i had cancelled out or removed were just short time students under me, and several somewhat longer. There were even great and excellent practitioners I needed to terminate were to much their own self servers, and not good for me and my system. Why I just had to take away their ranks, and disband any further association with them. I am glad non of them with me anymore.
  Some individuals like Steve Gartin, and Chas Clements will always be on the worse end of my reprisal in writing. They were some of the most useless people to me with all their claim in knowledge. They both were dis honoring me, were very disrespectful to me, and my family and had exploited my system to make money of my system under false pretend. Their article writing on me in previous articles were also my greatest attested example to write against them with a task in fury. It will never cease to exist. Gartin is still advertising, make still bad imitation of me while claiming the lineage of Bill Chang, and his system. It is hard for him to promote Bill Chang's system has not much to offer. I could recommend better skilled karate, tae kwon do or even true kun tao masters in the place.
  Bill Chang always a very arrogant man for his display was never a famous kun tao master. I only wrote several letters to the US immigration that he was a famous man, while lacking the real understanding of kun tao in forms. He was known in Bandung, and also in Indonesia but not in our Western Hemisphere until I made him known, and introduced him to the martial community in Denver. The rest is all history on him. His martial skills is more silat or cimande orientated then old hand kun tao. But for what is worth the mentioning that Bill Chang for sure has many excellent martial skills, and mostly highly influenced with the iron skin training of cimande and karate.. His measurement of his blocking system in parrying and deflecting were all related to the practice in silat and cimande. Also his reasoning why kun tao is a lesser art then silat.
  The man was deeply on rooted and was to light on his feet could never be any good in push hands. He always had badly murmured my skills and told bad jungle book stories about me that I could not fight, was no match for him and my skills were far below him. He had to explain history to me and was trying to correct my martial structures. For sure was all Bill Cahng's Thumb s****** ideas for fantasizing his lies. A man who was sponsored by me insulting me without understanding intelligently others in our martial community. His combative actions against me was his worse failure to embarrassed him self.  Deeply inside of him he knew. but never was honest enough to be truthful.  Kun Lun Pai did not came from Bill Chang as he claimed, and Steve Gartin only knew to follow up a lie, and  was there long before any of us, NOW, were even born. The Kun Lun Mountains was just a direct resource in finding some answers  regarding the Kun Lun temple boxing arts of Tibet.
  My system of old hand kun tao came first out the Shandong valley of Manchuria to Kwantung to Canton and ending up in Tibet and in the Kun Lun Mountains. Came later through migration of several of the boxing experts to land in Palembang, in Sumatra, a highly cultivated civil cultural center of the Chinese emperor who had established a city for the creation of languages, cloth waving (batik), pottery, religion, business trade, and cooking and military expansion hundreds of years ago.  The largest Chinese community was always in Palembang, in Sumatra. Several of the families of my Hakka kun tao teachers were first settled in Portuguese Macao. Many of the Chinese internal boxers came to Macao for business reasoning to shy away from poverty in China. They found their wealth and established t'ai chi, i shing yie and pakua sacred martial schools. Expanded later to Hong Kong, a British crown colony and settled later in Palembang. Why I also named my system after as the Willem de Thouars Makao kun tao Serak silat was to carry the spirit of my teachers who taught me on the palm of my hands.  Pak Serak's Chinese family came from Portuguese Macao, and settled in Cheribon.
  It could have all been different when Bill Chang was more respectful, and honest outside his bad jungle book stories on me, and Steve Gartin and Chas Clements and the many others I swift kicked out my contingency were more of an understanding nature of myself as a teacher and respectfully were adhering to my teaching instead of insulting my system they were always exploiting to serve their own purpose of greed. They had never finished my training, and can there never or ever be any make up and kiss op between all of them and myself.  I am glad to have gotten rid of royal pain in the a**** to write my editorials but constructively.
  I highly  praise my present followers who are loyal, devoted and constantly in practice and in training my system were also for many years with me. They are getting also the very best of me, and will teach them everything I know. I thank them for their sincere loyalty and devotion to me, my system and family.
  In conclusion for this editorial always my highly esteem appreciation for their effortless training and their loyalty. There are more of them over all of those I needed to kick out my martial environment have no longer a place in my heart and spirit. Why I am always writing a lot on them will never be a cease to exist.
By the founding father of kun tao Serak silat de Thouars.

MY PUBLIC STATEMENT. By the mangus of Denver.

  Many of the talks had gone not unnoticed. Mostly based on the bad jungle book stories that came directly from Steve Gartin or students and of the family of Bill Chang that his kun tao was before my kun tao system ever was being established. These stories only good for our Western Hemisphere may be taken for their acceptance in true value, and never for me to agree upon.
  It was I who had introduced kun tao silat to our American frontier was never Steve Gartin, Chas Clements, Bill Chang or others. Some of those ex students who left me, and wend over to Bill Chang -- a man I once had sponsored and who egotistically made many of his false claims that I had to take him with a grant of salt --until others had taken over the most on thankful job there is for being a sponsor. I was the first sponsor for the man from Bandung, who later on in time met his unfortunate passing through his own fate he had created and in Bandung. That was most unfortunate, and had nothing to do with me. For years I kept in silence and thought was not worth to find a base for my disagreement, and the stories after wards by Steve Gartin an unfinished student under me that I could mostly rank him a low brown belt, and other of the Bill Cahng students made the bigger claim that my kun tao was of the later source came also through the b******* stories the man from Bandung always was claiming and telling. Consider those stories being told as the ONE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHT STORIES OF THE THIEF OF THE THIEF OF BAGDAD. The stories to claim fell like butter in a frying pan by those suckered in and believing.
  Bill chang was trying to fight me, and had challenged me his sponsor on many occasions, I declined and refuse to be an ordinary man for a man who I was sponsoring that the idiot from Bandung and all his claims kept forgetting my task to fulfill my duty as his sponsor. He sure was an idiot, and very ungrateful always acting like a spoiled breath and kept forgetting that this is America. Some of my cowboy friends came close of beating the crab out of Bill Chang without any martial skills. I had a friend and well known a t'ai chi and pakua expert also knowledgeable in the Japanese and Chinese language was pushing Chang around like a rack dog unable to defend himself not knowing how to handle a real expert. I prevented my friends to beat the crab out of Chang. His son hitting the balls from one of Russel's black belt was a shame, a teenager with sneaky tricks and a far above experienced martial fighter for allowing this to happen. In reality any of Perron's fighters could make mins meat out of Chang and his students. Steve Gartin had Randell Goodwin sparring one of Russle's black belt for not able to counter the ferocity of tae kwon do kicks, and in front of me and Victor.  I knew it then the personality of Gartin, and for me to watch out for him.
  Bill Chang got finally had his wish to have really gotten me pissed off and I also did a little of my own provoking, I provoked his arrogance and accepted his challenge. We fought in my farm house, and in the basement  and was hardly a fight. Bill Chang with is attacking me was rushing in to quickly, and I knew to toy with him like finding my play ground species. He was fast but had no reasonable defense when gotten immediately countered. His punches but mostly open palm blows on me had no effect or even side effect. He told me through his big bad jungle book stories that he once had slapped a student on his chest to make him threw out blood.  I was not hurt at all was just like getting an body iron skin treatment from a karate orientated master neither in old hand kun tao or old school karate but highly Shotokan orientated. Bill Chang ended up with with uncured headaches trying to fight me.
  Now to impact my objective for writing my this morning's editorial that my lineage in kun tao, the Makao - Palembang kun tao had a far greater and deeper background as the kuntao - karate that was introduced by Bill Chang on our American frontier.  My Tibetan origin of old hand kung fu was a resource that came though the Shan Dong reservoir valley while Chang's was Hokien - karate orientated from after the Second WW. During the Japanese occupation 1942 -1945 that much of the changes came to occur in the old hand kun tao structure of Southern, Central and Northern kun tao in the East Indian archipelago. My three teachers were for certain far above the teachers of Chang in his lineage structure. And later on my teachers here in America, and also my Palembang kun tao and old style Ci Mande teachers here in America had a far greater history. Chang may had known the history but was not an old traditional kun tao teacher only thought he was. He does mostly the iron skin training of Japanese karate do would otherwise had known the old basic kun tao structure, and also in the formatted kun tao basics. He does non of that only could explain his kun tao - karate do through bull s*** stories and with technique after technique in being slap happy a spoiled breath with no understanding of others. He wants to dictate most of the time and is very closed minded an individual.
To me was always an arrogance on display for the true kun tao practice. His iron skin came mostly from the practice of Ci Mande silat.  I never feared anyone and also can show with eased the difference in kun tao. In finalizing I don't practice Japanese basic structure systems but kept to the originality of the old school tradition in old hand kun tao. The Japanese Bushido in practice by the old masters in Japan were the real deal and hard for outsiders to really learn their structure. Most did by imitation only and some became great examples in the West and in South East Asia.
  I am glad always to teach my true followers the old kun tao arts I knew it then and know it now even better. While Steve Gartin is still trying to make money of me, and never try to promote Bill Chang for his lack in lesser training. He is another version of a Walter van der Broeke.
  By the mangus of Denver, and the founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars

We all knew that Bill Chang or U Un Suraya was more inclined the external training of cimande over kun tao.

We all knew that Bill Chang or U Un Suraya was more inclined the external training of cimande over kun tao. According to him that silat was more deadlier than kun tao. We also knew for a fact that his lacking the total comprehension that old school kuntao was more a complexity in studies for a long duration of time. Bill Chang's most comprehensive studies in training was more in Cimande. Could also be shown in his display of martial crafts that it all relates to the blocking system and hand pattern of Cimande or silat. As a practitioner on his own Bill Chang was a placidly an excellent practitioner for the skills of his familiarity in the external practice. Until his end remain still a external exponent of his system.Nothing wrong with such practice should be a rewarding for those who like to follow  the same example. He is lacking jurus, pantjars and langkas and traditional kun tao forms. Most greatly, why I also precisely have a larger following for the true nature of my teaching, I respect all arts, and all masters but ex students like Steve Gartin, all his followers and Bill Chang went just a bridge to far to underestimate my skills as an old teacher, and my patience in dealing with on sharpened individuals who knew lesser  of me, and in what I really knew. So what the heck leave it as is in knowing in what I knew.
  Many others came to me, not because I am better but mostly they sought after the internal practice of my system they prefer to follow. In closing let me be for you to keep yours. The magus of Denver

Sunday, September 11, 2016


 I often look back at my past, and find things very interesting for me feeling to be entertained by those I had removed long time ago. Individuals like Steve Douglas Gartin, Chas Clements and many of the other old ex students so very entertaining to me that often tear drops from laughter comes rolling down my cheek bone. They were all thinking of having dealt with a stupid of a Dutch Indo, and that they could blow smoke in my face thinking that I was so stupid can never notice anything. I learned from Joseph Stalin never to put you in the mind set of your adversaries but instead put them in point of duty in your viewing. For years I let them do just that thinking how stupid I was, and for a reality in check they had become my study purposes and my subject to write about them.  They were my psychological reasoning of bursting the laughter with in me for the expansion of my journey in writing in picking subjects.
  They all were very nice until someone like me could easy catch on to them as fluent as my mindset was discharging my thought in writing to a fuller extend which means never ending my eventful ideas. My issues will never care to be ceasing - because I feel constructively to keep on writing until I feel fulfilled of reaching any intend of my objective, and never to spare my rod by excluding names for the mentioning.
   I love to excite my readers by mentioning those who had used me, taken advantages of my good nature at  heart and especially those idiots for ex students like Steve Gartin and following, also not excluding Chas Clements who really keep exploiting my art continuously will find Steve Gartin on YOU TUBE.  He cursed me, underrate me, underestimate my intelligence and speak highly pitched  with a stumbeling voice and a voice to crumble, and still hangs for dear life on to me, my system and claim the many things he never did only through a self endorsement of himself may he even try to convince others stupid enough to fall in his trap.  Regardless of any of the issues Steve Gartin still makes money off me, my name and my art he never knew to study only behind a camera. His imitation of my system is so well clarified in physical expression that Walter van der Broeke could easy be a brother from Steve Gartin. They both are the worse of performers to teach or practice any good silat or kun tao. For sure with Gartin is like a bad Broadway show performance for the watchers to notice his graved sided false imitation of me, and my system. He had gained weight from leading a soft life munching off the sweat of others and for sure also smoking dope. Wlater vand der Broeke too always sniffing something can easy be tested. They both are smoke pot users and like to sniff powder dust. How controversially inclined their motivation in teaching and for their bad imitation of Paul, and myself. They talk like kinder gardeners in trouble planting lash green grass seeds. Both men are lazy to endure hard labor for a living, found bad silat expedition an easier way in making their money do well for them selves. One a Dutch croquette, and the other a dull and old hamburger out New Mexico who live with his friends from planet Marsh.  A main reason for him in his illusion.
                                        Bill CHANG THE ON MAGNIFICENCE.
   Since I am not interesting enough for his adventuresome idea for attracting students used the name of a man  I once sponsored a deeply rooted karate orientated hard external practitioner of a newer kun tao art. Was as external in his Ci mande and quite the same for his liking to be Hokien kun tao art comprising more in value of technique over old style form in kun tao. Actually had never known to really practice ever the old style kun tao basics. His system he brought to America was certainly as immediately noticeable as the arrogance of determination of expressing himself in the practice more in karate. He had some Hokien short kicks and moved mostly liking to be another imitation for aikido jumping. He moves quickly in but find him self in trouble when someone counters him as quickly when he was moving in. He was a better karate master over Steve Gartin a lesser studied practitioner in my system, and unjustifiable for any ranking in my art, and at the same time dishonoring Chang his newly found master. Regardless of any other opinion Steve Gartin remain a bad performer for an imitation, and look very sloppy to consider himself my ex student. His bad performance on YOU TUBE trying to exploit or show my system by imitation can never  be a sheer adoption to learn kun tao or silat unless someone is really lazy to practice the real art.
                                         VICTOR DE THOUARS.
  Is it wrong to write about his own blood family in his own reign? Heck no or never and why not. He had never served in the marines, claimed to have taught me my silat or kun tao and that my forms came form his self improvised Serak system he learned from Paul. I never was ever liking to be a student of Victor who still need to learn a lot from others and other systems.  And especially could learn from me a lot more with all his self improvised speeches by thinking it. Victor's addiction is again his own improvised version by his own illusion. Claimed a lot and remain a genius for his making up the Marun jurus that was never taught to any of the de Thouars brothers. He also claimed to know Ci mande would be an embarrassing to himself for a true Ci mande exponent. Nothing to wonder for me that he always was a good friend to Steve Gartin  and Chas Clements who think alike and in doing business. All three fall under the same categorical description to venture in character.  He should never having to fabricate any lies about me for always having to fight for me, and for having taught me my martial art. His lies got me in uproar that I never or ever had trained or studied under Victor or Paul, They were never my teachers, and I would feel very restrained liking to be just like Victor in his practice.
Hope to see my usual Sunday morning group of sound practitioners for more Serak and kun tao training this morning. and also will cover East Javanese silat.
With my caring thought always likely expressed in feeling for my this morning's editorial.
The magus of Denver, and founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars.

Friday, September 9, 2016

THE OLD PLAYERS IN HOLLAND. By the magus of Denver.

  There were good times for me in Holland, while living on this small country on the Southern Sea. A small country with bicycles, wooden shoes and friendly people. Outside the world of pentjac silat that came in the later years after me, had known some fantastic old djagoes or champion poekoelan players who really knew their stuff. I remember mr van Tongeren, Anton Geesink  were then the martial greats in Judo. Everything was then plain and simple. The best remembered by me for being the most practical, most quiet and most humble poekoelan experts were still uncle John de Vries, (uncle Ventje came later with many others), paatje Baron, Mr Croque, Max Lentze, my father in law, Carl Deerns, Loa, Johnny Kahin, inclusively also mr Edgar van der Groen, (before anyone in Mexico or America knew him), Otten, and a few others. Otten was good with his Shantung  kun tao, and also mr de Groen and not van der Groen was a brilliant Southern Chinese kun tao expert.. These men were very humble and quiet and hardly mentioned their skills, and could only be seen through their actions.
  There were others, and in the freedom of my own clarification were individuals like Frits Vermaesen and a few others were actually big jungle book story tellers about their fighting others and always winning their matches just like the guy, the Dutch Indo from New Guinea who always was combating somebody and was getting suffering bodily heat temperatures for not fighting. Spent a lot of times in bars for the hunt.  In Los Angeles was this Boyish character  a real charm when he fought my friend Karels who kicked his ass. The one who thought could figth the most screamed the hardest for wanting to sue my friend Karels for beating him up. Vermaesen was always with the brothers Hoopers in Slotermeer, and was telling his stories on street corners, when I met him and introduced to him by Eddy Hooper who told me that the man I met could beat any other player in the Dutch Indo community. ( For sure as I knew better could only smile at the bad jungle book story being told to me).  The fighting skills of Vermaesen was just as good as many others in the Dutch Indo community. I write this commentary not by underrating or underestimating their poekoelan capabilities but need to gear my direction for writing to a different direction for the outcome. Without the truth will be left to desire a story that came through a world of illusion.
  I saw the Setia Hati from Tjangkring, near Situbondo where the art came from, and also saw Vermaesen was not a fulfillment. Because I do practice pentjac silat Tjangkring with influences of Pencak silat Pamur from Madura. Then Remrev claimed Setia hati first as non to boot was better off to practice his tjambur adoek for a put together system as kempoish or karate related with some principalities of silat. Let be fair to the real system in silat. I found guru Terpijn the very best of Setia Hati players in Holland, from the recollection in  stories by others.  I saw many others better to be remembered that they were the real deal as far as my memory could be serving me. I am not perfect by any means but could express myself in the spirit of any system I practice from also reliable teachers. Why lie about a background --I had assembled my craft by putting together the many things of systems and created my own art. But the forms and jurus and langkas remain a testimony for my old kun tao and old school silat.
  Nothing against all those false claimers, only their bad jungle book stories led me to write my commentaries. Something that Pekir like to write after me, and make his evaluation with his commentary. In what he writes is just like the tower of Pizza. I red most of his articles gave me always  a happy grim for no reprisal that anyone is entitled to have his own desired opinion and more power to them. Mud throwing goes always fort and back. It is just my game to prosper to find my peace in happiness. An old man and his keyboard.
  Don't hate my family or students but just me for my freedom of speech in writing.  I am entitled to my freedom in speech and in writing. I am old enough to be the old styled kun tao or silat player. They may hate me in Holland but I am respected all over the planet. I have great and good relationship with the gurus from East and Central Java. West Java is my tabu to remember.
  A spoken word in verbal expression is silver, and a written word is mostly a golden platter. I make that up from the original elite.
Hallelujah had expressed myself again to gain more enemies in a foreign land.

By the Magus of Denver, and founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


  Needlessly to say in the vocabulary for my wordy description by explaining myself, and sharing my real feeling with only my true and real loyal followers for students. In my following after years of discovering them, and them me, I learn and struggle to gear my direction in the right prospective of my thinking. After all I am the founding father of my own system, and also need to be constructive and highly orientated with my thinking in doing the right thing for my self, and never to care of others or other masters.
  For years kept an open door policy, had students from martial colleagues, associated friends and even several students from my own brothers were coming to train under me. It was very hard to train those people; because they had bad habits I could not changed. For years they came and had gone or never came back -- they thought to know my system, and they were not. Especially with old ex students thought they were  coming into a social re leave center, that I could make a choice for an example to mention Steve Gartin, Chas clements and the rest follow in the same category of individuals were some two hundred others I had terminated and booted out. They never known my real thinking what put me aside from all other masters.
  While the going was extremely well for most who came to train under me, I did intense studies in learning history of the greatest field commanders the world ever had known. I could never be like anyone of them but kept learning a trade of their successes and failures. After 50 years of intense studies, and no one knew anything about me, I became a loner and self reserved martial practitioner and kept also learning mostly internal combative arts from the best of Chinese masters. While the many left and I kept going my training and history studies continuously was progressing. So I didn't care in who came or in who was leaving.
  I had many resources to draw any conclusion from who were my sound heroes of the past in history. For instance the best to study was Alexander the Great or Alexander of Macedon -356 BCE - 323 BCE -he dispelled fear for his own freedom of fear. Julius Caesar one of the greatest sharp thinkers as a Roman politician, general and emperor, 106 BCE- 44 BCE his key battle was in Gaul. Acupa, a Roman general and admiral 63 BCE - 12 BCE. Hannibal 247 BCE- 182 BCE. Scipio Africanus 236 BCE- 183 BCE -whose worth incalculable. Chengis Khan who unified the 18 Mongol tribes together. 11th century to end 1227 CE --his key battle Beijing 1215, Samarkand 1220.
  My two sound heroes of the modern military commanders were for certain Napoleon Bonaparte, still a field battery genius of all times --when in doubt attack. August 15 -May 5, 1821.
General George S Patton Jr, fought all Nazi generals in Africa, Italy , France and Normandy and saved the Bulge to keep possession of Antwerp. Most Europeans were not even aware of this great American military genius who actually prevented the Nazi troops to capture Antwerp. He was born November 11 in 1885 -- died November 21, 1945. He by his own deliverance provoked combat in order to sustain any stain of battle. He came from a wealthy family, like Napoleon did. I also learn in how to express my feeling by studying their writing found Dwight D Eisenhower the most  administrative writer. So I learn how to compose sentences by tailoring after them. No shame.
  Why I never feared any one under any combat circumstances. I also fully aware that no one of any of us will live forever. By studying those battle hardened field commanders of our past became also a well calculated martial leader. Why I made constructive choices and training under me became very diverse in practice. I don't see just one system but look at the wider picture in how to be better.
  Why I am also most happy over all other teachers with my choice in successors over the ones in my past. I thank all my loyal and devoted practitioners of hard core in following of my system for their loyalty and devotion to me, my family and system. All who train under me are my successors are many. My headquarter for Colorado remain to be located in Northglenn, Colorado is a home kwoon or dojo and for years. The host is guru Marcelo Rainero and Renee Rainero, a man an wife team.
Look forward to see several at my fort coming Serak symposium to honor uncle John de Vries and the founder Pak Serak. And for my Colorado group look forward of seeing you in our Sunday morning class.

  Although Ramesses II 1303 BCE- 1213 BCE had reigned Egypt for nearly 66 years, and was the most successful ruler in Egypt had also a disability since birth. Later was discovered that he was suffering from a club foot, and was stricken with ankylosing spondilitis (AS) a chronic inflamatory disease. He fought many battles in Egypt as well in Syria, and led the battle in Kadesh, in 1275 BCE successfully. He was unlike most other rulers in Egypt.
  Pak Serak had a similar related chronic disease, and was a successful teacher of the system he had created. Ramesses was a larger bodied man in physic, and stronger but the two men suffered the same PHYSICAL disability.  

Salam in peace to all the magus of Denver, and founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars.

MY LIVING TRUTH. By the magus of Denver.

 Years ago in going back to 1965 when I started to teach in Colorado, and Paul just started to prosper in venturing teaching Serak; I began to make plans while others where all busy to promote their martial addictive sports, and was introduced to perhaps the very best of martial experts in Denver. Denver so far as I am concern can be equaled to any city in America. I found them all remarkable interesting by comparing my newly founded martial associates with those of the Dutch Indo greater maestros who all came in like flog of Canadian Gees and slapping their chest as widely. Nothing against my own race, and found most were unpredictable in their story telling. Why I am also be continuous with my writing out my experience with them, and begun to flourish my deeper research concerning their backgrounds. They failed most of the reality checks. But is non of my business as ever to care, background and history is.
  Some where even funnier then others in what they told yesterday suddenly found a miracle of changes in the next day. Most of them had never ever really trained the old school silat in Indonesia, learned something as unpredictable used name of teachers for the land of a blind kingdom,and students were led to believe that in what they were learning could never have been a true Indonesian silat art. Because in what I saw of them, and their student core, and in what they were practicing was highly influenced by Kempo, tae kwon do, aidkido, judo and other of the similar styles in martial practice. They had taken from each other and to face facts in unlimited resources were expanding upon and created a big booming reputation for them self. To me is very okay since I care less --except why not tell the whole story that you never had really trained silat or kun tao and invented your own martial practice with many influences of others. I know with the Dutch Indonesians in the Los Angeles area were many of them influenced with the practice of Paul at the beginning. Later on as I was viewing them all could consider Los Angeles and especially the state of Washington and their grand visioned images better to be ignored. Any bad soap opera performance is  bad for the viewing and remain to be bad. Then came them and some of their claiming of me, and my system found influences from them and their poekoelan arts. I met some of them when they were still training with Paul, found them pieces of work . Sorry I really had studied and trained East Javanese, Central Javanese and West Javanese silat, and especially old hand kun tao and in Indonesia. I accumulated many skills of each region, and also with a great lineage in  kun tao. Later on in America found my teacher in Carl Samuel Deerns, and guru Egmund to finish my Dutch Indo martial education. I do have great relationship with gurus in East Java and Madura. I kept training while others kept bragging and were stuck to the only one thing . My pudding is in my pie, my system is also far more progressing in most recent years unlike before. And I assembled systems together and created my own art out of many substances.  I never needed any other of those guru besars, ma ha gurus or pendekars to teach me anything --I really was bored watching them, and their students very external home based.
  My futuristic planning was to throw out as many students in a slow down process to replace them with the more functional, more intelligent and better orientated when it comes to loyalty and devotion to practice. I achieved in what I needed to achieve for my accomplishment. Some of those old ex students still try to hang on to me like leeches hoping to gain an entrance back into my martial environment. They are on the YOU TUBE like Steve Gartin still trying to be boosting that he was once my best student. I feel sorry for him with no directive for the real silat or kun tao in practice is just like all the others. After all never the less for any of any expectation what can ever be expected out of a low brown belt under me for an ex student already booted out long time ago.  He is going nowhere but is stuck to his own illusion for his own on prediction to believe. There is good martial history or bad martial  history have both in my record keeping. Why I write so much to share my experience, share martial history and be sincere and honest. I care less for the liking of people.
  I wrote several articles on the fake of a guru besar of Washington was to make an example out of him for also the others like him with the same image for liking to be the real experts in silat or kun tao were untrue practitioners but gained a great reputation as pioneers. They lived their martial lives with illusion and remain to me the bad images for the real old schooled silat. Let them be give me a chance to expedite my historical writing. Why I don't like many of them not for their fighting capabilities but their wild fantasy thumb s****** ideas.
  And in what did happened to the real practice of Serak became a day dreams illusion for a reality check. In Holland the Serak sucks, and in America under the current situation remain on boot hill of a dreamers fantasy.

 What kind of Serak silat is that uncle Jelle really like to proclaim for his knowledge of knowing Serak?  What a shame he never had put his real training in the art and was taught Serak by a blind master (now long gone) who could only lead a blind colony. They give each other certifications in Holland just to gain numbers in greatness. I hope never to be given a testimonial acknowledgement of the silat union in Holland. Walter van der Broeke a great member for them to boot. My wall is full of wallpaper on display. Sorry Holland, I only like your cheese, your judo, gebakjes and really you need to go back to your windmills and wooden shoes and old ways --than "o" than I may considering coming back to Holland for :"Bij Ons In De Jordaan" and not for your silat and find a visit of splendor.  With your silat where everyone is kissing up to each other is out my commendation in words.  Sorry from an old poekoelan player, for you to hate me even more.  This came all out of "Lieve Java" a land of a foreign continent. And don't forget to also include your bad jungle book stories of New Guinea and the DETA boys suppose to be so dangerous.  Your Dutch Indo Tarzan stories was a man also out New Guinea from Java. Except there was never enough rope for this Tarzan to swing from one tree to another.  Our Johnny was still the best of all Tarzan's, and sorry the bad experience Maureen O' Sullivan had with their chimp always liking to bite people. He was actually not a good monkey was with bad behaviorism like the ones in the silat community in Holland and in America. I am the humanistic chimp always liking to bite. I am just the old poekoelan player, old wine maker me.

 In grace and in peace,
bapak Willem de Thouars, founding father kun tao silat Serak de thouars

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Ask your self when old ex students who were the best trained from the little the guru besar from Seattle -Tacoma knew of silat discovered later by going to Indonesia, and found the real Mustika or Musteka Kwitang Headquarter in Jakarta. They taught to come in as brothers and found out soon enough the difference that in what was taught to them was all fake.
  Because the stupid ass when imitating some one never changed things around making it look the opposite. He even had the nerve to imitate a Tongkat form from Victor and made it as part of his system without changing the structure. Had even the nerve to show me with his Garuda kembang. Was all on tape, and the good or better students who left could easy make my statement to a testimony. Why with laughter that I just had to write another beefy story on someone who only could show bad silat for good silat. For sure this guru Besar could fight, so are millions of others and I would love a stain of battle when is for justice. His knife techniques is good enough for someone to get killed. He immediately was showing his students directly a better technique as Paul, at a seminar he had arranged for sure his style in order for him to maintain the master over his students. Ask his students who left they can tell you the truth, I am just here writing my recollection of my past with him.
  This lower esteem for a guru besar, for sure a made up guru besar claimed the many things he never had practiced. The most he could claim was something he picked up in Indonesia was to lazy to really train silat was to complex for him to really study. Instead of going to learn Serak from Paul or Victor, the guru besar was full of false pride and came to Maurice my older brother , in Holland. Claimed to have studied Serak under him, for sure being my older brother I asked him. Maurice told me directly for having a dislike for the guy from Seattle who was really unable to learn Serak, Was to complex for him. He was just learn for a few motions in time and could only imitate as badly can be seen when performing Serak. He mostly studied Serak in Holland by only a visit shooting off his mouthy slurs for fun in stupid jokes. Was kicked out by Maurice for having wore out his welcome.
   His very best of students who left this dinky silat master for Suwanda under Herman Suwanda wend at my advise to discover the truth and left for West Java. They found the real deal in Mustika or any other silat practice this uncoordinated silat master had tried to teach them.. After they found out their mistake came to me for further educated studies in silat and in kun tao. I did not requested a special note from this uncured under nourished of common sense maestro in silat who had much of our de Thouars influences in his practice. Even in his poekoelan stance came from the first juru of Serak.  You may fool many of the lesser informed but not the real practitioners in kun tao or silat knows every move someone is making. I just had exchanged another dinky professor kinda maestro of a Roberto Torres for his students in Hawaai, and they are with ever since the time they parted. He never informed me about Torres was it also justifiable for me to just exchange student for students. I was happy Torres left me to go over to the dinky guru besar. Torres was no lost to me but my great joy for a better exchange in better practitioners. The group in Hawaii are still with me, I was always open and honest with them. They are loyal to my real Hakka kun tao and not in what Roberto Torres had tried to show for years.
  When I requested this guru besar to show me his ci mande noticed it right a way that he was imitating Bill Sander from a tape. I thought he knew ci mande, as he was always claiming, and for his misfortune of me also  having trained for many years in the old Cimande of the Patman or sometimes referred to as raden Patma lineage under Deerns found the man who I entrusted disrespectful to the real deal for being dishonest, and still claim the many things he never had studied.
  He showed still his dust vapor  strength by looking tough on pictures, and in reality only could count on his wild swinging like he did in school years ago. Am I nice to write my experience with him out my past, the answer remain to stay as is to set my record straight and non of others. After all is all martial history related  of my recollected times with the self made up guru besar, may come and fight me at any time. Like to see who lack the endurance for a couple of rounds in combat, him to vapor dust and me getting energized.  I have no mercy with liars for fakes and always cheap kicking or slapping on expecting some poor old ex students without any warning was breaking a leg. The same old ex student became later on in time one of my finest kun tao teachers in Hawaii, and had visited Indonesia many times that no one could tell him any b******* stories. The guy, the dinky guru besar had the imagination in becoming friends again with an old ex student he had fun for breaking his leg by kicking his knee cap in full force. Let this guy do it to me, at our age will be in for a big surprise. I hate this guy the guru besar as an unclaimed true master in silat, and always telling his students to counter quickly someone who was teaching something. Students of this man may come to experience me in my back room, I will counter them for fun and to extract pain staking events for them to go home with big lumps and brushes. The man's technique could never work in a real fight. All based on theory in the what if's.
  So got this off my chest by recollecting my memoir in writing.
The magus of Denver, and the founding father of kun tao Silat Serak de Thouars.

Monday, September 5, 2016

MY CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING. By the magus of Denver.

   No one in the right mind for a teacher of kun tao or silat would ever write as much as I do. I write because I like to write my true feeling in an aspect of a written contend  of clarifying my truth in feeling. The truth always a poison ivy to many who hide their fantasizing behind their smiles by telling big bad jungle book stories to their students who were always misled by teachers who came through Holland to America, and through thumb s****** ideas made up their own martial systems as degrading to me. Me, who am I, a nothing but a well informed history student who always was deeply rooted in my practice of the old school silat, Serak and old hand kun tao.
  At least I knew of the historical martial background of all my brothers, they were for real and also knew of those who also were the real deal for their systems. The background of my brothers Maurice, Paul and Victor were of the uncle John de Vries lineage, the two older brothers really were true students of our uncle John, as I did. I too had many other teachers. As for those others, I knew for sure they had never trained or studied real silat or kun tao in Indonesia. I often question the families of my Hakka kun tao teachers still living in Indonesia if they had heard of those I write about. They heard of them only to have studied by peaking through a window shield into a living room. They just came up with names of teachers who they had ever heard of their names. Several of those masters of my generation and some even older live in the Los Angeles area or in the state of Washington near Seattle. They were stealing from others or had many of their influences from Paul or Maurice and some even by bad imitation of me.
  All can be seen even while they are trying to hide their real secrets by bad mouthing me or through gossip of concerning the de Thouars brothers and me the most. Because I knew all those Hackle berry fins. They claimed more then they ever knew. All are not looking silat but kemposih styled, and adding much of their insinuated would be old practice as a true valued imitation of others with more spice. I watch them all, and care less but know one thing they had slowed down a lot hoping to be on a good receivers end. They not to compare with me who still is full piss and vinegar and in speedy action and more energized. Just my melancholy side to murmur.
  Take for instance the guru besar from the Seattle era, in Washington claimed Willem Loreo his lineage has a hard time understanding to to explain the real teaching of Willem Loreo, who also had trained old school ci mande. The man still around could only show images of some influencing factors of the de Thouars practice with his self made up jurus and coming up with newer styles he like the others came to study from out a window shield into a house room. We all of my generation knew of Willem Loreo, Leon the Carriere, and many others of the old Dutch indo greats. There is no need for anyone to explain to me about Willem Loreo, who also had studied the Mustika Kwitang in Batavia, and Max Lentze was the better practitioner in the art. Willem Loreo was more Ci mande styled.
  The best explained theory of Willem Loreo is explain to me in how he was teaching, and not telling the big time bed story in how he was a master thief and a known pimp in Jakarta. How did he taught and what was his specialty of Willem Lorea just considering him self only a player or poekoelan knowledgeable fighter of the olden days in Jakarta.  I knew those factors of images and also knew Willem Loreo and his martial spectaculars was never mentioned by the guru besar from the Seattle area. If he did would never had gone to learn in how to make up his own jurus from an example by my brother Paul. He always told Paul taught him in how to do seminars was all his own  thumb s****** fantasy world full of himself; because he too did a lot of imitation out my system could never make it work in a real life situation but me, and my trained experts. Why I am always open to fight him in a face to face encounter may come up in all what he got against me. I will clean his clock. And I am open at any time for him to come and combat me. Our way to go at our age.
  The group under the one mistaken general Napoleon out of Reynosa after parting from me, and I am happy to have gotten rid of a pain in the ass came running to the guru besar in Seattle and found their home base only for a par time. They showed their system was all a premature imitation out my system to gain an entrance for trust. Everybody was so full of encouragement that they found a new home, what I already had expected from that bunch of imitators of Reynosa, Mexico as they were only to seek a lineage and to use the name of a martial family like Walter van der Broeke and Roberto Torres. In what they thought to gain with me was for them their own failure to endeavor ended up in getting nothing from me but my on grace by never to acknowledge them for ever having studied under me. After all that they were the garbage I needed to remove from the deck of my ship.
With my caring thought the magus of Denver, and the founding father of kun tao silat Serak de Thouars. Happy labor day weekend everyone.