Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The dorgos in diapers Stephan Plinck, Steve Gartin, Chas Clements, Roberto Torres trying to be "maha Gurus" of Serak & Kuntao Silat de Thouars

Steve Gartin, Chas Clemens, Stephan Plinck, Roberto Torres all of you make many claims and make many stories to create even more jungle book stories about my family and my family art.  All four of you have created lies about a so called master Bill Chang who I sponsored in from Indonesia to Colorado and try to prop him up as if he was the teacher of the de Thouars. Torres you say he was mas jud.  Impossible he was nothing more than a inferior to the de Thouars brothers.  Bullshit grab from all of you to say he was our teacher and to say he taught you aswell. Impossible. What did he teach you?  Stephan Plinck you where in the Military at the time he was in California. And then Shortly after Bill Chang went back to Indonesia where he lost his life with an unfortunate fate.  So how is it possible you and Paul would go study from Bill Chang?  Impossible. Besides my brother Paul had no interest in learning from Bill Chang.  He was inferior to Paul on all levels.   And  Steve Gartin you studied what exactly with bill chang?  Yet you use my material to make $$$$$ and you sell tapes of my brothers together to make $$$$. Where are the tapes of bill Chang?   He was a karate do man trying to pretend to be a kuntao player. He never taught my brother Paul nor me.  Actually he wanted to learn Serak hands from Paul. And also he wanted the platforms. He was swept by my brother Paul in my Kitchen and I kicked the grab out of him in my basement in Hudson Colorado.  Torresca you are truly unknowing about Bill Chang. He has nothing to do with our Serak nor de Thouars Arts. He was actually wanting to learn from us our family arts. You too are like Gartin claiming Professor V yet you teach my material and my brother Paul's material you try to learn from tapes. You where actually a joke to Paul he laughed at you as you fumble on your kuntao tapes trying to pass it off as another style when you are actually trying to copy Paul and Myself.  You never trained for real with me nor my brothers Paul & Maurice as you claim.   So my back room is open to all of you to come teach me the superior Kuntao and Serak and Bill Chang methods.  I may be 81 but I am still sharper then all of you and for sure more knowing.  You will find yourself in a defeat before you can even begin.  To the Public be aware and careful of folks claiming to be maha gurus and complete in my art and the art of my family. If someone is not appointed by the de thouars then he is just a copy of a copy.  Stephen Plinck you where booted from my brother Paul before even completing your studies and you never trained with Dolf neither. You met him like you met Maurice but you hardly ever trained with either one. Better it would have been for you to actually train with my brother Maurice he had 12 years with Oom John. Paul only had 3 1/2 years of training from Oom John. The "pendekar" status was one he gave him self . But i forgive him he is my brother and I love all my brothers.  Dolf actually tasted my elbow once in los angeles he had no chance. My nephew Marce swept Dolf and hit him in the stomach in holland. He lacked the platforms and skills of us de Thouars. Dolf was not superior either in any way to the de Thouars. He was desperate to learn from my brother Maurice Serak cause he missed his chance by being to lazy to learn from his father Uncle Ventje.  So what skill did Dolf have?  You all should have actually stayed with the de Thouars instead of using us to make $$$$.  Gartin you should get a real job instead of selling tapes of my brothers and I. What all of you failed to realize we as a family still communicated with each other despite our differences and we all  laughed at all who disrespected the de Thouars. You are all part of that bundle of sticks. Stephan Plinck you  are like Roberto Torres who makes up jungle book story of having trained with Maurice & Dolf.  Yet the actuality is a lack of training. Maurice thought of you as an arrogant bambino in diapers stiff like a board. And Torres for sure was laughed at by Maurice & Paul.   Dorgos all deserve each other.  The followers Bill Chang probably only learned some saturday morning movie kung fu philosophy from chop suey movies. He was hardly a martial artists worthy of praise. In fact he himself wanted what the de Thouars have.  He was wanting to learn from Paul and myself.  So keep on your jungle book stories. My practitioners are better trained and better informed. Can you perform the arts like myself? Like my brothers?  Like my uncles?  The Answer is no.  So call what you do something else but do not use the de Thouars name in any way at all.  Walter vandenbroke van den crook and michael roberto, joe jud , roberto torres, steve gartin, chas clements, stephan plinck you are all unrecognized and hardly trained by the de Thouars. But for sure you all should stay together like potato chips in a bag with no real nutrients nor vitamins when it comes to Kuntao Silat de Thouars or Serak de Thouars. 

- The Magus of Denver and the Grand Puba  and Elder of Kuntao Silat & Serak de Thouars. 

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