Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Unfinished are unfinished.....

Many have come and gone. Some have gone thinking they actually got ahead but in reality they digressed. And for sure never listened to what was being taught. They tried to learn from my brothers and from me but with only the failure if inflating their egos like balloons with hot air.  It is impossible for anyone to really learn the actual de Thouars practices of Kuntao & Serak by a long distance tape of a stiff man who plays with goats.  Steve Gartin the Goat master can never deliver or transmit to anyone the essence of my art and my family art. He was never a finished practitioner under me and never with any real skill. Only egg shells that crack is what they have. People are fools to waste their money and time by trying to learn from "gurus" that where all kicked out by me or my brothers. That is a road that leads to no where. You are better off coming to train with me personally but i do not accept those that are not loyal nor honest. Too many are confused by the ever changing baby serak limitations of Stevan Plinck. How can a non finished player finish anyone?  Ever notice non of his students look any good? Steve Gartin him too an unfinished blind leading the blind for the sake of extra $$. How is it that anyone wants to learn the de Thouars practices but they seek out the clowns we as a family got rid of because of their egos, exploitation of de thouars etc?  In all honesty the public is better off training in person with myself or any of my trained instructors.  The de Thouars practices must be felt in person. And how can an unfinished by the de Thouars teach the de Thouars? Never try to teach the de Thouars their own art. You will fail if you do so.  American Kuntao is nothing more than a bad copy of my system. An Egg shell that is cracked and has no egg in the middle. If you want the de Thouars practices of Kuntao and Serak seek out the de Thouars and those qualified to teach it.  The joke is on those that never finished who are trying to teach. They and their students look like stiff ply wood. Better would be time spent in home depot carrying heavy particle board. Cause the only thing they will teach you is weak Kuntao & Serak. The Dutch croquettes Walter Vanden Broeke no longer has a grip in America nor in europe too many have jumped ship from his ridiculous attempt at Bukti negara . My brother Paul knew he messed up with Walter.  The little dutch boy in clogs couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper bag. He tried to challenge my brother Paul and then later wanted to kiss his ass to learn from him cause he realized he had learned jack shit in holland.  Walter quickly and swiftly lost his new association of followers in america and  abroad once they realized he is a dancing matilda.  A big white dutch chicken with feathers with a desire for male flight attendants.    Now all the students of torres, plinck, Gartin, and walter are scrambling to learn the actual serak their unfinished teachers cant show them.  But its too late you missed the boat.  Following them you are on a slow boat that goes no where. 

The Magus of Denver the Grand Supreme of Serak

Willem de Thouars

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