The new generation is receiving the very best of me for the future growth of my system. This is something that the old never got and could never understand. They made the mistakes with their egos to think they knew the best of me but I watched them closely to sift through the bullshitters and the snakes and wolves in sheep's clothing. Roberto Torres, Steve Gartin, Chas Clements, Joe Judt and all the other yahoos I have let go and traded you all for by far better students and better practitioners in the de Thouars arts of Kuntao & Serak. We know have the very best of practitioners in the field of the internal and close quarter combat and wellness. The proof is in the pudding. Not any one of you can move like me and I am in my 80s. I see you all failing even in your middle aged lives as you continue to get fatter at the waist and continue to acquire man boobs with your unhealthy lifestyles. If you had all listened to me you would be better off. I continue to out live all of you that I have gotten rid of because non of you can compare to my experience and my actual training I still do diligently daily. As for the Serak Bukti bogus bambinos such as the dutch fraud Walter Van den Broeke, and the other clowns that tried to vampire their way into my brother's brain like parasites, the joke is on you my brother took to his grave what you where looking for. The only other ones with that knowledge and more are myself and my brother Maurice. I am the oldest and the custodian of the de Thouars practices of Kuntao Silat & Serak. I was present to see my uncles teach and train. You where not even in the sperm at the time. That includes you Stephan Plinck. You hardly spent the adequate time with my brother. You began in 1980 and then shortly after 4 years went to the military. And only saw my brother on and off for some seminars. So how can you be a Maha Guru of Serak? How can you claim anything? You are no different than the dorgos of Roberto Torres who never trained with Paul. Paul laughed at Roberto hated him and laughed at his terrible tapes. Roberto Torres you only spent a few sessions with me in a seminar format I gave you a certificate to test you and your failed miserable cause you where to busy being the "professor" instead of training more and being a real student and training. Your ego and belly continue to grow. But your actual skill is stiff. Stick to boxing at least that way you will loose weight. And walter you are a piece of work you never completed your training with Pak Floh you only trained a little with him. Your seniors know you are a fraud. And then you tried to learn from Dolf only to find out Dolf wanted nothing to do with you. The Devries dont like you. So you went to a student of a student to learn the "jelly" Jelle, who never really trained with Dolf. You are a fraud. You then went to my brother Paul you challenged him and then you quickly realized he had way more knowledge than you and Dolf. You then wanted to kiss his ass. You are a Parasite.
I am here now to flush all the parasites and to forbid you all from using my family arts and my family's name. You are all not allowed to ever use the name de Thouars.
What can you do with out the de Thouars name?
Nothing.....You are all parasites.
The Magus of Denver the Maha Maha Emperor of Serak & Kuntao
Willem de Thouars
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