Monday, August 22, 2016


 For sure I am in denial for knowing pentjac silat serak since Victor and Paul were always making a big stink in who is allowed to teach serak --why I needed to part from the family and moved on. Sure I been claiming for years not to know Serak, and does anyone really knew? And yet, I do, and Plinck to stupid to understand for a grown up man still in diapers. His biggest problem is Stephan Plinck's big ego he has trouble getting out that situation like a little child unable to put his dotty away. Do not use the name de Thouars anymore Plinck. Perhaps like to use the name of your grandmother better who taught you Serak in Holland? Would make me happy. Your grandmother according to you taught you Serak in her kitchen make you the biggest thumb sucking idiot for knowing in how to lie. You can trust me to send things back to you as immediately --you are an indo belanda busuc.
  Many began just to wonder about me, and Plinck a worthless Serak man still trying to hide behind the name of Paul de Thouars. I still had more studies in pentjac silat Serak than Paul or Victor together, and now make it perfectly clear that I am teaching better Serak than any of Paul's students. They all are to regimented and stiff boarded like a carton box. That is not how real Serak has to be practiced. That non of Paul's students, and to include the little sheep, the childish like character of a Plinck  could ever master to move like Paul. No one out the bunch could even be precise like Paul. Stephan Plinck was always a big whiner for a grown up man in a diaper, and also was one of  Paul's ex students as the worse of students under Paul, and was  being dismissed or thrown out by Paul for disrespecting him. Everyone came to Paul's funeral, except the whiner of a Plinck stayed away and was with his whiners club drinking sour wine with his thumb up his ass. Now this guy, and his Serak is in need for an empty bucket to let the tears from his eyes slide down his cheek and see if he could fill the bucket up. Since he is crying like a little boy in need of better leadership, and know how to whine and complain about me what this is all about. By the way I trained Santiago Dobles better Serak than you ever could imagine, he also look better and more refined versus you and your stiff boarded Serak out of a can. You just was not long enough under Paul to really know Paul's Serak. You left to soon to even know what my brother was really doing and you certainly never saw what I have from Serak nor what my brother Maurice had to offer. Too late you missed the boat.
Anyway Stephan Plinck you going to lose more people liking to learn your dull serak. Are you jealous now that your ex student is now training under me, and get better informed and also is by any means a better practitioner over you? For sure you wish not to complain so much, and you are better off to better shut the fuck up and train harder.
  I like to see him even cry harder about how Willem de Thouars does not know Serak, and you are trying hard to overcome your unstable possibility for getting more seminars. Sorry I am in charge of the de Thouards Serak, and will be more around in the workshop circles. Your students in America dandies for tutti fruity practitioners, and your students in Italy all the same like you, so dull and boring with no spice. You often force your self to be fast in becoming ready to take a trip on the slow boat to China.
  Anyway just another of my articles for me to write in defense of myself against the out cry of a mister Stephan Plinck and his stiff boarder and carton boxed in serak. Don't use the name de thouars anymore, and just shut the fuck up and train even harder to impress others who know serak --like I do.
  Wishing you well Mr Stephan Plinck, in you always trying so hard in becoming a second to non as an untrained circus clown bring you the further down on my list.  Remember I was doing Serak before you where born.

By the kind civil  Willem de Thouars  the magus of Denver, and I am in charge of the de Thouars Serak. The grandpupa of kun tao silat serak de Thouars.

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