Saturday, August 20, 2016

I AM MY MARTIAL FUEL DEPOT. By the magus of Denver.

Do I like to write where there are still so many obstacles to remove, I need to clarify and share my persistent article writing against those snot noses for ex martial associates and ex students. For years they had taken advantages of me, my name, exploited my skills of martial practice as a bad imitation of the de Thouars family. This morning I am on a mission to expedite my thinking in constructive writing.
  My devoted readers and loyal followers who had been with me for years are so important to me that hard for me to resist not to write expeditiously some of my true feeling with common sense in my comfort zone. My kun tao silat de Thouars webpage became really my fuel depot to deposit in equal sharing my martial history, philosophy and my issues I had for years against those I constantly keep writing my beefy stew stories and  lively challenges against them of them so longingly wish they had never done me wrong. Far to late now after our bad past history is for me to keep going with my fruitful expeditious tour of duty for setting my record straight. A total defense of my de Thouars family, and the martial skills I possess to own they swell had exploited for years through their bad imitation of my system.  And why not they always claim to be the combatants of kun tao and silat by always claiming through the illusion of their  leader the annoying Steve Douglas Gartin. What else is there for me to do, an elderly teacher, an elderly most honored man, and mostly the creator of my system comprising many systems of all sorts. The ones I am writing about are the hypocrites and misleading asshole who ever had trained under me.
  My   beefy story for my early morning editorial is geared to attack Walter van der Broeke, and the silat clowns in Holland. They run the silat business through a silat union, and eventfully became the followers of Walter van der Broeke who in my evaluation as a well experienced man could easy attest that the stupid infidel Walter van der Broeke was a fake, a dishonest asshole, and a traitor to any teacher who ever had taught him something. For mostly may fill the ranks of the worse certificate chasers the world had ever known. He remain a belanda busuc tidak ada hormat. In other words a fat lying asshole with his false prediction. They can no longer use the name de Thouars in Holland, unless is approved by Jennifer de Thouars who is my niece and daughter and also the lineage holder of Maurice de Thouars system of Serak.
  Next on my agenda is my pledge of a legion I pledge to my self is my ferocity against Steve Douglas Gartin, and the whole American  kun tao silat such like Joe Judt, Mikle Roberto, Chaster Clements, and more of the asshole who could only shame me, my martial skills was partially being studied and trained for a shorter time, and my biggest fun to directly gear my attention to Aric Flour, who is put in charge of the Malabar in the American kun tao silat structure and under the two Gartins. Boy what an arrogant for a character and in never being a true guru with the experience of a real guru in silat and less in kun tao declared himself a ma ha guru. For sure a ma ha guru for an unseasoned player in need for street combat experience. Aric always act tough, speak loudly tough and was unable to whip a green belt who now became a black belt under guru Keith Moffet. Even a low brown belt under me can clean out Aric Flour in disgrace to dishonoring his title for me to question his real fighting skills. He is always welcome to come and fight in my headquarter in Northglenn, Colorado and may as he so desire bring with him the two Gartins in charge of the American kun tao silat. After all New Mexico is not far from the state of Colorado. I had never feared Steve Gartin for who he was, and for certain will not be fearful now of Gartin after all those years since we parted.  I am 81 and still full of piss and vinegar. I show those asshole who really had mastered the skills of kun tao and silat. I am the dude for your worries not to be exposed to many others. You all, included Steve Gartin are the worse of imitators of my martial skills you so well had exploited.
  Joe Judt, Aric Flour and I am sure many others in the American kun tao silat are programmers for corporations and are also able to twist things around to hinder me with my expeditious writing. On the plus side I too have even better computer geniuses who can discover many things over the ones on the Gartin side. Steve Gartin and his bad business enterprising need more to be in tune with the technical progression of our computer industry. They are being watched not to make any further sales of my old tapes or making sales for their far distance learning program with me, my facial expression or martial skills.It is unlawful of doing business without my consent.  Steve Gartin is the worse of an imitator of my martial practice and he will be misleading to the general public. In an overhaul evaluation look very horrible for even a bad de Thouars imitator with his floppy disk mouthy expression for a narrator.  They have most recent often tried to delete my blog posts and unable to do so. Since it is my own personal blog for writing my beefy stew stories on all those a*******. My team behind me, and I easy can delete them from commenting on my side of the fence.  Regardless their best attempt for success will be intercepted and torpedoed by my watch dogs and me on the alert. I see often see Joe Judt the instigator in behave for Steve Douglas Gartin and Chas Clements. No matter what I will always detect you, I am a Sherlock Holmes. And don't forget writing here on my own website is not on public display. You get your feeling hurt is your problem.
  In closing see the members of my Sunday morning class for harder training and also in our Serak tulen.
  In closing God bless America, and see you all on Sunday morning.
By the magus of Denver, bapak Willem de Thouars, martial arts leader kun tao silat de Thouars.

1 comment:

  1. It necessitates me for having to continuously write articles, in editorials for my commentaries here on my silat tv webpage, my blog posting, and on face book and also when necessary continue my attacks without casting out a dark shadow the way Steve Gartin had always disrespected me, dishonored me, and bluntly kept underestimating my intelligence for my knowledge and experience as a skillfull martial teacher. Gartin, his follower in chas clements had always underrated me for my many things, while I openly denounce them for ever having studied under me neither as associates or ex students. They were the white criminals of using me, and had always exploited my system to use my practice for their far distance learning program without any of my consent. Anyone who could ever stood in my shoes would be of an understanding nature --why I needed to be on the continuous attack of countering these two white collar criminals for ,making me an example for their bad business enterprising and were doing this for years. In fact when I use an attorney to take them to court would cost me tons of money, and several of my acquaintances who are defense attorneys or criminal lawyers advised me to use the internet as my source of defense by continuously write essays and articles and on my blog post of making the general public noticeable for these two fraudulent men. The general public is now warned, and I will keep going with my writing out my fuel depot, the silat tv, my face book, my blog posting and when necessary also on the you tube. They are not allowed anymore for any further usage of my name, my tapes and further more any further sales of any of their far distance learning program with me, and any of my martial practices on tape or DVD's. I was advised openly for them to take me to court --both men already had a history for having broken our American laws and already known in for who they were, and for who they are. I will face them with all boldness and face them in a face to face encounter at any time, may it be in court or outside the court. I was never in fear of Steve Douglas Gartin since the beginning, and will not restrain myself for being OUT of fear for this abuser of people for making money to enrich him in his delight for making false money of the sweat of others. There are still people in Colorado or even New Mexico he own money and me the most. Steve Gartin and chas clements are two big liars, cheaters and fakers for their false made promises that anyone who bought into their far distance learning program become just as good as myself, I am the head of my martial organization and of my well trained instructors. Anyone on the list and make use of the far distance learning program will soon discover that they were led by a two blind men who could only lead their blind bad sheep. They are very cunning, very illusive and are the worse and lowest esteem of a bad de Thouars imitation for ever lasting life. Steve Gartin claiming my ex student and in his late sixties will remain a badly practiced imitator of any of the de Thouars practices, and could only show his very in being an large scaled amateur for having ever trained or studied under me. Be awre of these two deceitful characters for men, Steve Gartin and chas clements. They both in business are not keeping up with the modernization of modern technology, and for being noticed by many who are in business could only be shown that gartin's enterprising failed even his own failures. Let them take me to court, and I will oblige them with the best of representation, and never fear any face to face encounter with any of these two scumbags for ex martial associates. I will be also on the YOU TUBE. Steve Gartin a slimy talker for a narrator against me. My attesting is hereby conclusive. By Willem de thouars, martial arts leader kun tao silat de Thouars.
