Thursday, August 18, 2016


As the oldest of the de Thouars brothers, and now the oldest in the pentjac silat Serak worldwide of the Mas Djoet and Pak Serak linage of Serak hereby denounce Walter van den Broeke and all other comedians in Holland trying to possess and claim to hold the true Serak lineage. As they claimed according to that worthless wolf in sheep clothing that he is now the main inheritor  and successor of Paul de Thouars and also had claimed to forbid anyone else not practicing Serak under him. Only he is allowed to use the name Serak, and to me a very insulting low esteem Asshole for claiming something he never had earned. The Serak practice in Holland really sucks up to the specifics.
   For a true fact to serve consequences at a large scale  Walter van den Broeke had also dishonored Paatje Flohr for his disloyalty and only knew how to claim the Paatjes Flohr martial practice. Actually he spent less than 3 years with ppatje flohr and was not even an instructor in that lineage. So the paper chaser hunts for more certificates.  He had failed to continue of finishing the silat art. He was there as worthless as he is to the de Thouars, and me in particular. I am the oldest of the de Thouars brothers.
  I forbid Walter van der Broeke and other assholes in Holland, and here in America also considering my ex students are now fully restricted and I forbid them to use my name; de Thouars; Willem; uncle Bill or any name related to me. I don't give nobody any allowances to use my name anymore,UNLESS THE ONES WHO ARE LOYAL TO ME AS FOLLOWERS, AND RESPECTFUL TO THE CONCEPT, COMPREHENSION AND TOTAL UNDERSTANDING OF ME, MY FAMILY AND INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PRACTICE OF OLD HAND KUN TAO AND OLD SCHOOL SILAT AND ESPECIALLY PENTJAC SILAT SERAK.  My followers for where ever they are are only allowed to use my name, and the name of any of my systems I am teaching them.

  In Holland is only Jennifer de Thouars allowed to teach Serak from Maurice Alexander Francoise de Thouars. Her father, my brother had given her all rights for spreading the art, and teaching Serak and no one else may even interfere her expedition for progression. The name de Thouars is also restricted in Holland for claiming of teaching Serak or bukti negara and anything else as a related issue to anything we, in the de Thouars were always practicing. STOP USING THE NAME DE THOUARS. CONSEQUENCES WILL FOLLOW.

  I am making this a related issue against the asswhipes who always thought they had the key to open the door to Serak or bukti negara. And a special warning to Walter van der Broeke to stop using the name de Thouars, the diploma or any certification issued by my brother Paul was all under bad and false circumstances and is hereby by me revoked as useless and nothing worth. To make it easier on all and to all just step on the floor and compare, you in Holland, and others here in America who claimed to have mastered Serak or any other related system against my well trained practitioners. When they had seen one of my instructors means needlessly nothing; because they have not seen others of my well trained followers. The Serak in Holland under Walter van der Broeke really sucks like a wasted cow dump. He sucks so bad in his practice that he is better of to  claim his knowledge as having stolen many things from others and exploited the de Thouars name for his Serak minus the know how he does not possess.  You and your silat bonds or plainly explained as organizations really sucks in Holland, you kiss up and path each other on the shoulders. Non of you know how to practice Serak appropriately, and from in what I can see can be shown as karate, kempo and self made up systems in silat. It could only show in how you able your self in becoming a Walter van der Broeke follower, and the de Vries in Holland had never found any interest to learn Serak from their father. A true story.
  You are not shaming your selves for taking in a cheat, a fraud and a big fat liar for a bond's member who kiss up to the upstairs and kick down ate the ones he think able to sucker into  his bullshit for knowing Serak or Bukti Negara. So up yours and be warned not to interfere with Jennifer and her Serak is acknowledged by me. You in Holland, and your Serak can never ever be recognized by me as a true system of Serak or bukti negara. I too was the co founder of bukti negara and knew the rest.
  Understand one other thing that Paul de Thouars was not the only one practitioner of Serak, Maurice and I were also very comprehensive in the system as fully practiced. Maurice studied Serak longer than Paul, he trained under uncle John for twelve years versus Paul only for three years. Let this be fully understood. Victor was always a student under Paul, and I will treat him just like I treat Paul's other students.


By the magus of Denver pak willem martial arts leader kun tao silat de thouars 


  1. In order for me to prevent any misunderstanding by others is here my list of my well trained, well organized and thorough informed teachers under me. The respected men in valor and honor are to begin with for the state of Florida are the gurus, Santiago Doblos, my Serak son and also very well distinguished instructor of teaching my system, in Miami; Dr Chad Bailey a well distinguished fully trained teacher, and Chuck Stahmann, my most senior and quite practiced and very distinct walking dictionary of kun tao and silat.
    n Maryville, in Tennessee is highly acknowledge by me, one of my finest Internal and external kun tao and silat exponent; master teacher Richard clear.
    In Baton Rouge. in LS is master teacher Trent Beach, highly recommended by me.
    In Acten, in Boston is one of my longest and most qualified internal and external practitioner in Kun tao and in silat my well favored Don Ethan Miller.
    In Salem, Mas, the two highly orientated instructors May and Mike Williams and under them for their South East Asian Cultural martial arts center are John Savage and Kris Cavalo.
    In New Brunswick, NJ are the well practiced instructors Ramsey Yunan, Mathew Mele, Carlos and Rick.
    Under Silent Dragon, in CT, is Stephan Watson very highly skilled.
    For the State of Colorado, my home state and in Northglenn are one of my very best trained master instructors, and they are the man and wife team, Marcelo Rainero and Renee Rainero; Dr David Conrad; Bill Maniotes; Colby Bog; Thuan Trent; Keith Moffet; Ted Garcia; Kris Roberts; Rex Fincled, and with my special consideration highly acknowledged by me are Bob Austen and Guru Daniel Presentya, and are in Ford Collins.
    In Los Angeles very well as highly praised are under master teacher Mathew Cohen and Ray Roblos also the two Hirts brothers, Steve and Michael, and Jeffrey van der Byle.
    In Guadalajara are three schools under the well enthused Dr Mario Rainero, and instructors. Our biggest group of teacher, mentors, and well practiced instructors of kun tao silat de Thouars.
    In Athens, in Greece is well acknowledged by me, and highly recommended under the Jeet Kune Do technology and under master teacher Bill Maniotes.
    In Scandinavia are my best qualified fighting experts, the master teachers Michael Marlow, in Stockholm and in Oslo, Norway, Dr jimmy Boharfa.
    These are so far my best of the very best with my acknowledgement, and I am also in other countries.
    My list of representives for kun tao silat de Thouars.
    By Willem de Thouars, martial arts leader kun tao silat de Thouars.

    1. Wat een lul! Translateted, what a dick. Sukkel

  2. Again as a special clause for my highly skilled acknowledged representation are highly recommended by me in martial practice are Sam Edwards, in Mendocino, Santiago Terasses and James Painter. And a special note of my deep acknowledgement goes out to Dr Conrad Bui, in San Francisco, and sifu Janer Gee.

  3. Hier in Holland hebben we een leuk liedje van een komiek. De titel heet Willempie en slaat wel heel erg veel op u. Oja ,paatje Flohr was echt ons paatje, wilde nooit geld voor trainingen, claimde niets,etc.etc. en u? alleen maar zeiken en claimen. En Walter? Die ken ik al meer dan 40 jaar. Heb jaren met hem getrained onder paatje. Ik zie u als een korrel zand en paatje als de sahara

  4. Wat een kankerhomo! Trslr. What a cancerhomosexuel billy! Whahaah,you cant even stand in his shadow! Fagett

  5. Ass the oldsest?? Sukkel!! Translateled buttfuck!, whahhaha
    You must respect Pual motherfucker! Heb nog nooit zoon simpelteje gezien!For your arsefuckers, fake!!

  6. WHAT CAN I say? I piss in your mouth after defeath buttwipe

  7. Paahtje flohr was my gury, me ,walter end many others kick your smelly arse, succer. You dont kwown what pukulan means.

  8. Walter is de grootste.! Fuckhole!

  9. Oja, die jennifer van jou, die sla ik plat en neuk ik in haar kont net al als die van jou. Daar houdt je van dou van kut homo?

  10. Oja, ben lid geworden bij paul by walter, jammer he? Nepper

  11. Walter de toe arse is the greatest. Not Willempie whahahaha
