Saturday, July 30, 2016

Steve Gartin & Chas Clements the 2 ticks trying to leech off of the de Thouars family for $$$$

(Steve Gartin & Chas Clemens seen here in the palm of my hand trying to leech off of the de Thouars.  You are bugs that are squished!)

Steve Gartin & Chas Clemens for years the two of you have exploited me, my teachings, my material, my family name, my brothers & our family art of Serak.  Both of you make me laugh because neither one of you actually have completed my system  of Kuntao Silat nor my family system of Serak de Thouars.  The truth is the material in your programs is actually incomplete. I did not give you all my secrets, nor all my principles and especially not all my forms nor understanding. I have the last laugh at you two poor ticks.  You lack the actual understanding of the art Kuntao Silat & of Serak de Thouars. Those loyal to me and who have proven their dedication to actual training are receiving the very best of me and my art Kuntao Silat & my  family art of Serak.  Do you really think you can fool others in thinking you know the de Thouars art 100%? You are incomplete.  And its too late for you to even begin to become complete in the arts. You are both lousy players.   My senior practictioners that are still training with me and my younger generation players are by far better trained then you and your associated will ever be. How can you be when you lack transmission and understanding. So no matter how much you try to exploit my material and my name you will never have success. Eventually the public will know the difference and see and feel the difference between you two lousy players and actually well trained practitioners who will carry on my art and family art. There are many i train personally and keep a watchful eye on them to help them develop and to become better than anyone who "claims" the name of my art and family art yet have no actual training.  There is a reason i traded you for much better practitioners.  And the same goes for Roberto Torres you never trained more than a few seminars with me. And most of the time you where concerned more with your appetite then your actual training. I feel sorry for all of you cause you all missed the boat completely.  And now you chase my brother Paul's art Bukti negara from the clown of clowns Walter Vanden Broken. Another lousy player using kenpo and karate to try to pass it off as my brother Paul's Art.  Non of you know the Old Serak nor my Kuntao Silat. You are stuck on slappy happy kruis strelen ballet.  Steve Gartin you never trained only filmed You where at best a lousy videographer.   So basically you are a librarian of silat kuntao but never a real scholar nor a real warrior.  Sorry but pushing buttons on a camera is not training. 

Go to the Goats to learn your Silat & Kuntao Steve Gartin & Chas Clements you are both too incompetent to learn from the de Thouars!

Uncle Willem de Thouars Magus Supreme of Kuntao Silat & Serak de Thouars.

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