Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Walter Van den Broeke the man with out the cookies and with damesonderbroek

Ok I am back for more insight and truth. Walter
damesonderbroek, you & your new self proclaimed Pendejo the untrained paatje Jelle Jellybean triggly puff have never trained with Dolf. And Dolf himself was untrained. Instead him and his brother harry james added Karate Kenpo to the little they had of serak. Dolf went to Maurice to learn what he could from Serak cause he didnt have it.  So I the eldest of the Serak players & the eldest exponent of the real Pak Serak Art I demand of you 2 idiots to please demonstrate your Djurus, Langkahs Pantjars, Silos, Sliwas, Sambuts, Sambutans, Pukuls, Dengkuls, etc Come show me that you know the art of my family and my ancestors. Who are you to claim anything of my brother Paul and of my name the de thouars. I will tell you this. We de thouars did Serak before Dolf and harry James and Nono. If you art is sooooooo  goood?  Why then do you need Paul or Paul's platforms or why did you try to challenge paul?  Paul in his younger days would have tore your teeth off on his patjar and you would have to have a jaw wired shut. If you come face me even now in my 80s I will destroy you before you even know what happened to you.  Like melted butted you will simply dissolve.  So Walter damesonderbroek  with no cookie and fully of dookie you and your dutch silat federation of fatsos that eat too much dutch herring that your presence is already noted by the smell have never trained to ythe extent of myself nor my brothers. You look like the prostitutes on the siddek giving each other compliments and trying to imitate the foot steps of the de thouars. I am in my right to correct that which is not right. You do a sloppy job of walking your shitty jurus and stiff. Your punches and your Serak bukti is stiff and never could compare to my brother nor to the de thouars. You lack the entire essence of the art and you lack morality you have no clue what adat and hormat is. But you know what  fresh fecal matter is just look at your self in the mirror.   I see your idiot students trying to walk the poantjar with fire coming of their hands making movies like porn stars.  Look young peasant you are misguiding and confusing people with misinformation. Pak Serak is turning in his grave. And you call that the fastest growing martial art?  I call it the worste  disgrace and bad kenpo bad karate. Why dont you use Jelle's name and make strawberry Jelly Jurus?  Or  make gus van hamm your instructor?  Why do you steal tapes of Maurice? Why not just do Paatje Flohr art and call it that?  Leave my family name ALONE. if you do not I will continue to write articles about your terrible wanna bukti negara and Serak. You are a disgrace to the Silat world and especially to the de thouars family. Paul admitted that he did not like you and that you where a bad idea. And he is not the only de thouars that dislikes you. We whip our asses with you walter and jelle  and your bullshit wallpaper certificates, manuals, and dutch federation toilet paper.  For me it would be an insult to receive a acknowledgement form the holland silat. Its better to get one from outside of Holland which i have several.  Some how the ABC lettering of holland is different. So  Mr Jelle you are now the pendekar of Serak?  I do not think so. Where where you in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and now 2000s training and teaching serak?  Up yours. De gelei komt uit je kont als je probeert om de pantjar lopen.  walter je kijkt erger dan een kind met luiers vol diarree. 

You should take lessons from William Sanders he knows more about actual Serak then your do. I have a secret serak lesson for you. Light a candle and place it under your ass and fart when you perform your jurus. and allow the fire to singe off your nuts. And maybe then you will accuire the rahasia of the Art.  I whip my ass with your ilmu your guna guna and your BS practices.  Here is your second secret Serak Lesson. Jump off a cliff in to shallow waters and do your kuda kuda on the bottom.  Walter Je bent een meester van Zwangere giraf silat stijl.
The Magus supreme of Denver the eldest and true Leader of Serak alive today. 
- Willem de Thouars

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