Monday, July 25, 2016

Uncle Willem's Blog The Freedom of my expression!

Greetings from Uncle Willem de Thouars,

For many years, I was pushed in a corner because i lacked the skills to use a computer and advancing technology, Years Later from where i am now sitting, I gained a comprehensive understanding in how to write "Jungle Book Stories". I am not against the people I like , they will always have my heart spirit and Soul. People I dont like , such as x students such as Michael Roberto, Joe Judt, Roberto Torres, and many others I removed from my organization are whom i am writing against for their exploitation of the de thouars name & Family Arts & family. And My reasons specifically I am not liking Stevan Plinck, Cliff Stewart, Dr Louie Yu, Danny Hyubrechts, and all who have trained under Paul de Thouarsand also the people under Victor de thouars also to include the many under Willy Wetzel & William Reeders and all their students.  My reason is that I only can memorize with deeper thought how  it was befor ethe 1960s. My brothers and me we where brothers united in Holland & In Indonesia during the 2nd World War. The only bad part was when the Indonesian  revolutionary war broke out august 17 1945 against the Dutch occupation. My mother, Victor and I where together all my other brothes where taken away and separated from us and they where put in to war camps. those days I already had written much about in my book & articles its not too important any more for me to mention at this time. Now I am writing this article meaning as a full scale declaration  of war against those who have exploited and continue to do so the de Thouars name, family and arts including SERAK.  Many individuals have accused me of not knowing Serak. How come then, the people that train under me look a lot better and more with the freedom of expression then the ones under paul & victor who look like stuff board plywood carton and wooden pallets. Mine have the freedom of expression to be totally free flowing souls in combat and practice for both warfare & health & longevity. Because everyone of them is a professional they are all highly educated, and have gone through many academic studies along side physical training.  They dont need to rely on the martial arts for an income. They have all professional status in the true world of economics and capitalism. Instead they are supporting me and the family. I am always a happy camper when they invite me to come do training intensives. I eat well, I sleep great, and I always feel enlightened when i see good healthy people with no ego around me. The worst that can happen for me is when i see people with DEEP self esteem issues & EGO problems and again i have to relate my iussues to make an example out of Stevan Plinck,  Roberto Torres, Cliff Stewart, Michael Roberto, Luie Yu, Vahid , Danny Huybrechts ( He is not my family, Maybe Victor accepts him as a family for certainly not me nor Paul because Danny is TOO ARROGANT). And Every one in the whole group belong most strongly to the whiners  social club of america. So for my 1st time this should be enough for my editorial. I will be back soon as i get back to Colorado. Now that I am banned from Silat TV. I will now express my freedom of speech to tell the truth about me & my family  and the set the record straight. My truth which is historical will always be a poison Ivy on those i am writing about who exploit my family. You guys invented nothing in My family Art instead you all steal.  You are corrupted theives and liars. And lets not forget the dumb Fuck Walter Vanden Broken and the ne pendejo mamaron Paatje Jelle joker of wanna be serak in Holland. Paatje Jelle is a Kontol Kotjok of Serak Bunting.  Keep your Bullshit Kenpo Karate decaf Serak out of the True Serak, Your Langkahs go straight to hell.
 All you have is a half of a half of a decaf watered down shitty coffee.
You will all be hearing from me more often and see if you can Suppress my freedom of speech. Silat TV can not stop me I will be also on Youtube with Straight Talk about my family & our arts so no one can mis inform those that want to know.

 Sincerely ,

Willem de Thouars grand Puba of Kuntao Silat de Thouars & the Oldest Serak Elder alive. 


  1. Great to see you have a blog Uncle!

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  4. Much had been misunderstood by many of the outsiders not knowing my specific issues in writing is totally history related and also in what was done to me by ex associated friends and ex students I had to remove. In what I wrote has nothing to do with emotion in feeling -I wrote in defense of my self and also clarify my resentment against many who had underrated or underestimated my intelligence and martial skills and life's achievement. Why I use my blog post to state my position. Hope that this is clearly understood from all the negative responses against me for many years is my essays I wrote my experience and resentful reprisals against those who had aggressively attacked me and my family. My blog posts is necessary my resentful feelings expressed without any emotional feeling or caring the opinions of others. My family first before any martial expansion or endeavors. Anyone trying to give me any advise or thinking I am in need of philosophical guidance will immediately removed. I been through the 2nd WW and thereafter the war for Indonesia's independence was worst then the 2nd WW. I had gone through those gutters and survived any of the ordeals, I am who I am and through my essence in writing is also my experienced in history with people not liking me --had never bothered me only brought enthusiasm for my kind responses. Oom Willem de Thouars, MARTIAL LEADER KUN TAO SILAT DE THOUARS.
