Thursday, December 29, 2016


    A FORCED COMPETITION AN INSECURITY.  By the magus of Denver.
   At least what I could write about that in my martial environment no one is even trying very hard to be competitive --instead, all my trained martial extended family, I train my whole system have real good jobs to go to and provide for their families. They just come and train to gain better in health, and train out of passion for knowing my whole system and in particular: MY PENTJAC SILAT SERAK.
  It does not surprise me at all why in order to regain their self pride of mutual seduction in gaining a power "flick" trying to subdue the world of Serak in Hoilland and in America; were badly in need of something to gain out the supernatural in seeking mental shelter by traveling the far distance shores of Java.  Finding  out a dukun (negentot bohong) or shaman, in West Java. I am my own shaman and give consul to the needy for free; but never these two assholes.  Bringing with them for sure mutual funding to pay for their expenses, are these two infants for Serak experts in diapers really the most undernourished for practicing real Serak. The two men in diapers are non better or non more but the prostitute from Holland, { a traitor to paatje Flohr, an under math of Dolf de Vries and the worse of a kisser upper under my late brother Paul), and the Board of Directors of the PDT Academy, the non famous  Dr Louie Yu  had gone traveling the far distance shores of West Java. They sought out their dukun ( the dukun ngentot bohing) paid them money, and money favored them in the Serak community of West Java. And my reason to totally part from them all. But enjoy to write my accumulated stories on them. In what they had projected came in as my rejection.
  Then Walter van der Broeke, the prostitute from Holland, declared Mikle Roberto the best Serak practitioner under him and over others in America. Laughter came to gave me a bigger smile for writing my beefy story for another of my blog post. The background of Mikle Roberto, another of the (smaller boys) trained of a de Thouars practice was mostly beaten by Bob Venata with his learned assumed trained practice; beaten with his pants down by many others and could not gain an inch of fame by any of my trained experts. He was a loser from the beginning, tried to gain some favor to find an entrance under Paul --came to Paul's funeral only to meet up with the slime ball of a Walter van der Broeke. i was there because he was my brother, and observed the whole legacy of Paul, and knew never liking to be part as a family to all of Paul's  following. They were just it --a bunch of hypocritical liars and smothered together like turtles on one table. Mikle Roberto had even failed to finish under Victor, and found his refuge by the insanity of a Walter van der Broeke with a similar liking in the two turtles.
  Paul was suckered into the game of lust instigated by Walter van der Broeke, and for money had  became submissive. A teacher submissive to students is the worse to experience for any other teacher. Individuals like Walter van der Broeke, Louie Yu, and the many others like them can never or ever be my students with all their money. Their money is no good, and for me to teach them is horrific for dealing with infants. They could never learn anything. And under me --training is much harder than under Paul. Your ass has to be flat on the ground.
  The reason I am a happy camper for still teaching is plainly as simple an  understanding -- I train more intelligent people who think for them self. Impossible to tell any one of them some Indonesian ghost stories. They are better motivated and quite adequate for enhancing and understanding information on a larger scale. They are no followers but leaders. The money I earned for my services has to be earned, and I need to be satisfied of the ones I am teaching. Satisfaction is the durability of my exposure for teaching. And I am very caring in who I teach. I like to enjoy the fruits of my laboring efforts. It is really very hard to even become a student under me-- I also had to turn down many offers from others who were never worth any of my enthusiasm and for me liking to teach them.
 Why I will always be very different from all of my brothers -- I don't play the game of the PDT Academy or the VDT Academy or others with similar attitudes. Money is good when it is earned, otherwise makes money more to s*** a penny.
   In closing still a laughter for me thinking about the dukun ngentot bohong to derange the mental capability of  those the muddy undernourished recipients.   COME TO PAPA WILL CLEAN YOUR ASS HOLLIES. YOU ARE IN NEED OF A SPANKING TO BACK TO REALITY.. {Louie Yu did not take up to cross hands with Santiago Doblos my Serak son, when they met in Florida. Students were there to denounce any lies.} Anyway I am my own dukun or shaman and sleep better, eat better, and look at life for what is worth -- and not use a gadget to fool the stupids thinking of  gaining possession of the super natural.  The supernatural only come to occur when you really can piss straight without a  kinking edge.  GO AHEAD YOU IN THE PDT ACADEMY HAD ONCE CHALLENGED ME TO KICK MY ASS --AND STILL HAVE THE THREE TELEPHONE NUMBERS --WILL CALL ON YOU SOMEDAY WHEN  THE LEAST EXPECTED. YOUR SERAK STINK, AND YOUR PRACTICE IS REALLY OF A LOW ESTEEM GRADE. YOU TO MUCH IN STRUGGLE FOR BEING IMMEDIATELY REACTIVE. MY FAVORED SONG BE THE ENCLOSURE OF MY PREDICTION FOR YOU: " SLOW BOAT TO CHINA". COME TO PAPA LET YOU FEEL MY DIFFERENCE IN MY REPRISAL.
 Oom Willem de Thouars, always the magus of Denver.

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