Thursday, March 2, 2017

The intended division and separation of My Serak from other family members and students of Serak in America and Abroad.

The intended division and separation of My Serak from other family members and students of Serak in America and Abroad.

For a long time my brothers Paul and Victor created many lies about Serak and its history. And many of my brothers's students perpetuated many of those lies only to bring about further confusion in the art of Serak.  Many have squandered the art and never completed its training as well as never understood the proper Adat Hormat of the Art.  I am informing the world that I Willem de Thouars and my Instructors I have trained and created in Serak are completely sovereign in our Serak and stronger in our serak.  For the record I was never under Paul nor Victor in my training.  Victor was trained by Paul. Mardjoeki was a kid he played marbles with.  I trained with my older uncles in Java and in Holland as well as with other Masters in the lineage of Serak going back to its founder Pak Serak.  I never needed my brother Paul nor Victor to teach me anything about the martial arts and especially about Serak.  I began my training in Serak long before they ever did as a kid in Indonesia.    We are not under Paul nor Victor and the lies about Serak. We are totally separate and truthfully unique as well as more educated in the entire depths of the complete art of Serak and its roots. I maintain a relationship through out the years only with my brother Maurice he was true to his Serak practice as I myself have always been. It is time I set the record straight. My students and instructors are now learning the very best of my Serak which are things Paul and Victor never trained.  I love them they are my brothers but i have to clarify things now for many in the art to understand. Also because of the improper adat hormat of students under Paul and the new bukti negara students from the johny come lately board of deceivers many times over i have the total need to completely seperate myself from them all including from my nephew Marce de Thouars who also is perpetuating lies and continuing incomplete training.  I do not want  any of them as students nor do I want to deal with the chaos many of them have created around them and the art.  All they have done is bring disrespect and bad energy to the name de Thouars & to my ancestors and ultimately also to Pak Serak.  If you can not move like Pak Serak you are not training Serak. Its that simple. Train the right way not a deviation.   So from this day forward my Serak is Willem de Thouars's Hakka Makao Kuntao Serak.  Honoring Pak Serak & all of Serak's past roots.

I am the eldest in the art and the only one alive that has more training in the art. - the Magus of Denver Oom Willem de Thouars.

1 comment:

  1. Lul maar een end raak! Eigenlijk geef je aan dat je broers beter zijn. Een afkraker is een loozer. Kontgat!
