Friday, March 10, 2017

PLINCK the Incredible Fantasy King of Serak - the Magus Phantom of Serak the eldest and true Serak ELDER Willem de Thouars


  According to my older brother Paul, before his passing told me that Stephan Plinck, and Cliff steward were never finished training under him,  Paul de Thouars. Plinck was dismissed and thrown out by Paul long time ago -for his supremo of self inflicted arrogance. A self inflicted arrogance is like a self inflicted wound.
  O, well the remarkable Stephan Plinck  and unfinished student under Paul suddenly claimed to be the lineage holder of Serak. And if not under Paul, than who was he under? O, well there is always a thumb to chew on for telling a lie. Plinck just another of those self servers suddenly started to criticize me for being the sloppiest in kun tao and sloppy in silat and I don't know Serak like he does. In what he liked to claim made me just expeditious to tour my fingers on my key board that Stephan Plinck was a failure in Serak in Scandinavia, and with my students in Colorado and else where never wish him for a seminar. Non of my students  were ever impressed with Stephan Plinck, and his second to no one. They all were laughing at him, only for him to be hoping to gain students by getting my students over to the Plinck's  plaza. Sneaky to preview of going behnd someone's back trying to gain students. His trick would never work; because my students always informed me and keep informing me.
   In fact even at my age, I am 81 can still run circles around Plinck and all his students. Even doing it with the true Serak explicitness. Plinck has physical deficiencies, and never was any in my following ever impressed with him or willing to learn from this remarkable thumb sucker for a half studied student under Paul.  They had taken acceptance to this trashy white Indo because I required all my students to treat the guy respectfully. In fact non of my students could learn anything from Plinch since they were more informed, better educated and also better trained could never place them selves under him or under any of Paul's students.
  Stephan Plinck is going to have a Serak symposium or workshop in the state of Orgeon, this weekend and I was being informed. Cliff Steward going to be there too and more laughter to me for in what they like to gossip about me by down grading me. for sure telling all shit filled  stories about Willem de Thouars. They need more people to attend that they are trying to even notify students from my circle of friends. I was asked for my recommendation. I never jealous of secondaries because my symposiums are better in quality and more successful. For a fact.
  Here it is: " when you like to learn the boxed in Serak, and the dull and boring style of an imitated Serak --please go to Plinck in Oregon. But for the real Serak come to Colorado under my guidance with longer experience. And please come to learn from my Serak son, guru Santiaog Doblos in Florida. You will be taught the very best of Serak". Anyone accepted by me, will first be screened for my worthiness of taking him in as a student.
  I was long before Plinck ever was taught any Serak by Paul, his only teacher and is still a man in diapers by comparing him with me. So Plinck the self endorsed ma ha radja is now claiming the only successor in Serak -for sure the dumb folded self professed Serak of Stephan Plinck. He might be only in the Plink self invented Serak.
  He is just envious of me unable to move like me -because he is to much in his boxed in Serak and has trouble climbing out his box.  He wished he could be like me,unfortunate could never be -him and his sloppy poekoelan and Serak always in a fixed position. A tae kwon do expert could even make minced meat out of Plinck for being to slow to react. For sure Plinck is the second to non master.
They laughed at him in Scandinavia, and I already notified all my followers never to support him ever again. They are levels above him, this unfinished student of Paul liking to claim the ownership of Serak. For sure another of those belonging to the social club of the club clubs socially.
I am glad I am me and in not being forced to show boat my skills -Plinck on the other hand has to proof him self with better quality in the practice of Serak. Well he is the master to no one for sure there is no one. Only in Plinck's fantasy world is the one man, the king of all sources.
  By Oom Willem de Thouars, the phantom of Serak

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