Wednesday, March 15, 2017


                                       By Willem de Thouars.

   Who in heavens name are the two unfinished trained Serak clowns, and who are they the two men of no meaning to me - Cliff Steward and Stephan Plinck considering them selves the supreme being of Serak. Who in the hell is Cliff Steward? To me never of any significance for a meaningful description left Paul, (totally unfinished and looking like a bad kempo player instead of silat) and here again the mouthy Stephan Plinck Steward's teacher. These two men, in their just recent Serak work shop in Oregon had been telling grab about me, could never do any harm to my reputation since I still have a great demand as the most sought after for Serak. I have a lot more and better trained students than any of these two men -could speak volumes of truth to rise me levels above these two bad talking teachers. Paul before his passing made it clear to me, that Cliff Steward was never finished and Stephan Plinck was kicked out long ago. Both of these guys with no signifying  meaning to me or my students in following could only talk their Serak country club's preview in regard of me. Both men may step on the floor -directly and may compare against my knowledge - I am in greater health and still like a fire plug doing greater Serak and stronger kun tao can move mountains. While these two unfinished infants for ex students under my brother, only know to talk but never able to walk their talks. These two men for whatever is worth to them could never make anything as a newer news.
  All my following world wide are laughing in how these two infants like to try of degrading me, and  try to put me down only for an audience most familiar to them could  find some interest listening to the lies coming out their lie factory. They allow them selves to talk shit about me -why not me return them my justice in writing. In meanwhile the people I train Serak look levels and far above Cliff Steward and Stephan Plinck trying to look good and yet, they look bad could only show them as the unfinished students of a de Thouars.
  Santiago Dobles is in no need for any certification from these two characters hiding behind their unfinished claims of trained practice and in Serak. HE IS MY SERAK SON FOR THE BETTER QUALITY OF THE REAL SERAK --INSTEAD OF THE WORSE IN SERAK PLINCK AND STEWARD ONLY KNEW HOW TO PRACTICE THEIR BOXED IN SERAK. At 81 still know to run circles around these two unfinished Serak exponents from Paul de Thouars. In fact I knew Serak before Paul or any of my brothers.
  I keep to maintain going to spread the real Serak around the globe, and in the United States. Let these two unfinished students from Paul claim all what they like to claim - will never serve any reliable good purpose by many already knowing me. Also a justifiable reason why my Serak seminars experience even a  larger growth of expansion. Who is Cliff Steward or Stephan Plinck are still in their glory of a boxed in Serak - while mines remain outside the box in getting around.  The founding father of the Willem de Thouars Makao Hakka kun tao Serak.

Friday, March 10, 2017


    Looking back at the Serak under Paul, and Victor could easy understand why any trained under the self acclaimed pendekar aggung could not be any different than Paul himself. Victor was always a student under Paul, and perhaps was also one of the very first students, in Holland. Always never a question that Paul, himself had just finished only training the basic system of Serak under uncle John de Vries. Him, and his associated friends from New Guinea came to learn from our uncle, in Amsterdam were all free loaders for getting Serak training for free. A bunch of assholes  to cheapen them selves, and not even pay any gratitude to a legend like uncle John. Paul was doing the same thing, why I always had resented my own brother for being a cheap skated nephew from our uncle. I always had paid every teacher, and also paid with physical labor beside my dues. Why uncle John taught me more in private. i was more of a student who could learn more constructive; why uncle John also gave me 8 other combination jurus along with the 18 standard Serak jurus of the Mas Djoet lineage. Paul was uneducated to handle more material, and ended up only with the basics of Serak - he had studied only for less than three years. Because he was not always training 360 days in a year. At the beginning, and the first year came to train at the studio of uncle John every Wednesday. The second year came only once a month. And at the end, in 1959 only on occasion. Uncle John wrote him a handwritten certificate stating that he was allowed to teach Serak, and had finished his studies. In fact only had finished his basic training in serak and had trouble of handling more sophisticated training from our uncle. I knew, know and always had known that Paul had no advancement in his training -why all his students are looking like stiff like cardboard boxes with no fluent motion in movements. I was before Maurice and Paul were continuing their training of Serak under uncle John - also for a fact.
  Stephan Plinck looked always very stiff and unpolished to be fluent in movements. He like so many others have trouble in making corrections for the short studies he had received from Paul. All of Paul's students, and to include Stephan Plinck are to upright, and using only upper body strength. They are to much in a boxed in situation and like Paul himself could only fight out of a fixed position. Paul had to experience when he came for the first time , in Colorado long before Stephan Plinck, and Cliff steward and others of the later comers. Even before Oosterhof. He could not sweep so nicely as he did his students in Los Angeles. They were all trained their fix positioning, and when with a blitz creek became lost souls.
  One of my students, was a full hardened Wado Rue practitioner, did boxing and tae kwon do moved in Paul so fast - Paul was unable to counter him made me feel ashamed to have introduced my brother to some of my old students. He also could not sweep one of my other students a full flashed Okinawate practitioner always hitting trees made Paul also devastated behind for the hard hitting karateka. That too had shamed me, why Paul also left Colorado and came back to his old copy hell in Monrovia. I swept Paul three times by quicker moving in in front of my students, and still being remembered by some of my old students on my farm house. Paul forced me to spar him, which I did and found it wisely in fear for my own older brother getting a heart attack and declined any further actions of countering my own brother. In fact is also on a 9 mm tape. I only share it with my students, why share it with asshole of students under Paul -who for a long time were believing Paul and his made up stories. Even Victor had openly challenged Paul, and Paul was scared for Victor. Also a sheer and true fact. Paul had taken off instantly out the parking lot from Victor's VDT academy, when he came to observe Vctor's studio was immediately detected by my younger brother, and I was there of seeing an older brother moving out a parking lot so fast.
  Paul could only instigate his situation under pressure to request the aid of his students against his own brothers. Against Victor would come for the onslaught. Against me, Paul was lacking stamina, and internal practice was always short on breath.
  If Stephan Plinck like to claim Paul his lineage more power to him --Paul left a bad martial history behind, here in Colorado. Victor was more the fighter, and I the intimidating slacker to out endure my own brother who lied and claimed a lot.  My father in law, back in 1962 when the two met considered Paul just a minor description for a seasoned fighter was non of that. Ask why Paul had developed some blood cloths at one time or another?
  I never respected Paul with all his lies, and also never feared any of Paul's students. They may come and fight me under my condition, and in my backroom. My backroom with all their bad clams regarding me -may always come and fight me.
So shut the fuck up and do more of your better training under good guidance of a real expert in Serak.
Enough of your bullshit about me, I am still fluent and charged in Serak - in training and in fighting. another true fact!
Come to papa and I will let you feel the real Serak in practice. I walk my talks, and you only talk your shit all over a garbage dump. You are worse than drunk old ladies.
So up yours and your invalid Serak practice in need of seasoning and flavor.  Go low and let your ass hit the pavement of the floor.
Oom Willem de Thouars, the phantom of Serak.



                                               By the phantom of Serak.
   There might be a difference in opinion, and still concurrent issues between Victor and myself, shall always remain as such to no end. We shall always be apart. No one knew about us as brothers during the 2nd WW, the Indonesian War for Independence, and the later years in our family's history.  Most people who knew Paul since the beginning were also smothered in like a burito to con people in believing him and his bad jungle book stories. Like so many others in the Dutch Indo community of Los Angeles.  After all the articles I wrote concerning Paul's background in Serak, was just the lesser of his training under uncle John I was mentioning the most. Between us as brothers were always big time issues, and was long before each of us started our own families. Victor and I, O, well we were getting along to some an extend. And both of us had big time issues with Paul, and his lesser knowledge in Serak for his short duration of studies in the family art.
  I often had wondered why Victor often got over heated with Paul as our oldest brother in America. Simple to reason that Paul was always an egomaniac -selfish- with strong motivation for being the worse of self servers  and always for himself. He was always egotistical and never learn his lessons -even when Natan Calmer in Soerabaia was challenging Paul out in the street, in 1943 during the Japanese occupational years. Paul was scared, and stayed indoors. It was also long before we as brothers knew any fighting arts. Natan had no problems with us, and we could understand him completely.
  At home in Azusa Victor nearly shot Paul to death for being insulting and disrespectful to our mother, after just losing her husband our father - who passed away. Paul and I also fought by our swimming pool at the same home we lived in. I out boxed him for opening his mouth to my mother. I also blame him for not picking our mother up, and had a drunk for a friend driving our mother home. It resulted to cause the accident that caused our mother's life. The asshole of a brother was to damn tired to pick up a stranded mother. For a mother no matter how tired should never be any problems for picking her up. Why I was challenging Paul openly to fight me again. Victor confronted Paul many times in the past.
  Victor for sure could still remember when Paul stole dresses from our aunt, and sold them on the market for money. My mother was beating him badly for stealing from our aunt. Paul always was greedy and in lust for money. Come and face me when you are not liking me to write about him. My backroom is wide open, and I shall show you his student in how Paul was still lacking spice in color to justify Serak. He has minimum in years of training in the art.. Victor as his student brought the art a step further to be better over Paul, his older brother.
  When Paul came from New Guinea in Holland, was very uncaring to my parents, and us the two brothers.  My parents had to pick him up from Amsterdam to the harbor in Rotterdam. Instead of being with our parents at the harbor, Paul's focused was more with his worthless friends who journeyed the same ship travel with him. Since that time I hated him .
  It was a good reason why Victor almost shot him, if it was not for me who came between the two. Victor had his fingers  ready to spitfire a bullet out his Winchester. I had to calm Victor down for obvious reason that we just came to America and needed to get orientated in our new country. Paul was in deed a sloppy practitioner. He was also beaten up by my Latino friend before we all became married, and was a light weight boxer. Paul didn't had a change with his short trained practice in serak. Why I also know how to beat the grab out of Paul for unable to withstand quick counters and jabs.
  Victor was right in many ways for disliking Paul for his greed and selfishness. Even my father in Bandung almost slapped Paul around for the dirt coming out his mouth. Uncle Eddy de Vries also by an inch almost chopped Paul to pieces with his cavalry sword for lying to him. Paul had stolen a picture from a friend's girlfriend in Holland -Leida, was her name, and tried to hide the picture from his friend he had stolen the picture from.  He told us, and everybody of our friend that he had a girlfriend in Holland, when the truth came out, his friend Edward Mijers came with some friends to recover the picture from Paul. Outside the house of uncle Eddy de Vries, Edward and friends were beating up on Paul, as well deserved a task to intend. Uncle Eddy jumped a 6 foot fence just to safe the assholes's behind and ward off the attack from Paul's ex friends.  The next day they came back to ask the picture back, and Paul tried to lie his way out, and could not. For lying nearly lost his life at the hand of a retired Dutch cavalry man who fought in Ace.  Our uncle nearly killed his own nephew for lying.
  Paul the great Serak master, yes, and the greatest fighter on earth like the deadliest man on earth??? According to the article in Black Belt Magazine -yes?
Also my main reason wanted to fight Paul at any time - he was mentioning to me that at his funeral will all the assholes coming to honor him. Well one assholes deserve many more assholes. i came to his funeral just to observe the assholes who had challenged me. In closing Carmen and Paul found each other, and for me to totally end my relationship with Paul and family. I do not acknowledge Carmen and Paul's children and grandchildren as my bloodline family. I never liked them as I never had like Paul. I always resented Paul for who he always was a greedy parasite never to be trusted. He sold out his soul for money -that just it. This story need to be put in writing for the understanding of us, the three brothers de Thouars , in America. And why we are always fighting for Victor and me to reason.
By Oom Willem de Thouars, the phantom of Serak.

PLINCK the Incredible Fantasy King of Serak - the Magus Phantom of Serak the eldest and true Serak ELDER Willem de Thouars


  According to my older brother Paul, before his passing told me that Stephan Plinck, and Cliff steward were never finished training under him,  Paul de Thouars. Plinck was dismissed and thrown out by Paul long time ago -for his supremo of self inflicted arrogance. A self inflicted arrogance is like a self inflicted wound.
  O, well the remarkable Stephan Plinck  and unfinished student under Paul suddenly claimed to be the lineage holder of Serak. And if not under Paul, than who was he under? O, well there is always a thumb to chew on for telling a lie. Plinck just another of those self servers suddenly started to criticize me for being the sloppiest in kun tao and sloppy in silat and I don't know Serak like he does. In what he liked to claim made me just expeditious to tour my fingers on my key board that Stephan Plinck was a failure in Serak in Scandinavia, and with my students in Colorado and else where never wish him for a seminar. Non of my students  were ever impressed with Stephan Plinck, and his second to no one. They all were laughing at him, only for him to be hoping to gain students by getting my students over to the Plinck's  plaza. Sneaky to preview of going behnd someone's back trying to gain students. His trick would never work; because my students always informed me and keep informing me.
   In fact even at my age, I am 81 can still run circles around Plinck and all his students. Even doing it with the true Serak explicitness. Plinck has physical deficiencies, and never was any in my following ever impressed with him or willing to learn from this remarkable thumb sucker for a half studied student under Paul.  They had taken acceptance to this trashy white Indo because I required all my students to treat the guy respectfully. In fact non of my students could learn anything from Plinch since they were more informed, better educated and also better trained could never place them selves under him or under any of Paul's students.
  Stephan Plinck is going to have a Serak symposium or workshop in the state of Orgeon, this weekend and I was being informed. Cliff Steward going to be there too and more laughter to me for in what they like to gossip about me by down grading me. for sure telling all shit filled  stories about Willem de Thouars. They need more people to attend that they are trying to even notify students from my circle of friends. I was asked for my recommendation. I never jealous of secondaries because my symposiums are better in quality and more successful. For a fact.
  Here it is: " when you like to learn the boxed in Serak, and the dull and boring style of an imitated Serak --please go to Plinck in Oregon. But for the real Serak come to Colorado under my guidance with longer experience. And please come to learn from my Serak son, guru Santiaog Doblos in Florida. You will be taught the very best of Serak". Anyone accepted by me, will first be screened for my worthiness of taking him in as a student.
  I was long before Plinck ever was taught any Serak by Paul, his only teacher and is still a man in diapers by comparing him with me. So Plinck the self endorsed ma ha radja is now claiming the only successor in Serak -for sure the dumb folded self professed Serak of Stephan Plinck. He might be only in the Plink self invented Serak.
  He is just envious of me unable to move like me -because he is to much in his boxed in Serak and has trouble climbing out his box.  He wished he could be like me,unfortunate could never be -him and his sloppy poekoelan and Serak always in a fixed position. A tae kwon do expert could even make minced meat out of Plinck for being to slow to react. For sure Plinck is the second to non master.
They laughed at him in Scandinavia, and I already notified all my followers never to support him ever again. They are levels above him, this unfinished student of Paul liking to claim the ownership of Serak. For sure another of those belonging to the social club of the club clubs socially.
I am glad I am me and in not being forced to show boat my skills -Plinck on the other hand has to proof him self with better quality in the practice of Serak. Well he is the master to no one for sure there is no one. Only in Plinck's fantasy world is the one man, the king of all sources.
  By Oom Willem de Thouars, the phantom of Serak

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The intended division and separation of My Serak from other family members and students of Serak in America and Abroad.

The intended division and separation of My Serak from other family members and students of Serak in America and Abroad.

For a long time my brothers Paul and Victor created many lies about Serak and its history. And many of my brothers's students perpetuated many of those lies only to bring about further confusion in the art of Serak.  Many have squandered the art and never completed its training as well as never understood the proper Adat Hormat of the Art.  I am informing the world that I Willem de Thouars and my Instructors I have trained and created in Serak are completely sovereign in our Serak and stronger in our serak.  For the record I was never under Paul nor Victor in my training.  Victor was trained by Paul. Mardjoeki was a kid he played marbles with.  I trained with my older uncles in Java and in Holland as well as with other Masters in the lineage of Serak going back to its founder Pak Serak.  I never needed my brother Paul nor Victor to teach me anything about the martial arts and especially about Serak.  I began my training in Serak long before they ever did as a kid in Indonesia.    We are not under Paul nor Victor and the lies about Serak. We are totally separate and truthfully unique as well as more educated in the entire depths of the complete art of Serak and its roots. I maintain a relationship through out the years only with my brother Maurice he was true to his Serak practice as I myself have always been. It is time I set the record straight. My students and instructors are now learning the very best of my Serak which are things Paul and Victor never trained.  I love them they are my brothers but i have to clarify things now for many in the art to understand. Also because of the improper adat hormat of students under Paul and the new bukti negara students from the johny come lately board of deceivers many times over i have the total need to completely seperate myself from them all including from my nephew Marce de Thouars who also is perpetuating lies and continuing incomplete training.  I do not want  any of them as students nor do I want to deal with the chaos many of them have created around them and the art.  All they have done is bring disrespect and bad energy to the name de Thouars & to my ancestors and ultimately also to Pak Serak.  If you can not move like Pak Serak you are not training Serak. Its that simple. Train the right way not a deviation.   So from this day forward my Serak is Willem de Thouars's Hakka Makao Kuntao Serak.  Honoring Pak Serak & all of Serak's past roots.

I am the eldest in the art and the only one alive that has more training in the art. - the Magus of Denver Oom Willem de Thouars.