Tuesday, February 21, 2017

More jungle book Bullshit stories from Manuel F Nunez & Marce de Thouars

More jungle book stories from Manuel F Nunez & Marce de Thouars

Marce de Thouars just like his late father knows only bad jungle book stories to tell. Always he is following his ass the ranting asshole of a Nunez, a better organized bullshitter for a bad story teller. Listen to Marce and you will hear how he had invented Serak silat. Do not let these two bullshitters con you in of listening to their grab stories- you are better off practicing your silat in the toilet without a teacher -This is how Marcelino de Thouars knows his serak silat.  How can one not train silat after 11pm?  How where Serak players training before Marcelino was ever born?  Spooky bullshit stories started by my brother Paul and later perpetuated by Marce a bambino in diapers who cant even remember his jurus and never completed training under my brother Paul.  Now he wants to be a "Guru Besar"?  How is that possible?  First of all the platforms of Serak come from Spanish and Dutch fencing so impossible for them to have come from the badui.  They came from my family going back to the middle ages.  So how is it possible for them to generate spooky stories after 11pm at night?  Bull Shit.    And another thing to know is that Pak Serak was from Cheribon not badui so there goes another bullshit story by Marce perpetuating more lies about an art he has not fully trained in.  Pak Serak was actually a Arab Chinese Indonesian horse trader.  Manuel Nunez you are being mislead only to mislead.  - The Magus of Serak Oom Willem de Thouars

1 comment:

  1. Whahahahaha hij wordt met de dag gekker. Wat een pindaatje
