There are many teachers of Serak who did not complete their training
with Pak Serak because of his club foot, but instead went off on their
own. So many people in the Serak world
today studied under these incomplete systems, but my own training was
from three of Pak Serak's direct students. My teachers all learned the
complete system of Serak. I am the only source of true Serak in the
modern world.
I have many schools that practice the true Serak
under my direction. The schools in Maryville, Tennessee and in Miami
practice the true Serak. In Salem and in Guadalajara they also have good
Serak practice. Of course my school in Denver practices the true Serak
under my direct teaching.
My brothers' students have tried to
show me their Serak, but it is all dated. Stevan Plinck and the others
show me their Serak and it is garbage. I have seen it all, and I have
practiced it all, and they can show me nothing special. I am the oldest
of the DeThouars brothers and the true Serak comes through my teaching.
Uncle Willem de Thouars
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
My recent thoughts and reviews on the current situation concerning "Serak" in the public.
Sadly but true that I need to bluntly speak out my feeling in writing. As the oldest in the de thouars family, and also part from being the pioneer who had introduced Serak to the United States; with my deliberation hereby also sharply criticize the students of my blood family -they shame my family, and the culture of Indonesia. Many claim to know Silat or Serak in their living quarters in their comfort zone and never have lived true silat in culture. It is my job for my open mindedness to free express myself that in what had became of Serak was low esteem. Serak from its origin was actually a shaolin system, and very much a complexity in practice that derived of the Seven Stars system and influencing factors of the wutang fighters out Tibet. I, Willem de Thouars , therefor will now teach Serak as correctly as possible to set the record straight. Many of the so called grand masters or guru besars in the Dutch Indo community could never compare them selves with the old shaolin master boxers. My reason for my strong health of living is a contributing factor of the internal and external practice of shaolin or old hand kun tao. I reality remain a Wutang orientated practitioner with no martial titles but strong in practice. Serak is a system that has deep roots in old Internal Chinese arts Tai Chi, Pakua, Xing Yi, Shaolin Boxing, Dim Mak, as well as Spanish and Dutch Fencing, Dutch Bare knuckle boxing, Cimande, Cikalong, Saryabandar, Sumatran Harimau, Kalaripayattu. The Sera being promoted in indonesia today well what else can I say, it is karate Do - Serak, not how I would evaluate any of the fine Serak science. But is okay for the purpose. Why I only wish to stay far apart, and remain outside the Serak community of the world. They in indonesia were influenced by uncle Maurice and Paul, with their performances. Raspuzi never liked me for being sincerely honest and truthful. Uncle Maurice came often to West Java, and the rest is history. I rather see the real M.M.A fighters instead of them in West Java. The M.M.A fighters look more crisp and better in shape. I have been practicing Serak since I was eleven years old, I saw the difference, also knew that the Serak Bogor was most highly influenced by some of uncle John's students who were teaching Serak since the 1930's, in Bogor or Buitenzorg. They are trying to cash in -in what my brothers and I had achieved. The best of the silat from Java can be shown in the training and practice of the Pamu silat in Madura. I do have better relationship with the teachers in East and Central Java, and let us not forget who toke acceptance to Roberto Torres for his Serak, in Indonesia after I had warned them that Torres was the minimum waste in good practice and does not know Serak for shit. They are buddy buddies and never liked the Serak from West Java ever since - not only their practice but also their attitude for trying to corrupt the world of Serak. I wish never to be acknowledged by them. They they call it Sera after Victor. This is the description of my opinion, and also openly declare not to like Raspuzi and the Serak in West Java - it is also more like Karate do - Serak. Karate in lower positions is in realty better rooted and also more stronger in direct combat, in Japan. I am an old hand kuntao exponent and a true elder exponent of Serak a kuntao system of Shaolin remaining always as such - just an uncle. All the Johnny come lately where all in diapers when i was already pissing Serak on the street corners of Indonesia & Holland even before my brothers began their training. As for my brother Paul,
Sorry non my interference, but Paul, my brother made himself into a pendekar --regardless of what his students claim. All of his students where only half trained under Paul. Paul was given a handwritten certification from uncle John de Vries -who only gave him the allowance to teach Serak. It would be very doubtful that uncle John de Vries considering himself only a guru -would like to be above guru. The only true pendekar was Pak Serak, the founder of Serak. I know long before Paul de Thouars started to teach as a beginner-instructor Serak in Scot Cowan's school. It was also long before Dan Inosanto came in the picture. The ceremony of Paul declaring himself a pendekar aggung (him like so many others overwhelm them selves with martial titles) was a made up ceremony -students kissing up to Paul and later in time many left, some stayed and others wend their own way. To me never a problem, just kick out two hundred worthless students and replace them with much better of my Serak elite. Not for Serak but a title self endorsed made Paul automatically also over Serak. His title he acclaimed himself was Pendekar aggung poekoelan silat Serak & Bukti Negara. Lets get our record straight. Very constructively like to explain my point of view in regard of martial titles. Many of those elderly guys in the Dutch Indo community that many had never trained or studied silat in Indonesia; some others did. Many idolized them selves by giving them selves titles or giving each other a martial title -meaningful to them. Take fore instance by example my own brother Paul, had a ceremony for being the Pendekar Aggung of Bukti Negara, would actually entitled him self automatically a Pendekar Aggung of his Poekoelan Silat Serak organization. So where many others who idolized them selves as a guru Besar, ma ha guru, pendekar, professor, senior great grand master, even of some supreme great grand master enthused my laughter immensely. My reason refer to my self as just uncle or Oom is justifying a simple position, meaning father of a system or sing sei ( uncle or aunt) or simply when inventive of a created system plain martial arts leader. Sifu is a general term for guru or teacher. In each system can only be one pendekar only -the one who created the system. Pak Serak therefor is the only pendekar for the art Serak named after him. As for Paul's new board of directors a bunch of ducks in a pond of scum that can not swim drowning slowly in waters filled with Bullshit. Board of Directors like you guys are a huge corporation and all of Paul's students -the past and present- have not been around from June 1942 - Dec 1946. We ALL started for the first time to learn (first) under uncle Ventje de Vries in Thailand, in a Dutch military camp, and I was 11 years old. Maurice and Paul came later, and began to train after they reunited with our family. A true fact, I left to train under mr Hamilton dirty boxing when Paul and Maurice started to learn Serak -they were in their teenage years , slightly older than me. I continued my training in the Serak Cheribon and Serak Bandung, in 1948 in Bandung under two native teachers: Pak Atjo and Mas Sardjono and under uncle Eddy de Vries. It means I was pissing Serak on Street corners, and where were all of you wise guys who know everything? When I was pissing Serak pisser drops where were you guys? Paul and Victor were always insecure by trying to sweep me under neat their carpet. Their insecurity led to more lies concerning their backgrounds in Serak. Paul's history regarding Serak sucks; only knew to tell his Serak history from what the two uncles were telling them (Maurice and Paul), and heard stories at home fromMy parents and other uncles. He was to lazy to learn history, and I made deeper research and know two different systems of Serak. I trained the two different systems and knew Serak for seventy years. Paul sold his soul and spirit out -was never a brother in lack of dialogue in communication -and was blowing smoke up your asses and others. If it was not for Dan Inosanto Paul would never had this many students.I will now preserve, reserve and will teach freely as it pleases me -the Serak I knew and know to better people. Paul's legacy is in ruin; many left many came and some of the late comers like you in your PDT Academy were left with a Cinderella story of a bad Walt Disney story. I am not trying to convince you guys under Paul, I always consider my following for whom I write this article. I don't give a shit about any of you since you thumb suck your history. Paul and victor were always doing the infighting to shame my parents. My reason I challenged Paul openly to be a bloody older brother and bring unity in our family. But greed, lust and possessiveness won Paul's soul over all other matters. All of you, Stephan Plinck, Cliff steward, Ass magdda (looks like a stiff rotting cucumber with shitty silat) and all under you and to include the stupid looking Walter van der Broeke, a piece of shit you may compare your practice with mines and my well trained instructors and you find me still a man that run circles around all of you. I still have the three cel. numbers of your board of directors -why I am relentless with any of you in the PDT Academy as you had threaten me once to come and kick my ass. You may do so - my backroom is wide open. I never liked any of you, the Martin's, the Hooper,, and the many others under Paul keep forgetting that Paul had only trained and study under uncle John, in Amsterdam for a little over three years. Paul only trains when he teach - I make the difference for training every day. I do know two different systems of Serak, in all what the three brothers de Thouars knew, I grew up together with the family and you guys NOT, and trained under the direct lineage of Pak Serak the Serak Cheribon. So far as I am concern you all can take a flying soccer to the moon -I care less about any of you guys and never will take acceptance to any of you as a family or in the bloodline of the true Serak. Watch me, I will expand to train others the more sophisticated Serak of making you all men in diapers. I am not insulting, just tired of all your bullshit.
After my outburst in writing against many individuals who always had been underestimating me, my martial knowledge in studies - is it also very correct to share my point in view with my martial associated friends and loyal followers. I was never a perfect man with many mistakes; but in what was done to me, my reputation as a teacher is it my most sincere hope to find some understanding for the things I wrote. It was necessary for outsiders outside our groups also to come comprehensive of me, and the ever lasting why's. It would be very inappropriate with my long years of studies in practice of the Palembang kun tao of a Hakka origin under some of the very best kun tao masters, in Indonesia, and my training in the old school silat and the two systems of Serak -also obtained under the most excellent gurus for my constant training to be impressed or even trying to learn from others in silat and kun tao. After seventy years of knowing my practice and systems would be very hard for me liking to learn from Rudy ter Linden, Arthur Remrev, my two brothers, Jim Ingram, and the many others on the planet - I saw them all -experience their attitudes and knew their circumstantial reasoning. Contradicts most strongly my point of view in many ways to many directions. I respect them all, and their practice will never be my cup of tea by not disrespecting them.
As for the new fruit cakes from Holland Walter Vanden Broeke and his garbage filled Serak imitation
I never had seen more of the shittiest horse stance, kuda kuda or ma bu stances like someone of the groups under Paul Liking to take a horse dump. He is to wide open, the feet to spread out and the lower part of the romp of the body so weakened that a solid practitioner of another system could leashes a swift kick to his groin. This infidel of an unprofitable unlearned and self endorsed liking to be his top of his cream could never make a potato soup a la carte du Serak. What they need to do with their Serak, in Holland and Italy is first get rid of the load within, correct them selves into a better practice. Than and then do real Serak training under a real Serak student under us or recommended by any of us. It give me a pleasure to evaluate them trying to do Bukti or Serak, and shamelessly the pie of the co horse to think they do something magnificence. Keep sending more of your those silat tapes mijnheer Walter van der Broekje zonder een broekje would shame any of your intend of trying to torpedo the good and excellent practitioners doing the real Serak practice or silat. Walter please consider the good practice, and see if you could not learn silat's ABC from the beginning in walking your talks.
True true true shitty Serak or silat from Walter. Let him keep it coming we need more laughter for during our break time from the real practice. They had never walk any of the jalans in the low kuda kuda. Assholes a la karte.
There can never be any reasoning from my part -largely and badly in need of comprehensive understanding that the insulting asshole of a Walter van der Broeke had a long list of bad history, in America. This crummy lizard of a crafty white trashy infidel from Holland came to America --first as a scared young butterfly to observe and learn the trade in how to win his false intend of making money. His whole life surround himself with the worse of any silat practice he had never learn to achieve. He left paatje Flohr, an individual I had known from Surabaia together with the van Garlings and Hagensteins, and saw paatje Flohr the last time in the early part of the 1950's - when I left Indonesia for Holland. My respect for Paatje Flohr and his accomplishments in mentjac silat. The asshole of a Walter van der Broeke never had any training under Dolf, my cousin in Holland, and just always had claimed to know Serak from Dolf. Him in particular and that paatje Leidje are two summer camp boy scouts - paatje leidje van een lijen dakje and Walter the sneaky asshole were together at the event of the Serak ceremonies, in Holland for the trophies and rewards. Leidje, a paatje in silat from Holland look still amateurish for his Serak, may step on the floor against me anytime. And his practicing play mate of a liking to be Serak a la carte, the white crafty Dutch trash of a Waltr van der Broeke whose Serak or silat could only find a partnership of twiggy bullshit silat for Serak. When the white trash from Holland came to America wanted to kick my brother's ass first to claim paatje's Flohr system, then gone further to claim Dolf de Vries his inheritance and like a snake in the grass was challenging my brother. Where in the hell were his students? They made up like an unsmothered enchilada as unflavored as the unpredictability as their own practice in any form or format of pentjac silat or Serak. Him challenging my brother might be forgotten by many in the states or in Holland -but not by me, and my following. Than the rant of an asshole van der Broeke was going to show up on my front doorsteps to kick my ass for not knowing kun tao with another of those glory seeking partners, Roberto Torres and ex worthless student under me I had removed for incapable to continue learning under me for being to lazy to move or enhance any good of my information as a student --a self made professor. They were going to show me the real kun tao, and good luck of the bad karate kun tao of Torres. I was waiting, and if they really had came to conduct their promise would have send both back in a banana box. I was ready to comfort both their threats. Walter van der Broeke show up on my doorstep will be a piece of meat. He had challenged my brother Paul, kissed Paul's ass just for the name, the wallpaper and to venture his money do making more do. Paul sold out was most unfortunate. And a big reason why his legacy is in ruins. Paul's students are all like whining bitches, they gather together to be the attacking silat warriors, and turn around to break away from each other; because Walter the trashy white silat prostitute takes away students. How stupid of anyone to like to be taught by the worse in silat and the worse in Serak. Walter van der Broekje need a diaper change. He comes to me , in Colorado will not be so lucky as he was with Paul. Trust me I have my meat cleaver all spit and polished. This is no threat but only out of my prospective for defending myself for being my old man and helpless. I have no physical strength just a meat cleaver of 35 pounds to consul me when I am cornered. Anyone who ever had forgotten the asshole of a Walter van der Broeke challenging my brother are hypocrites to be friends with him like the Dutch silat union. Also the Serak assemble for an organization or Stichting Pak Serak, in Holland made up their won fantasized fabrication of the background of Pak Serak. Leave it up to Walter the thumb sucking idiot -he comes up with something to possess ownership was not old enough to piss in street corners, when we in the Thouars already had done so long before the trashy character of a van der Broeke. He had challenged my brother, and don't you forget that! Come to papa asshole and I will swift kick your ass to never land. Paatje Willem de Thouars, the oldest Serak master.
Sorry non my interference, but Paul, my brother made himself into a pendekar --regardless of what his students claim. All of his students where only half trained under Paul. Paul was given a handwritten certification from uncle John de Vries -who only gave him the allowance to teach Serak. It would be very doubtful that uncle John de Vries considering himself only a guru -would like to be above guru. The only true pendekar was Pak Serak, the founder of Serak. I know long before Paul de Thouars started to teach as a beginner-instructor Serak in Scot Cowan's school. It was also long before Dan Inosanto came in the picture. The ceremony of Paul declaring himself a pendekar aggung (him like so many others overwhelm them selves with martial titles) was a made up ceremony -students kissing up to Paul and later in time many left, some stayed and others wend their own way. To me never a problem, just kick out two hundred worthless students and replace them with much better of my Serak elite. Not for Serak but a title self endorsed made Paul automatically also over Serak. His title he acclaimed himself was Pendekar aggung poekoelan silat Serak & Bukti Negara. Lets get our record straight. Very constructively like to explain my point of view in regard of martial titles. Many of those elderly guys in the Dutch Indo community that many had never trained or studied silat in Indonesia; some others did. Many idolized them selves by giving them selves titles or giving each other a martial title -meaningful to them. Take fore instance by example my own brother Paul, had a ceremony for being the Pendekar Aggung of Bukti Negara, would actually entitled him self automatically a Pendekar Aggung of his Poekoelan Silat Serak organization. So where many others who idolized them selves as a guru Besar, ma ha guru, pendekar, professor, senior great grand master, even of some supreme great grand master enthused my laughter immensely. My reason refer to my self as just uncle or Oom is justifying a simple position, meaning father of a system or sing sei ( uncle or aunt) or simply when inventive of a created system plain martial arts leader. Sifu is a general term for guru or teacher. In each system can only be one pendekar only -the one who created the system. Pak Serak therefor is the only pendekar for the art Serak named after him. As for Paul's new board of directors a bunch of ducks in a pond of scum that can not swim drowning slowly in waters filled with Bullshit. Board of Directors like you guys are a huge corporation and all of Paul's students -the past and present- have not been around from June 1942 - Dec 1946. We ALL started for the first time to learn (first) under uncle Ventje de Vries in Thailand, in a Dutch military camp, and I was 11 years old. Maurice and Paul came later, and began to train after they reunited with our family. A true fact, I left to train under mr Hamilton dirty boxing when Paul and Maurice started to learn Serak -they were in their teenage years , slightly older than me. I continued my training in the Serak Cheribon and Serak Bandung, in 1948 in Bandung under two native teachers: Pak Atjo and Mas Sardjono and under uncle Eddy de Vries. It means I was pissing Serak on Street corners, and where were all of you wise guys who know everything? When I was pissing Serak pisser drops where were you guys? Paul and Victor were always insecure by trying to sweep me under neat their carpet. Their insecurity led to more lies concerning their backgrounds in Serak. Paul's history regarding Serak sucks; only knew to tell his Serak history from what the two uncles were telling them (Maurice and Paul), and heard stories at home fromMy parents and other uncles. He was to lazy to learn history, and I made deeper research and know two different systems of Serak. I trained the two different systems and knew Serak for seventy years. Paul sold his soul and spirit out -was never a brother in lack of dialogue in communication -and was blowing smoke up your asses and others. If it was not for Dan Inosanto Paul would never had this many students.I will now preserve, reserve and will teach freely as it pleases me -the Serak I knew and know to better people. Paul's legacy is in ruin; many left many came and some of the late comers like you in your PDT Academy were left with a Cinderella story of a bad Walt Disney story. I am not trying to convince you guys under Paul, I always consider my following for whom I write this article. I don't give a shit about any of you since you thumb suck your history. Paul and victor were always doing the infighting to shame my parents. My reason I challenged Paul openly to be a bloody older brother and bring unity in our family. But greed, lust and possessiveness won Paul's soul over all other matters. All of you, Stephan Plinck, Cliff steward, Ass magdda (looks like a stiff rotting cucumber with shitty silat) and all under you and to include the stupid looking Walter van der Broeke, a piece of shit you may compare your practice with mines and my well trained instructors and you find me still a man that run circles around all of you. I still have the three cel. numbers of your board of directors -why I am relentless with any of you in the PDT Academy as you had threaten me once to come and kick my ass. You may do so - my backroom is wide open. I never liked any of you, the Martin's, the Hooper,, and the many others under Paul keep forgetting that Paul had only trained and study under uncle John, in Amsterdam for a little over three years. Paul only trains when he teach - I make the difference for training every day. I do know two different systems of Serak, in all what the three brothers de Thouars knew, I grew up together with the family and you guys NOT, and trained under the direct lineage of Pak Serak the Serak Cheribon. So far as I am concern you all can take a flying soccer to the moon -I care less about any of you guys and never will take acceptance to any of you as a family or in the bloodline of the true Serak. Watch me, I will expand to train others the more sophisticated Serak of making you all men in diapers. I am not insulting, just tired of all your bullshit.
My last one considering the situated circumstances with the PDT Academy, and all of Paul's students. I never wish to be hypocritical
Willemor underhanded that I really make my point as clearly stated. I hve never liked Arthur Remrev for thinking that his system had influenced my whole practice, neither do I wish ever to be friends with Jim Ingram for his lies and claiming something he never had practiced. I care less about the Brijers brothers, and know with all the claims that the old man Brijer had never really appropriately trained in ci mande -he was good in the sambuts and techniques by comparing his ci mande with my father in law who trained directly under Raden Patma the full course in the old ci mande. Patma was one of the successor's under Embong Kahir. The founder of ci mande and pak Serak were from the 1800's. I care less about Danny Huybrechts, a man in diaper in the 1960's claim the silat tulen. Wonderful all those claims made by those who never experienced the 2nd WW. I resent the Hooper, and all others in the Dutch Indo community and included Rudy ter Linden. I don't like those Dutch indo greats in Los Angeles as the campong Indo. I can easy live without any of them, and so can they. They gossip, they made up big bad jungle book stories, and their martial backgrounds quite questionable. I fear nothing to shame my practice and can easy move from one old traditional Hakka kun tao form with weapons or without. I am well versed in the old cimande jurus and langkas or my own training in all the Serak of my systems, I knew. Let me make this clear for once and for all - I was never interested to learn from Arthur Remrev, Jim Ingram, my two brothers, or any of the other supposed to be grand pupa of the Dutch Indo pentjac silat industry in America or in Holland. They can keep them, and I am sure they too don't have to like me. I care less and wish never to be part of their leagues for kissing up to each other. We are not in a league of nations like a country club where men gossip like old women. I don't belong to the Dutch Indo community. I am just clearly sharing my martial history and experience with my own league of nations, where harmony and unity count it's blessing to better endeavor our own success. i am tired of all the bullshit from those I just had mentioned -stealing form each other to claim masters they had never known. Why I always had stood alone and always by myself. Jim Ingram, the guru besar was always a bull shitter of claiming the many things, he never knew he ever had practiced. He accused my father in law for not knowing anything -just like Paul and Victor were shooting their mouths off to disclaim my teacher by dishonoring him. I am in outrage to set my record straight. All those I mentioned, and inclusively expressed in my wordy description that Carl Deerns had once referred to my own brother as a baby lacking his experience. Paul hated him ever since. Because when Paul showed his stuff to my teacher was also inexperienced, and was a beginner - instructor. I was always being criticized by those murmuring grand pupa's on the /dutch Indo community for relentlessly be without any of my restrain for my commentaries on all of them. I consider them my blood sucking enemies for ever more. So be it, is my soul in spirit and in feeling. Someone not liking me for in how I feel may take a flying carpet to the moon. I love Jennifer de Thouars, and always will love my older brother Maurice. At least we did indeed were training together our Serak and kun tao, when Maurice was with me for three weeks in Colorado. He came to teach and train. Paul and Victor and all the others, including Rudy ter Linden and Jim Ingram came only to teach, and never to learn. Why I never like any of the Dutch Indo grand pupa's. They can go somewhere else with their martial titles of guru besar like just guru is not enough. After my outburst in writing against many individuals who always had been underestimating me, my martial knowledge in studies - is it also very correct to share my point in view with my martial associated friends and loyal followers. I was never a perfect man with many mistakes; but in what was done to me, my reputation as a teacher is it my most sincere hope to find some understanding for the things I wrote. It was necessary for outsiders outside our groups also to come comprehensive of me, and the ever lasting why's. It would be very inappropriate with my long years of studies in practice of the Palembang kun tao of a Hakka origin under some of the very best kun tao masters, in Indonesia, and my training in the old school silat and the two systems of Serak -also obtained under the most excellent gurus for my constant training to be impressed or even trying to learn from others in silat and kun tao. After seventy years of knowing my practice and systems would be very hard for me liking to learn from Rudy ter Linden, Arthur Remrev, my two brothers, Jim Ingram, and the many others on the planet - I saw them all -experience their attitudes and knew their circumstantial reasoning. Contradicts most strongly my point of view in many ways to many directions. I respect them all, and their practice will never be my cup of tea by not disrespecting them.
As for the new fruit cakes from Holland Walter Vanden Broeke and his garbage filled Serak imitation
I never had seen more of the shittiest horse stance, kuda kuda or ma bu stances like someone of the groups under Paul Liking to take a horse dump. He is to wide open, the feet to spread out and the lower part of the romp of the body so weakened that a solid practitioner of another system could leashes a swift kick to his groin. This infidel of an unprofitable unlearned and self endorsed liking to be his top of his cream could never make a potato soup a la carte du Serak. What they need to do with their Serak, in Holland and Italy is first get rid of the load within, correct them selves into a better practice. Than and then do real Serak training under a real Serak student under us or recommended by any of us. It give me a pleasure to evaluate them trying to do Bukti or Serak, and shamelessly the pie of the co horse to think they do something magnificence. Keep sending more of your those silat tapes mijnheer Walter van der Broekje zonder een broekje would shame any of your intend of trying to torpedo the good and excellent practitioners doing the real Serak practice or silat. Walter please consider the good practice, and see if you could not learn silat's ABC from the beginning in walking your talks.
True true true shitty Serak or silat from Walter. Let him keep it coming we need more laughter for during our break time from the real practice. They had never walk any of the jalans in the low kuda kuda. Assholes a la karte.
There can never be any reasoning from my part -largely and badly in need of comprehensive understanding that the insulting asshole of a Walter van der Broeke had a long list of bad history, in America. This crummy lizard of a crafty white trashy infidel from Holland came to America --first as a scared young butterfly to observe and learn the trade in how to win his false intend of making money. His whole life surround himself with the worse of any silat practice he had never learn to achieve. He left paatje Flohr, an individual I had known from Surabaia together with the van Garlings and Hagensteins, and saw paatje Flohr the last time in the early part of the 1950's - when I left Indonesia for Holland. My respect for Paatje Flohr and his accomplishments in mentjac silat. The asshole of a Walter van der Broeke never had any training under Dolf, my cousin in Holland, and just always had claimed to know Serak from Dolf. Him in particular and that paatje Leidje are two summer camp boy scouts - paatje leidje van een lijen dakje and Walter the sneaky asshole were together at the event of the Serak ceremonies, in Holland for the trophies and rewards. Leidje, a paatje in silat from Holland look still amateurish for his Serak, may step on the floor against me anytime. And his practicing play mate of a liking to be Serak a la carte, the white crafty Dutch trash of a Waltr van der Broeke whose Serak or silat could only find a partnership of twiggy bullshit silat for Serak. When the white trash from Holland came to America wanted to kick my brother's ass first to claim paatje's Flohr system, then gone further to claim Dolf de Vries his inheritance and like a snake in the grass was challenging my brother. Where in the hell were his students? They made up like an unsmothered enchilada as unflavored as the unpredictability as their own practice in any form or format of pentjac silat or Serak. Him challenging my brother might be forgotten by many in the states or in Holland -but not by me, and my following. Than the rant of an asshole van der Broeke was going to show up on my front doorsteps to kick my ass for not knowing kun tao with another of those glory seeking partners, Roberto Torres and ex worthless student under me I had removed for incapable to continue learning under me for being to lazy to move or enhance any good of my information as a student --a self made professor. They were going to show me the real kun tao, and good luck of the bad karate kun tao of Torres. I was waiting, and if they really had came to conduct their promise would have send both back in a banana box. I was ready to comfort both their threats. Walter van der Broeke show up on my doorstep will be a piece of meat. He had challenged my brother Paul, kissed Paul's ass just for the name, the wallpaper and to venture his money do making more do. Paul sold out was most unfortunate. And a big reason why his legacy is in ruins. Paul's students are all like whining bitches, they gather together to be the attacking silat warriors, and turn around to break away from each other; because Walter the trashy white silat prostitute takes away students. How stupid of anyone to like to be taught by the worse in silat and the worse in Serak. Walter van der Broekje need a diaper change. He comes to me , in Colorado will not be so lucky as he was with Paul. Trust me I have my meat cleaver all spit and polished. This is no threat but only out of my prospective for defending myself for being my old man and helpless. I have no physical strength just a meat cleaver of 35 pounds to consul me when I am cornered. Anyone who ever had forgotten the asshole of a Walter van der Broeke challenging my brother are hypocrites to be friends with him like the Dutch silat union. Also the Serak assemble for an organization or Stichting Pak Serak, in Holland made up their won fantasized fabrication of the background of Pak Serak. Leave it up to Walter the thumb sucking idiot -he comes up with something to possess ownership was not old enough to piss in street corners, when we in the Thouars already had done so long before the trashy character of a van der Broeke. He had challenged my brother, and don't you forget that! Come to papa asshole and I will swift kick your ass to never land. Paatje Willem de Thouars, the oldest Serak master.
More jungle book Bullshit stories from Manuel F Nunez & Marce de Thouars
More jungle book stories from Manuel F Nunez & Marce de Thouars
Marce de Thouars just like his late father knows only bad jungle book stories to tell. Always he is following his ass the ranting asshole of a Nunez, a better organized bullshitter for a bad story teller. Listen to Marce and you will hear how he had invented Serak silat. Do not let these two bullshitters con you in of listening to their grab stories- you are better off practicing your silat in the toilet without a teacher -This is how Marcelino de Thouars knows his serak silat. How can one not train silat after 11pm? How where Serak players training before Marcelino was ever born? Spooky bullshit stories started by my brother Paul and later perpetuated by Marce a bambino in diapers who cant even remember his jurus and never completed training under my brother Paul. Now he wants to be a "Guru Besar"? How is that possible? First of all the platforms of Serak come from Spanish and Dutch fencing so impossible for them to have come from the badui. They came from my family going back to the middle ages. So how is it possible for them to generate spooky stories after 11pm at night? Bull Shit. And another thing to know is that Pak Serak was from Cheribon not badui so there goes another bullshit story by Marce perpetuating more lies about an art he has not fully trained in. Pak Serak was actually a Arab Chinese Indonesian horse trader. Manuel Nunez you are being mislead only to mislead. - The Magus of Serak Oom Willem de Thouars
Marce de Thouars just like his late father knows only bad jungle book stories to tell. Always he is following his ass the ranting asshole of a Nunez, a better organized bullshitter for a bad story teller. Listen to Marce and you will hear how he had invented Serak silat. Do not let these two bullshitters con you in of listening to their grab stories- you are better off practicing your silat in the toilet without a teacher -This is how Marcelino de Thouars knows his serak silat. How can one not train silat after 11pm? How where Serak players training before Marcelino was ever born? Spooky bullshit stories started by my brother Paul and later perpetuated by Marce a bambino in diapers who cant even remember his jurus and never completed training under my brother Paul. Now he wants to be a "Guru Besar"? How is that possible? First of all the platforms of Serak come from Spanish and Dutch fencing so impossible for them to have come from the badui. They came from my family going back to the middle ages. So how is it possible for them to generate spooky stories after 11pm at night? Bull Shit. And another thing to know is that Pak Serak was from Cheribon not badui so there goes another bullshit story by Marce perpetuating more lies about an art he has not fully trained in. Pak Serak was actually a Arab Chinese Indonesian horse trader. Manuel Nunez you are being mislead only to mislead. - The Magus of Serak Oom Willem de Thouars
Sunday, February 5, 2017
In response to Manuel F. Nunez's article about Serak & my brother Paul de Thouars. There are holes in your history and actual facts.
In response to Manuel F. Nunez's article about Serak & my brother Paul de Thouars you are missing some history & Facts about my brother & the art of Serak de Thouars:
"I would like to have you Manuel F. Nunez the writer of article and any one from Oom Paul's line answer the following questions: Who in the de Thouars family actually spent 14 years total in actual training with Oom John and who trained with Oom Ventje, Oom Eddi, Oom Vondel, Oom George, Oom Jan? How many actual years did Oom Paul train with Oom John and why it is impossible for him to have recieved the actual title "Pendekar" in Serak. Why did Oom Paul give himself that title? Which de Thouars brought Serak to America 1st? How and why was Bukti Negara Created and which de Thouars brothers actually influenced Oom Paul and also helped him in the creation of Bukti? Why did the Devries Brothers add karate and Kenpo to the platforms. And why where they not taught by Oom John nor Oom Ventje. Which 2 of the de Thouars family actually knocked Dolf de Vries on his ass. What arts make up Serak. And what did the de Thouars bring to the Serak that is not found in Indonesian "Sera". Which de Thouars brother was teaching Dolf privately and going to Indonesia and Thailand to teach? Why de Thouars Serak is different than "Sera"? What was the original kombinasi and long jurus, Sets etc? What Langkah did Oom John prefer to walk? What are the root arts that make up Serak? What is the actual Chinese influences in the art? Where do the platforms in Serak actually come from? Where is Pak Serak actually from?
Too many people including myself where misinformed for years. And many only got Oom Paul's perspective. Have an open mind, leave no stone . turned, investigate, speak with the entire de Thouars family. There is old footage of the old curriculum that not even Oom Paul got in his 3.5 years of training with Oom John. I have done a thorough research with the de Thouars family not just from Oom Paul's line and Oom Paul's students. The training from Oom Paul and his top studnets such as Guru Cliff and Guru Plinck is very good. I have personally immersed my self for a long time in Oom Paul's way. But thanks to the de Thouars family i have had the opportunity to hear and see plenty of old footage of the other lines from the other Masters in the family to know that there is more to the art and its curriculum as was taught solely by Oom Paul. Again the facts remain Oom Paul only trained 3.5 years with Oom John. Yet his brother Oom Maurice spent 14 years with Oom John. Pak Vic trained with Oom Paul but Oom Maurice and Oom Willem trained with all the other Uncles not just Oom John. Oom Maurice was more time in training with Oom John. Oom Paul was excellent at his expression of the art but he gave himself the title Pendekar and he was not exclusive in the full aspects of de Thouars Serak and the Serak from all the old Uncles going back to Mas Jut and also directly back to Pak Serak. Oom Paul, Oom Willem and Oom Maurice all trained together for a long time before folks came into learn from them. There is a lot i could get into but my point is this there are many in the family that where just as trained and in some cases trained longer than Oom Paul with the older Uncles. Hormat Guru Santiago Dobles"
***Above is a very constructive article written by guru Santiago Dobles. And should by any means not be deleted as some like to have it done To hide the real truth that was misleading by most followers of uncle Paul. who gave him the right to consider himself a pendekar aggung, only in the land of the blind with blind followers. Uncle John, Mas djoet and subjectively Pak Serak considered them selves only (A) guru. Paul was good only for what Paul was doing as crispy clear. He was only a three years student under uncle Paul, and a few months under uncle Ventje. When he came first to the Unted States was just a beginning instructor and allowed to teach the material he was trained in under uncle John. Dolf de Vries had never ever studied Serak; but had always striven to claim his father's art as his lineage. Unfortunate that the history on Serak lack greatly in being misleading as told to students by Paul. Mas Djoet and manyu others had left Pak Serak, wend on their own and created their own Serak systems. Pak Serak as the founder became over the years, since the beginning of the early 1900's to a pile of dust in vapor. I actually was getting sick and tired with the student clan of my own brother, who added more bad jungle book stories to Serak's background --wend never further than Mas djoet and Mas Djoet as told to him by the two uncle de Vries and our family at home. I consider uncle Eddy de Vries, who fought in the last part of the Ace wars, in Sumatra the most fierce. The late Dutch Indo general, the lieutenant General of the K.N.I.L Berenschot was a young officer, a lieutenant during the time uncle Eddy was serving in Ace. From the three uncles when it comes to combat take uncle Eddy over the the other de Vries brothers from his experience in combating the Ace warriors, who never had surrendered to any conquering nation. According to the history was Ace the most problem and stressful actions for the Dutch grenadiers and generals. The Ace warriors never gave up fighting. Paul could never have known his own history for a lack of interest. I always was a student of history, and studied to practice any combative art I know, and Serak longer than my older brother who was given more the recognition. It never had bothered me in long ways, now the truth comes out and I devote myself to teach the Serak Bandung, and Serak Cheribon more freely and also more with my devotion to studies --there is more to the art Serak in need of a larger understanding., I will decline any offer to be close or near to any of Paul's students, other Serak practitioners and also of those under Victor in order for me to maintain my peace for longer in lasting. i leave them alone, and only write the truth and history. In my environment is no need for me to turn back the clock, I onlu deal directly with Jennifer de Thouars, in Holland. I acknowledge Maurice, the oldest brother as the best over Paul and Victor.
I found right out, Manuel F. Nunez a real misinformed history writer. Especially considering with us in the de Thouars. He would be a weak student for Victor, would not less long but a half session with me, and found his treasure in Marcelino de Thouars - another of those big bad jungle book story tellers. He would be fitting the rank of the outsiders of the de thouars, in Serak. Marcelino is not any better than the board of the PDT Academy with other thumb sucking ideas. Consider Marcelino de Thouars, a folklore teller completely in bad jungle book stories.
My greatest intend for writing my blog posts is totally geared to be responsive to stay to facts, record history, my experience and value truth. Unfortunate that my brother Paul, had lesser studies in Serak than Maurice or myself. He learned the Serak history not through research; but through in what was told to him by the two uncles de Vries, he trained under and was also never fully comprehensively studied- socially as historically. He was only a student under uncle Ventje first for only a few months, and later in Holland trained further under uncle John de Vries for only a total for three years. While Maurice studied under the same uncle for circa 14 years, and I myself trained under uncle John for 5 years in private sessions. But also beside had trained Serak from other sources, under teachers who studied directly under the founder of the system. I am a student of history and military history. My blog posts relate for me to correct the misinformed under Paul, and is my job to state my position and correct false information of students under Paul. I will not resort my further intend into discussions; because my experience is mines alone, and my knowledge of Serak does not relate to Paul's Serak; Victor's Serak or other Serak systems in the Serak community of the world. I don't need other Serak systems to learn from with my respect. I knew Serak and kun tao for a total of seventy years. I will not answer or response to any questioning of youngsters in diapers thinking to know it all. To me Nunez is totally misinformed and based his history writing by assuming from other histories not in relationship to Serak. I will move on to make the systems of Serak, as I knew even better and stronger to teach the fewer out my chosen few. I remain here to stay with my specialized Serak systems. And up yours your Stichting pak Serak, in Holland. Your history just annoy me as of those claiming to know their Serak history better. You all are just with thumb sucking ideas.
Respectfully Uncle Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.
"I would like to have you Manuel F. Nunez the writer of article and any one from Oom Paul's line answer the following questions: Who in the de Thouars family actually spent 14 years total in actual training with Oom John and who trained with Oom Ventje, Oom Eddi, Oom Vondel, Oom George, Oom Jan? How many actual years did Oom Paul train with Oom John and why it is impossible for him to have recieved the actual title "Pendekar" in Serak. Why did Oom Paul give himself that title? Which de Thouars brought Serak to America 1st? How and why was Bukti Negara Created and which de Thouars brothers actually influenced Oom Paul and also helped him in the creation of Bukti? Why did the Devries Brothers add karate and Kenpo to the platforms. And why where they not taught by Oom John nor Oom Ventje. Which 2 of the de Thouars family actually knocked Dolf de Vries on his ass. What arts make up Serak. And what did the de Thouars bring to the Serak that is not found in Indonesian "Sera". Which de Thouars brother was teaching Dolf privately and going to Indonesia and Thailand to teach? Why de Thouars Serak is different than "Sera"? What was the original kombinasi and long jurus, Sets etc? What Langkah did Oom John prefer to walk? What are the root arts that make up Serak? What is the actual Chinese influences in the art? Where do the platforms in Serak actually come from? Where is Pak Serak actually from?
Too many people including myself where misinformed for years. And many only got Oom Paul's perspective. Have an open mind, leave no stone . turned, investigate, speak with the entire de Thouars family. There is old footage of the old curriculum that not even Oom Paul got in his 3.5 years of training with Oom John. I have done a thorough research with the de Thouars family not just from Oom Paul's line and Oom Paul's students. The training from Oom Paul and his top studnets such as Guru Cliff and Guru Plinck is very good. I have personally immersed my self for a long time in Oom Paul's way. But thanks to the de Thouars family i have had the opportunity to hear and see plenty of old footage of the other lines from the other Masters in the family to know that there is more to the art and its curriculum as was taught solely by Oom Paul. Again the facts remain Oom Paul only trained 3.5 years with Oom John. Yet his brother Oom Maurice spent 14 years with Oom John. Pak Vic trained with Oom Paul but Oom Maurice and Oom Willem trained with all the other Uncles not just Oom John. Oom Maurice was more time in training with Oom John. Oom Paul was excellent at his expression of the art but he gave himself the title Pendekar and he was not exclusive in the full aspects of de Thouars Serak and the Serak from all the old Uncles going back to Mas Jut and also directly back to Pak Serak. Oom Paul, Oom Willem and Oom Maurice all trained together for a long time before folks came into learn from them. There is a lot i could get into but my point is this there are many in the family that where just as trained and in some cases trained longer than Oom Paul with the older Uncles. Hormat Guru Santiago Dobles"
***Above is a very constructive article written by guru Santiago Dobles. And should by any means not be deleted as some like to have it done To hide the real truth that was misleading by most followers of uncle Paul. who gave him the right to consider himself a pendekar aggung, only in the land of the blind with blind followers. Uncle John, Mas djoet and subjectively Pak Serak considered them selves only (A) guru. Paul was good only for what Paul was doing as crispy clear. He was only a three years student under uncle Paul, and a few months under uncle Ventje. When he came first to the Unted States was just a beginning instructor and allowed to teach the material he was trained in under uncle John. Dolf de Vries had never ever studied Serak; but had always striven to claim his father's art as his lineage. Unfortunate that the history on Serak lack greatly in being misleading as told to students by Paul. Mas Djoet and manyu others had left Pak Serak, wend on their own and created their own Serak systems. Pak Serak as the founder became over the years, since the beginning of the early 1900's to a pile of dust in vapor. I actually was getting sick and tired with the student clan of my own brother, who added more bad jungle book stories to Serak's background --wend never further than Mas djoet and Mas Djoet as told to him by the two uncle de Vries and our family at home. I consider uncle Eddy de Vries, who fought in the last part of the Ace wars, in Sumatra the most fierce. The late Dutch Indo general, the lieutenant General of the K.N.I.L Berenschot was a young officer, a lieutenant during the time uncle Eddy was serving in Ace. From the three uncles when it comes to combat take uncle Eddy over the the other de Vries brothers from his experience in combating the Ace warriors, who never had surrendered to any conquering nation. According to the history was Ace the most problem and stressful actions for the Dutch grenadiers and generals. The Ace warriors never gave up fighting. Paul could never have known his own history for a lack of interest. I always was a student of history, and studied to practice any combative art I know, and Serak longer than my older brother who was given more the recognition. It never had bothered me in long ways, now the truth comes out and I devote myself to teach the Serak Bandung, and Serak Cheribon more freely and also more with my devotion to studies --there is more to the art Serak in need of a larger understanding., I will decline any offer to be close or near to any of Paul's students, other Serak practitioners and also of those under Victor in order for me to maintain my peace for longer in lasting. i leave them alone, and only write the truth and history. In my environment is no need for me to turn back the clock, I onlu deal directly with Jennifer de Thouars, in Holland. I acknowledge Maurice, the oldest brother as the best over Paul and Victor.
I found right out, Manuel F. Nunez a real misinformed history writer. Especially considering with us in the de Thouars. He would be a weak student for Victor, would not less long but a half session with me, and found his treasure in Marcelino de Thouars - another of those big bad jungle book story tellers. He would be fitting the rank of the outsiders of the de thouars, in Serak. Marcelino is not any better than the board of the PDT Academy with other thumb sucking ideas. Consider Marcelino de Thouars, a folklore teller completely in bad jungle book stories.
My greatest intend for writing my blog posts is totally geared to be responsive to stay to facts, record history, my experience and value truth. Unfortunate that my brother Paul, had lesser studies in Serak than Maurice or myself. He learned the Serak history not through research; but through in what was told to him by the two uncles de Vries, he trained under and was also never fully comprehensively studied- socially as historically. He was only a student under uncle Ventje first for only a few months, and later in Holland trained further under uncle John de Vries for only a total for three years. While Maurice studied under the same uncle for circa 14 years, and I myself trained under uncle John for 5 years in private sessions. But also beside had trained Serak from other sources, under teachers who studied directly under the founder of the system. I am a student of history and military history. My blog posts relate for me to correct the misinformed under Paul, and is my job to state my position and correct false information of students under Paul. I will not resort my further intend into discussions; because my experience is mines alone, and my knowledge of Serak does not relate to Paul's Serak; Victor's Serak or other Serak systems in the Serak community of the world. I don't need other Serak systems to learn from with my respect. I knew Serak and kun tao for a total of seventy years. I will not answer or response to any questioning of youngsters in diapers thinking to know it all. To me Nunez is totally misinformed and based his history writing by assuming from other histories not in relationship to Serak. I will move on to make the systems of Serak, as I knew even better and stronger to teach the fewer out my chosen few. I remain here to stay with my specialized Serak systems. And up yours your Stichting pak Serak, in Holland. Your history just annoy me as of those claiming to know their Serak history better. You all are just with thumb sucking ideas.
Respectfully Uncle Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.
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