Monday, November 21, 2016


To set the record straight that we, in the de Thouars family, and as brothers Paul, Maurice, Willem and Victor were never under any time in spinning were ever interested to learn anything but everything from Professor "V", who could never offer anything to us for our martial skills. We certainly were never under the level of any Philipinno stick master or master in fighting arts --we all were equal as individuals and as masters. Respectfully to any in the Philipinno community was always respected by us on equal terms.
  Who in the hell was Roberto Torres calling himself a Professor in what? He was just a part time student under me and failed any of my attempt to consider him as one of my best practitioners. He could actually not even be rated as a low Brown rank in my system --but I gave him the grace to claim him my successor he was far apart in distance, and was to lazy to be of an understanding nature to really study my art. He mostly got his knowledge from seminars, and martial tournaments with hundreds of martial tapes from all over the world to enrich his knowledge. As far as I ever could concern Roberto Torres was always a certificate chaser to claim a lineage. I was quite delighted and very happy to have gotten rid of Professor Torres and all he ever could claim. To me a piece of work needing to research his self professed training better instead of going through his false marketing attempt for an intend. He also had never met Dolf de Vries.
  He had never or ever trained under my brother Paul; never had met Maurice in Holland, and was never really being fully recognized by me, just could acknowledge him only as an of and on par time student. He left me to go to Ingram, and I parted very diplomatically his family and student with a better exchange -- Roberto Torres and students for the better of Ingram's practitioners in Hawaii under  Dr Behati Mershant --as I did with Luz Pena Cavaroz and followers. I was glad to have booted them out with no regrets in feeling, and was happy not to have the big bullshitter with me anymore. Walter van der Broeke his coach in practice of any of the de Thouars training are the same two individuals considered by me as the worse in silat or true kun tao. Both are pieces of work for the de Thouars.
  I met Professor "V" only one time, and found him a very arrogant individual with no prestige. I was in his house and kept my distance. I wish it could have been outside his house could have ended up like an issue Professor "V" had with  a Philipinno master befriended with me, Ramy Presas who had challenged the Professor already known throughout the Philipinno community. "V" declined the challenged.
  Torres claimed to advertise Bukti Negara under Professor "V" system is for certain the worse of insult to us in the de Thouars family, and most certain never under any condition under the small circle jujitsu and other Philippino and Chinese arts  Be in my shoes, and see how you could relate to take any acceptance for the lies Roberto Torres try to predict to fill his wallet off the name of Paul de Thouars. See how anyone would be in a reactive stage to be responsive as I am now!
  Roberto Torres, the fat croquette for a professor was always cunning and prideful on false advertising.  I just feel sorry for the ones who are his followers for being misled in silat and kun tao.
   Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.


  1. Loke in the mirrow...... FAKE,!!!!

  2. Heej dukun kinderkontjesneuker geile willempie de 2 scheitgaten, alles kits?
