I am here to set my record straight of the thumb s****** stories
told by students of the Reeders system that Arthur Sikes was making
claims that Willem Reeders taught de Thouars brothers our martial
systems. Was totally false because we as bothers have our own lineage.
Arthur Sikes may have been older my age but he was born in America, and
taught kun tao in America of the later years. I was born in the Dutch
East Indies and trained to study Serak, old hand kun tao and the old
school sialt from 1946 on to the later years. Kun tao and silat was
never heard of then; before it became a household item anywhere else on
the planet. Respectfully I was never interested in the Liu Seong or
Reeders kun tao system since I had my own Hakka kun tao teachers.
Pioneers of kun tao in America were several others beside Willem Reeders
like lie gai Edgar van der Groen, sifu Otto van der
Groen, myself and a few others requesting me not to mention their
names. These folks are the nearest to me as friends likewise the van der Groens.
Also with respect was never close to Willem Reeders although had known
him from the Dutch East Indies. Our families knew each other outside
the b*******.
It was upsetting to me after I read Chris derbaum book on the
subject of kun tao was just half interestingly good. As he wrote that
Willem Reeders was teaching Serak before any of the de Thouars brothers
--named me on the bottom of the list. Sorry man in diapers your history
on the subject need a refresher course. . Reeders may had taught some
technical values but was never teaching any of the curriculum or the
platform of jurus and langkas as we in the de Thouars. Reeders was a
training partner of Ventje de Vries who shared Serak for kun tao. NOT
ALL KUN TAO SYSTEMS are THE SAME IN WHAT Chris derbaum like to practice,
and not all kun tao has the same forms. I respect what the followers of
Willem Reeders are doing with their kun tao but I remain to stay my own
kun tao in practice and in training. Why we need to stay apart and can
never be friends. I already had to experience some of the followers of
Willem Reeders and is not what I wish to be around them --they are very
abusive with their kun tao slapping were not slapping me around. I will
counter them immediately to play their own game. Chris derbaum through
my viewing found his seminar in France a total fiasco. I like to give
credit to the female that slapped Chris back as he did to all who were
present at the seminar. He was suckering and slapping the willing to
learn students with brute force. Those brutalized stupid slapping
considered by some as kilap blows, I know some refined ones that does
more internally damage. Chris in my backroom will go home limping with
his kun tao slapping. He is not totally in law enforcement for a prison
guard. That youngster has a lot to learn about old hand kun tao. I
consider him a self serving egotistical maniac. Johnny Vomito come to
see me again, I will share my kilap slapping with him and on him. I hate
abusers liking to sucker in people to be on the receiving end the least
expecting to be slap around. Training become b******* training. Bad for
the real kun tao without the ma bu stances. I want you to hate me for
my opinion in writing, and also more power to you. I write because I am
forced to write by defending the de Thouars.
Willem de Thouars, the magus of Denver.
Good article, the little of what I have attained in old hand is just a tip of the internal iceberg. The refined aspects Uncle mentions takes years to master if ever attained, the external applications don't happen by overexerting uncontrolled force onto a fellow student, only on an attacker, the internal destruction is the true old hand; from a touch light as a feather or with some visual force. Thus the skill of point striking or the actual internal exchange of defensive intention of chi.
ReplyDeleteJammer he dat jij niet kan tippen aan Walter of paatje flohr.! George