While sitting here in Florida, with my Serak Son I want to make a public statement that the only representative in florida of the de Thouars that is allowed to teach the Pentjak Silat Serak from the de Thouars family is Santiago Dobles my Serak Son. He really is by far one of the most detailed practitioner in the art, he understands the concepts, principles, and the essences of Serak and knows the art as a dictionary. He knows how My brother Paul, Maurice and my self Willem de Thouars know the art and how it is to be practiced as a de Thouars not an outsider. I shared with Santiago Dobles the system of Uncle John that related directly to Maurice & Uncle Paul and I showed him the Serak Bandung, Bogor, and Garut and to the specifics of the art that has a direct lineage to Pak Serak the founder and creator from cheribon. I have seen all the Serak students especially the ones from Paul & Victor but non are as comprehensive and understanding the details of serak and the actual practices of the Serak of de thouars. By looking at Roberto Torres in Florida and the sheep that mislead himself and his followers Walter Van den Broeke are nothing more than worthless sheep herder one from holland and one from puerto Rico uninformed of what the de Thouars actually do. And they fell for the myth that Dolf knew anything. Unfortunately Dolf also a blind king of Serak misleading others and himself. I attest to these statements and I am the oldest and the last leading exponent of the Serak lineage Willem de Thouars.
Next comes to mind. 2 bad sheep herders of the midwest Steve Gartin & Chas Clements two of the worst con artists i have ever had to deal with. Had for many years taken advantage of the de Thouars family. For years they where selling far distance learning programs, tapes of my learning systems where I am teaching and my solid practitioners also teaching. And Mr Gartin & Clemens used my name and my top practitioners names to make money and to make sales of tapes. But these are bad business practices. They also where making claims that they where not making any money$$$$$$? But why then are they selling all those tapes & information and selling certificates? They have always been full of lies. These 2 con men Gartin the master provoker and chas clements the wholesale follower martially speaking Steve Gartin and Chas always had managed to deceive many people and themselves and all who studied under them, Chas is a practitioner of Sitting down in a chair Silat and getting fat. Steve Gartin a promoter of himself mimic of others and stealing mannerisms of others. He is a worthless practitioner and an empty shell. He can not explain thing with out sounding like a moron.
Every thing Steve Gartin is claiming is always my disclaimer. for Every word he is saying are all based on lies and equals an empty frog jumping out of his mouth. In many ways he has criticized me and my art based on the assumption that my art all is based on the principles that it came from a one punch. He was following the lead by hallucination of rodney fernandez the very 1st part time student of mine that only trained a few weeks with me. Steve gave himself excuses was following the lead of Rodney in the false claims. Because both men have no idea nor are able to finish training my system and my training methodology. That is why they are dismissed and forbidden to train with me becuase of incompetency. Further more their only success was in fighting point sparring karate tournaments which is NOT Street Combat. They would not survive the truth of combat. I am not shying away from any physical conflict if they come to my home back room. Even in my 80s I will kick their ass. My back room is wide open for their defeat.
My Serak Son will be taping your defeat in my back room.
Steve Gartin always wanted to fight law enforcement but he knew that the Police do not want to fight every one they have laws and restrictions that allow even the worst criminals to be protected by the law. He takes no responsibility for his own actions and is incapable of being a man who takes action and responsibility for his own actions. He hides behind the laws that protect him However he evaded taxes and ended up in jail. The problem is he tried to get me involved that agents of the FBI and Police detectives came to see me 5 times for Steve Gartins stupid actions and his negligence of being a real law abiding citizen. The greatest stupidity of the man in question is that gartin made statements that he never was going to be captured alive. The end result is that he keep forgetting that the arm of the law has unlimited resources and when he was arrested he was a willing humbled sheep cowering at his inability to do anything. What kind of man is this wolf in sheep's clothing? Willing to exploit my name & family name?
My biggest beef with him is that he became suddenly the great successful student from a man i sponsored from Indonesia Bill Chang. This character was indeed a skilled martial artist but with the greatest disappointment for me that he was not a Kuntao man simply a Karate man. In some ways could con people like gartin and clemens do to deceive people.
There where several of my American friends that never did martial arts but could easily kick Bill Changs ass. But I stopped it from happening so he would not get hurt. Because one of my acquaintances was pushing bill chang around like a rag doll in his hotel room as if he was a little child.
Unfortunately some tragic events came to the path of Bill Chang in Indonesia ending his life. It was most unfortunate but not my fault. Steve Gartin immediately claimed Bill Chang's art and criticized me. And was always claiming Bill Chang over me i am not jealous i trained better people then Gartin. But GHartin did this to seem important when in reality if Bill Chang is so Good? Why is Gartin using my name and my material ???? Why is there no Billchang.com? Or Billchang DVD long distance course??? Why is it that Garin uses my name my art, my family to make his money$$$? So where is Bill Chang???
And now he claimed my website created by an x student of mine Roger was taken away by God. Through tragic circumstances. He created for me my home page that Gartin stole and controls.
It was my homepage designed for me that gartin stole so he and clemens could make business and make money off of me with their bad business decisions. Every tape made by Gartin could have been done better in the hands of 10 year old children. People are better of getting my tapes from Don Miller and mastodon productions. And they can get in contact with me directly through Santiago Dobles. Gartin and Clemens have hundreds of my tapes and where fooled by me for many years. They both had in common of underestimating my intelligence. That i have a far more broader experience when it comes to strategy and foreign countries. All they know is the American way. And they do things badly as a bad white american con man. The truth is they do not have my complete system nor my knowledge just outer shells. There are many Great white americans who are my students and I love them. They are real professionals however Gartin and Clemens are bad seeds in the human race and con men like the one who claims to be the grandmaster professor Roberto Torres another con man and multi level marketing wanna be guru who never studied for real with me and never trained with Maurice and made false claims to have trained with Dolf Truth is he like gartin are masters of tapes and masters of the VHS machine. They are skilled in Pause, Play , rewind fast forward and slow motion and lastly COPY...... so why study with a bad copy of a copy?
I would strongly suggest for these con men Gartin, clemens Torres to respect the de thouars name. They have nothing to do with my silat, my kuntao , my serak, nor my family. Roberto Torres has just a few hours of study under me. He was too lazy and to stubborn to learn form me cause he was and is a "know it all" . He is just a professor of being a fat pig. And pigs can not fly. The reason i criticize sharply all these people is because of their exploitation of my family , family arts and our name. They follow the path of the colonizers like the clown walter vanden broeke who looks like a practitioner in diapers my 5 year old grand nephew looks better when he is mad and moving, Walter looks like a used old prostitute from the zeedijk in amsterdam. Would be fruitless to compare him with prostitute from amsterdam , those girls are attractive while walter looks like a sunken frog helpless in water drowning by its own movements. Walter your students and you look like a circus of call girls.
I will be soon in Holland with Santiago Dobles and several other well trained Serak practitioners and I will educate the people in Holland with how serak really looks. And not the made up kenpo karate that you all claim as serak. Your Serak in holland looks like Kontjak kontol. Like Your uncle Jelle who you call a pendekar but he is a pendejo by us and a Kontjo kontol. What does he know of serak when he never trained? Dolf never trained. My reason to never like the devries family cause they where always against us. Paul never needed Dolf. Dolf can not compare to our family. Only in the gossip mouth silat, the devries brothers according to some wanted to learn from Paul. Dolf also went to learn from maurice. So who is superior? The de Thouars. When i come to holland I will educate and kick Jelles ass. That is a promise. Gus Van Hamm your serak looks stiff any shitty, Your pantjars and sliwas and langkahs are lacking. IN closing Jelle watch out when i am in holland I am going to shove your pendekar certificate up your ass. You can never be a pendekar in Serak. You are only the grandmaster of your own asswhiping when you shit.
The reason I am like this because all these clowns have made me to be aggression and determined to defend my family name. Remeber you can not teach a de Thouars Serak. We teach you and we show you your defeat. If Jelle is so good why doesn't walter use Jelles name for his bukti negara PDT??? Why ride the coatails of my brother Paul? Instead why is there no DOLF website or Dolf learning program???? or Jelle program?? Because it a bad sandwich with rotten Jelly. Walter needs my family name to make $$$$$$.
He smooth talked his way ion with Paul to get wall paper certificated. Many have boxes full of Paul diplomas. Paul himself admitted walter was not good.
What is so stupid of all these assholes is that they are thinking that we as brothers never talked or communicated or maintained relations. We have always been in communication even when the outside thought differently. A de Thouars is a de Thouars. How stupid the devries and the rest ythinking they have the real thing. No one looks like Paul, Maurice or myself excpet the well trained students. In my group many have the real way. In my older students Phil Sailas, Ted Garcia to name a few. and there are new generation players of my Kuntao & My serak that carry the torch. The True torch of serak & kuntao. Non of Walters students with their dancing choreography drawing lines on sand and puffed jelly fish ego can compare. We dont sell certificates you earn it and we don't sell fancy uniforms fancy bullshit rings or drink the piss of a teacher and sell rings and sarongs.
Walters manuals are nothing more than toilet paper and material from paatje Flohr . Walter added that material to fill in the gaps from what he never learned from my brother Paul. Paul took to his grave the true art of Bukti & Serak because they where to stupid to learn and follow instructions correctly. Walter moves nothing like Paul and will never . Too stiff, arrogant, blind and too lacking in the true internal understanding of Serak.
By ending, I have never seen a bunch of worse claimers and deceivers in the serak world we live in. All the Bukti negara folks are wackos they always go on line and talk adat but they have zero adat towards the de Thouars. They steal from Paul and use improperly the ionformation and hide behind his name. They only used paul for their gain. Victor designed the blue print for Bukti Negara. We de Thouars know wgat we are doing. You are too stupid to understand Maurice, Paul, myself & Victor. Now I teach the true and old real Serak.
Walter if you want the secrets go in front of a mirror place you palm forward and drop all fingers except the middle one and look closely at it and understand you are an asshole and then bend over and insert that finer in to your rear in a low Kuda. That way you will walk like someone who has a hernia and a hemorrhoid issue. Every thing i wrote you all deserve to get for your use of de thouars name and family and martial practices. You are a devastated failure. Who all look like shit. Torres you should stick to walking and loosing weight. We have seen your poor tapes. what flavor of month do you imitate now? Bruce Jucnik? Paul de Thouars? and now you take pauls material to teach visitacion kuntao? Give me a break you are a disgrace and a fake cone man. Professor of gaining weight. Crouching Cerdo cochinito hidden jelly guanajo.
The more you use Serak and de thouars the more i will write about you and how bad you suck.
I am the real Serak it is in my veins.
Farewell folks. the Magus of Denver the oldest alive in Serak & Kuntao - Grand Puba Willem de Thouars.